Saturday, April 24, 2010

An Impasse

Okay so listen. I know I say this every single time, but this really was the hardest post for me to write. Right now my brain is so overly stimulated with real life things that it literally blew yesterday over the Twilight/R/K/J/Oprah stuff. Legitimately. I was in a meeting at 7am without my cell phone, which by the way is GROSS don’t EVER do that, and when I got out I had a text message from a buddy that said ‘R&K will be on Oprah on Rob’s birthday!!!!’ and I ACTUALLY had to stop dead in my tracks. I will touch more on this Oprah thing when it comes closer to the date, but I was extremely tickled by this news.

Then I finally got back to my computer and the eagle had landed. The trailer, then the cut outs, and it was just TOO MUCH for my miniscule brain to handle. I wanted to write about it yesterday, but I didn’t want to make any rash decisions. I needed time to stew.

I want to tell you something about myself. Growing up I used to sweat the small stuff and freak out if things weren’t going the way I wanted them to. My mother would constantly tell me, “CC, you’re entirely too wrapped up in things that are utterly nonsensical. Allow me to let you in on a little secret—in life you must choose your battles. The less you choose the more you’ll win.”

Listen, I’m no profound human being by any stretch of the imagination, but I suppose it’s an important thing to keep in mind. My sister and brothers all make me call my dad when ‘we’ have something to say. Why? Because he listens to me. My sister can be an emotional train wreck at times, and my brothers are merely children. When the time comes that I do go after my father for something, I win because I choose wisely.

The difference between real life and Twilight is that Summit could give two shits what we have to say. To counter that, I could give two shits that they don’t care. Some people keep saying ‘don’t complain because they don’t care.’ First of all, I'm not complaining, I'm criticizing. Second of all, do I still live in the United States of America and possess the freedom of speech? Yes. Do I have the right to mock a movie that makes it entirely too easy? Yes. Am I hatefully bashing real life people’s characters (as in the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person) in doing so? Absolutely not. [Not today at least. HAH!]

Back to Summit’s indifference/disdain for the fans… I was thinking… is this partially why Summit and I are fighting? I can’t remember truthfully. I believe we were fighting, then we made up, and then we were fighting again. But now? Now I don’t know if we’re fighting or not. The goal of this post is the determine that.

Now for the main event… the piece de resistance: THE ECLIPSE TRAILOR!

I want to make something so entirely clear that you will never ever question it: I. FLIPPING. LOVED. IT. Sincerely. I really really liked it.

I know! You’re probably shocked because I shit all over New Moon and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I did NOT like New Moon. New Moon > Twilight, but I still liked Twilight more. Confused? Go here. I’m not going to lie, I thought it was so much better than the first snippet. I'm sorry if you were hoping for a hateful bashfest.

Let’s start from the top, shall we?

'Ew gross. Jacob you like... smell.'

Edward Cullen is one of the first things we see. Thank baby Jesus, because I need me some Edward Cullen. I also love that he is bitchfacing Jacob Black. Please Jacob, Edward eats animals like you for breakfast... literally. You can't out-bitchface someone who LITERALLY doesn't have a heart (Unless you are KStew because gf has a fierce bitchface).

Tight. Pants.

A lot of people are less than fond of his attire from this soon to be poster cutout. I addressed this jacket already here. This is where I say choose your battles wisely. Do you know why? Because Stephanie Meyer’s description of Edward is horrendous.

He was removing a light beige leather jacket now; underneath he wore an ivory turtleneck sweater.”

Could you freaking imagine?! COULD YOU!? I picture her Edward to be wearing a suit jacket that is made of beige leather. Then I imagine a tight ivory turtleneck underneath. Then I imagine throwing up. If EclipseEdward has to wear a jacket that isn’t entirely the most fashionable thing in the world I will gladly take it. There could be FAR worse things that he could be wearing… like what SM suggested!

The other thing I want to point out is that Edward is #JawPornTASTIC. Every shot is so delicious that I cannot even handle it! I want to run my finger down his face like woah.

In my opinion this is the best Edward we have ever seen. Robert Pattinson doesn’t look like an old man like he did in NM. That’s a step up. In every other still he is wearing a cotton shirt. That’s good news. He is normal. Finally.

'Jacob you little prick. You really are going to make me kiss you, aren't you?'

Now for KStew. I think she looks absolutely beautiful... from what we saw of her. She was virtually invisible in this trailer. Instead they were 'informing' her of what was going on.

Dear Summit,
More KStew next time, mkay?

I love the shots of her with the hood up... she looks cute. A lot of people are saying her wig is busted. I disagree. I think this trailer did a pretty good job of showing that perhaps it isn’t such a travesty. You want to see busted?

'tee-hee-hee! it looks like this was painted on my forehead!'

THAT is busted.

It’s a wig. In some shots it looks fine, while in others we could debate if it’s another character in the movie. Personally I don’t mind it that much any more. They did what they could. We already know Summit is a bunch of cheap assholes.

What I loved was this:

Airbrush much?

Let's set aside that she looks like plastic to realize that she's flipping gorgeous. I had someone ask me if I thought that little Hollister seagull it was intentional. Please. I love how her shirt just HAPPENS to rise above the emblem on her pants. Listen. That is about as unintentional as this:

wow Jacob, what a curious burger in your hand.

Bella Swan wearing Hollister makes her relatable. Come on guys! Bella Swan is just like you! She goes to school! She dates a vampire who is so hot I want to cry! She has a werewolf as a best friend! She is

Now we’re going to get into the meat and potatoes of this trailer. The first thing I want to say is that a lot of people are hating on the hue. CW had his gentle golden hue. Well, Eclipse is dark. A bagillion ravenous vampires wanna gut Bella Swan from ear to ear and nose to navel. Enter dark tint. Let me give you my take on this entire thing, and then you can give me yours. NM had the golden hue because it was trying to go gentle on us. If they took Edward out of the movie and still kept it the bluish gray we would’ve all committed suicide. That’s too depressing. So take our main character away, put in someone who won’t convince us, but do it with a golden hue so that we all at feel just a LITTLE better about the situation at hand.

Gotham City Seattle

Well Eclipse isn’t Sunday brunch at your grandma’s. It’s just not. If you liked NM more you’ll hate the dark. If you liked Twilight more you’ll like it. It’s just a matter of preference. I like it. David Slade is dark. I like dark. People are afraid of change. I am not.

Now. This is where I choose my battle. This is really my only real complaint about the trailer. The entire premise of that too-short trailer was the newborns. You would literally think that Riley is just as important as Edward, Bella or Jacob. Ridiculous. Listen closely: I would love to look at Xavier Samuel all day long. That boy is scru-diddly-umptious. I like that we’ll get a little history on him, but Riley is not the only thing Eclipse is about.

3 Words: Wet. Xavier. Samuel.

I believe they did this for a number of reasons. The first is to perhaps persuade the male demographic that they won’t want to shoot themselves in the face when they get dragged to see the movie. Well, too late Summit, you already ‘leaked’ those meadow scenes. They will kill themselves regardless. #FAIL.

Secondly, some are saying that it’s because they literally have no footage because Summit hates Slade. That’s definitely plausible. I don’t know anything about this because I am a normal human being that reads the same gossip you do. I can’t touch this one without sounding entirely too ignorant.

The other plausible reason was to attract people who have yet to see the first two. Why you would go to see movie 3 without having seen movies 1 & 2 is beyond me. This isn’t Harry Potter. It’s Twilight. It carries a certain stigma with it that the Potter movies don’t have to deal with. The percentage of people that will watch the trailer and go, “you know what? They aren’t frolicking like assholes through a meadow. LET’S SEE THAT!” will be small.


Cater to your audience Summit. People want E/B. They want a #leghitch! I understand the newborns are really cool (because they ARE!), but show a little happiness in all that devastation, I mean seriously! Allow me to expand just a little more. The first trailer was cheesetastic. The second trailer made it seem like the first one didn't belong to the same movie. I love Riley. I love the backstory, but include just a LITTLE bit of other stuff. A little. Obviously the E/B stuff will be there. We’ve seen the stills. We also know that Kristen and Rob wouldn’t let Twilight fans down... but come on! It seemed scatterbrained and frenetic. For me it was just dumb and confusing. Whatever. There is still time.... right?

Now. Let’s get to that ring, shall we? This was killed yesterday in a very big way. I will not spend much time on this because those with eyes know it’s fug. SM describes the ring as, “The face was a long oval, set with slanting rows of glittering round stones. The band was gold — delicate and narrow. The gold made a fragile web around the diamonds. I’d never seen anything like it.”

'Hm. Well considering it's an antique let's just leave it in the box...'

Yes well I’ve never quite seen anything as ugly as this.

Not only is it just ugly but it’s far too big. At least make it a little smaller because now it just looks like costume jewlery and not a wedding band.

As some have pointed out, Carlisle Cullen took the number one spot on Forbes 15 richest fictional characters! $34.1 billion! That’s no Bill Gates, but that’s some Oprah shit for sure. You are that wealthy and you give her that thing! Oh Edward, not even a blue box? You’re so lucky she said yes before you showed her that. And Bella? God bless you.

BUT, and here’s the big but, I don’t choose this battle. Do you know why? Two reasons.


1. Do you see the look in Edward's eyes? I would take the fucking ring too! To those that are married I ask you: Does your husband look at you like that? If you tell me yes I tell you you're lying. My GOD the look in those eyes. It's worth it.

2. This is where you cut your loses because Stephanie Meyer also suggested that Bella Swan wear long khaki skirts. I’d rather see Edward in a turtleneck than Bella Swan in a khaki skirt. So you know what? Fine. Give her the power to keep the ring close to the book because at least she isn’t dressing Kristen Stewart like an asshole. Truth be told, if this is the biggest point of contention you have with the trailer then I’d say they are doing alright.

Now to Jasper:


This poor kid. They will never get it right, will they?

Now I want to talk about the fight. Let’s be serious, the fight looks gnarly. Someone was the clear-cut winner of that whole scene. Alice. That was some Matrix shit and I flipping loved it! I think they gave her this...

'Ah I'm falling in a really weird direction!' make up for when she jumped over the banister at school in New Moon for literally no reason under the sun, which was so ridiculous. And we won't even address the outfit.

Back to the action. I loved it. I also loved watching Victoria run and cross paths with whoever that was in the trees. What I didn’t really love was this clusterfuck:

'You stop pushing!' 'No YOU stop pushing!' 'Ah! Wolves!'

Perhaps I envisioned it differently but that looks like a mosh pit… not a terrible death.

I also liked Edward pushing over the tree because for once he wasn’t being a pansy bitch. You bet your ass you don’t want Bella to die. You better go and push that freaking tree over. Unfortunately for him Bella concludes he can’t handle it and tries to become a sacrificial lamb or the 239482048 wife (or whatever it was), but regardless, at least he’s putting out the effort in the movie. And you get to see some of his yummy tummy.

Hello, side V

It is time for the real issue though. The thing I lost sleep over. The one detail I didn’t hear any one talking about. Did anyone see that flipping party going on behind Alice?!?!?!?!?

'We didn't invite CC.'

'Tell me you're kidding. She is going to be so pissed.'

'Sorry Bella but I hear she pees on plants and I can't have that.'

I want to be invited to THAT! If you look behind Carlisle’s head there are pink sparkly lights, and when Alice and Bella are talking the balloons almost look illuminated. I want to be at that party. Fuck the wolves, did you SEE that set up! Just another reason I hate Jacob. He crashes the party of the century! It looks bitchin’ so I’ll be kind of pissed if they don’t rage. (Urban dictionary definition of rage: to party very hard or get wasted.) I bet if they DID actually party at their party, Edward would totes take Bella’s v-card. After that what’s the point of getting married? Then Renesmee who? I think I may have just solved the puzzle.

Overall I really liked the trailer. Sure there were issues. Sure it looks like a movie called Riley and the Newborns. But I think this is one BIG step up from the first one, and we all know I have no qualms about shitting all over Twilight. But I think for now... in true E/B virtue nonsense...

Summit and I are at an impasse.

So long as they keep putting our girl KStew in there to kick ass and make the movie bearable, I’ll see it (perhaps more than twice like NM).

'You're telling me I get preggers right away? Why isn't your sperm dead?!'

Because she’s still going to kick ass as Bella Swan in the much anticipated Eclipse, KStew is better than you. (Especially you, Summit.)

[A/N: Well, what did you guys think of the trailer? It’s okay to disagree with me, just please don’t be psychotic about it. Yesterday was awesome. I wish trailers would come out every day. My inbox blew up. To be quite honest I think you guys are at your funniest when you are judging Twilight. I laughed so hard I cried. I love it. I love you. Have I told you that lately? THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME LAUGH.]

All the amazing caps are from Robert Pattinson Life.


  1. I really liked the trailer. I don't understand why people didn't like it.

  2. Alice was awesome.
    Jacob was a tool.
    The ring is so fucking ugly but like you say, who the fuck cares when the guy who's giving to you looks like that!!!
    But I liked it ALOT.
    Not showing the leg hitch makes me want to see the film even more!!
    Another awesome post, thank you.

  3. Great breakdown CC yes the ring is fugly and Jaspers wig is weird plus daddy Cullen looks more like Chip Hazard but Eclipse brings us Breaking Dawn and that is Edward and Bella, so I will stomach the over used newborns and the lack or romance in the hope we get swamped with it for BD.

  4. ^^ it's perfect in its imperfections. BD will be full of cheesy goodness.

  5. i said it yesterday & i'll say it again, that ring is the ugliest thing i've ever seen...but he could give me the ring out of a cracker jack box and i would not say NO.

  6. I have never laughed so hard in my life! You rock and you were spot on! I am now addicted to your blog. HILARIOUS.

  7. i will admit that my love for the twi movies comes from my love for cheesetastic B films that are there to entertain and should not be such srs bsns. i can laugh at myself for enjoying them the way i do, so the eclipse trailer? c'mon! gold. really. while i was dumbfounded by the poor editing together of a "story" in the trailer that isn't really the story from the book, i was beyond giddy to see Edward bitchface the puppy (who incidentally has the most god awful dialog in this trailer... and his delivery of said lines? brb, buying tix to that awesome lol-coaster) and for once sparkleking didn't come across like a tool. i really think edward is going to *gasp* ~dazzle~ me this time around.. thus nullifying my theory that i was immune to such nonsense. cept for the jawporn, always a hooker for the jawporn.

    my only wish was for MOAR BELLA goddammit. its supposed to be her story but she's barely a supporting character in this trailer. what is that fuckery? xavier samuels you are a hot ass mofo but Kstew's awesomeness was shunned in favor of said hotness and that is straight up wrong. hell, i would have taken some tent action instead of so much of the zombie hoard.

    you didn't say anything about the cullen noticeably absent from the trailer? *snicker* (and no, i'm not talkin hot momma cullen lol)
    sorry was that bad?

    btw you so aren't wrong about the clothing. srsly? i think ppl forget about the horrid excuse for clothing in the books. please, i'd rather see them wear dear pelts from Edwardo's kills. (oh, tarzanward?)

    fantastic post bb! happy weekending!

  8. That ring is ugly. I can't believe off all the rings,they choose THAT thing. @CalliopeBlabs showed us yesterday plenty of rings that matches SM description. They could have done better.

    Other than that, and the fact that there were way to much newborns, I loved the trailer.

    Also, everytime Jacob appears on the screen, I want to punch it. I can't believe how involved he is in Eclipse and BD. I guess I'll have to compromise!

    Finally, Kristen/Bella always makes the movies much much better. AND she's paired with Robert/Edward!

  9. The trailer is good. Irealy liked it. But your blog is fantastic. I come here since January and enjoy it very much. Thank you for making my day better.

  10. I loved the trailer.
    That ring is fugly.
    I want Edward Cullen.
    I cannot tell you the number of times I literally laughed out loud whilst reading this.
    You are fantastic.

  11. Once again, another great post. I think everyone is in agreement...that ring is butt fugly. The trailer was good, but so was New Moon's trailer(s), and I did't enjoy New Moon as much as Twilight. Perhaps we were over exposed with New Moon trailers.

    Speaking of Scummit, I'm still pissed at them for competing RM's London premiere with TRA's NY premiere. They don't give 2 shites about Kristen. When she's done with them, so will I. Thanks for letting me rant.

  12. Love your post CC! I actually like the trailer. It's good that they showed action part of the movie because I think it's not the final trailer. I just hope the final trailer has more E/B. Paige

  13. I loved the trailer but did anyone notice Carlisles accent??? That was lol worthy.

  14. I totally broke this trailer down on my blog and it went a lot like this too! I loved it but I was seriously disapointed in the lack of Bella & Bella/Edward love. And the ring - oh my Jesus. It looks like something my mother would have given me when I was 4yrs old to pair with my princess costume. In other words, a ring of so little value if I lost it outside she wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
    But yes - the overall creepiness of this trailer, the dark and the gloom and that super shiver inducing shot of the newborns coming out of the water left me SO excited. The shot, the music, the Slade-ness. It made it.

  15. "Listen, I’m no profound human being by any stretch of the imagination, but I suppose it’s an important thing to keep in mind"
    FALSE, CC! You are pretty fucking profound in the realm of making me laugh my pants off.
    Gracias, amiga.

  16. so much FUNNY!!!!!:D
    yeah, we all know SM got no taste. *sigh. sometimes it's too much to take in that the twilight series is the phenom that it is. thankgod for fanfiction!!;)

  17. LMFAO!!! i'm asking the same question too...why the hell Edward sperms still active when he is obviously dead????

  18. CC, you're made of all kinds of Kstew awesomeness! Fucking brill!
    I lurved the trailer, I mean LURVED it! It was the least cheesy movie trailer of the saga yet. I think Slade'll be a blessing to the Saga.

    You know, I'm one of those people who've been complaining 'bout Edward's duds -(pun intended). But I think you've put it into perspective for me --They could have done a whole lot worse (SM's vision).. turtle neck? Really? And I don't want to even fathom what it'd be like with Kstew's hottness covered in a nasty ass khaki skirt... Did I miss something? -Is Bella supposed to be Amish?!

    I am o'er the friggin' moon 'bout this trailer. I squeeed like a silly little fangirl... and I don't squee.
    I loved the fact that the trailer was chock-full of bloody battle goodness.. newborns, and the wolves (btw looked better; less cartoonish than NM). I don't mind that we didn't get any real romance besides Edward giving her that old lady ring. I'd rather have the romance saved for the actual movie.. bring on the mothereffin' leg hitch bb!

  19. Liked the trailer. Much rather wait to see the best parts of the story on the big screen.
    CC rockin it again…

    TRUTH #1: Summit cater to your audience...why won’t they just fuckin’ listen to you?

    TRUTH #2: The ring/THE LOOK…I agree… no battle here!

    Who gives two shits about the ring?? If your man looks at you like THAT, you don’t need a GD ring! So this is my ??? How the hell does he do that? Seriously, he could hold freakin’ seminars or some shit to teach men how to do that, and make waaay more money then this acting gig. It could totally change the whole ceremonious tradition of getting engaged. Hell he could even patent it! In 50 years people wouldn’t get engaged they’d get pattisoned. If every man in the world spends 3 months salary on a ring…isn’t that what the commercial use to say? x how many men on earth? = well whatever it’s a boat load of cha-ching.

    Ahhh, but there is one error in this plan (LOL...only one??). Not many women can be worthy of such a response. Dare I say, not many women can elicit such a response. Which of course brings us back to Miss Stew. Because she is worthy and does elicit, she remains better than me and I adore her for it all.

    <3 CC…thanks for the space to laugh and enjoy!

  20. Oh how I love you :D
    You totally brightened up my morning!
    I think Dakota can rival Edward with her fierceness...but she obvs learnt from the best!

    Keep the awesomeness coming girl!

  21. cc another epic post..i too love the trailer but it needed more bella, bella/edward scenes. i do think it was all over the place but overall it wasnt as bad as the RING :) so for that im thankful

  22. Thanks for this, CC; wonderful as always. You make an excellent point about not choosing to fault Summit quite as much as we normally would since there are much worse alternatives that we thankfully don't have to suffer through. I loved the trailer, too, and I think Slade seems to be perfect for this one. I love how dark it is since it just fits perfectly. I agree the ring is hideously gross, but yeah, like you said, if Edward "Jawporn/Fingers" Cullen was offering it to me I would be ecstatic to accept it despite all its epic fugliness! Because an eternity with HIM is easily worth even the ugliest taste in jewelry! ;) Shit, one night with him is worth it!
    Anyway, I actually like the soon-to-be cutouts and think both Edward and Bella look better than ever. Too bad Jasper can't get any love from Summit. And Carlisle... I'm going to reserve judgement til I see the whole movie, but so far not so good. Like others have mentioned I love how the trailer didn't reveal too much of the love story stuff. I wanted it and more Bella, too, but it just means there will be more of the movie that we haven't seen, so the anticipation will be greater. Like how New Moon trailers basically ruined the intrigue of the movie, this did not do that in the same way; much better move, imo. :)
    Can't wait!!! :) Love you always, CC!!

  23. Wonderful as always CC. I have been trying to collect my thoughts on the trailer, but mostly I keep focusing on the snow scenes. I freaking love the snow in general, so I think these scenes are great. I was mad that there wasn't more snow in Twilight, just in the flashback post bite. So I am really really excited for some Eclipse storm, minus the space heater of course. Sigh, I miss Winter...

    Oh the ring! I guess I like it because it seems true to what SM wrote for the book. Let's face it some things you just can't transfer from book to movie so whatever, something else for the fandom to be split over. Totes laughing over your 'blue box' comment. Would Bella Swan really be a Tiffany's girl???

    Still searching for a salty recipe for you. Soon I hope!

  24. A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!!!!

  25. Hi, CC!
    Ok, Things I loved:**
    Reference to JawPorn. Reference to the Yummy Tummy. The fact that BitchfaceWard may or may not have said: " like...Smell". Also, The Mosh Pit Rumble before having Wolfie eat off newborns' faces. The gorgeousness that is Kristen Stewart.
    Things to which I reacted by facepalming:**
    Carlisle's accent (seriously, what WAS that?) The scenes of busted wiggedness. Any dialogue from Jacob's mouth.

    Things to which I said "Oh HELL to the NAH":**
    The fug ring.
    The glaring absence of the anchor of the whole movie: Bella Swan (via the aforementioned gorgeousness that is Stewie)
    The fug ring.

    Thinking about the mosh pit rumble again.. Maybe, just maybe the newborn vamp kids were moshing in the meadow because they had seen the digs Alice can throw...did they BRING their glow sticks and Ecstacy? No. That's why they WEREN'T invited to the party. Now, Kstew? Yeah, she is her OWN glow stick and Her ecstacy is in the fact that her man looks at her the way Edward gazes at Bella during the proposal. Yet another reason why KStew is better than us.
    In conclusion:
    I liked the trailer too. I liked how they decided to NOT give away the entire movie's plot in trailers as they did for NM.
    As usual, my girl, CC. Lovely, hysterical, perfect post.

  26. best captions EVER!!!!!lmfao!!!!!:D

  27. In this trailer Seattle really looks like Gotham City lol
    I agree with you that the two trailers don’t seem like they belong to the same movie.

    What I liked in the trailer:
    - I like the hue. I love dark things… like movies, songs, etc. and I think this hue fits Eclipse.
    - I love Edward.
    - Matrix Alice was awesome lol.
    - Even if that was just a glimpse, we could see a bit of the scene where Edward gives Bella the wedding ring, that was cool.

    What I didn’t like:
    - The trailer is too short, especially for a final trailer.
    - I wanted to see at least a bit more of Bella. We almost don’t see her. She’s the goddamn main character of the Saga… It looks like only KStew fans realize that, everybody else forgets this little detail.
    - Xavier is very handsome, and it will be great to look at him all day long… in another movie lol, here in Eclipse I don’t give a shit about Riley’s history, it pisses me off that they are wasting some precious minutes showing something that is not in the book, when I’m sure there are some important or cool things in the book that won’t make it to the movie because there’s not enough time.
    - I think I’m the only one who thinks this… anyway, I didn’t like that scene showing the newborns emerging from the water.
    - I would like to have seen a bit of Jasper’s and Rosalie’s backstories.
    - That last fight scene that comes in the end of the trailer was a real clusterfuck… the other fight scenes were good.
    - The biggest problem for me was that the trailer basically only focus on the fight.

    I know David Slade is not a bad direct, but I’m not gonna lie, I think he’s a director for another kind of movie, not Twilight. I have many concerns… I even wrote them, but I had a last minute decision to not to put them here. I’m going to save them. I’m gonna wait till I see the movie, If it sucks I already have many things written down lol so I’ll put them here. I hope the movie surprises me in a good way, b/c my expectations are too low.
