Friday, August 13, 2010

Some On the Road... and Inflatable Vices

Happy Friday ladies!

BAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Babies are funny.

I have 6 things to say and then we will be on our merry ways.

1. Today my sister leaves for Africa for the better part of 5 weeks. We are in a pretty secluded area right now so getting her ready for this epic trip has been rather daunting on everyone in this house. One of the things she had to do was spray permethrin all over her clothes, which is bug spray. Although she is on malaria medication for the next three months, we would still prefer if she didn't die, so I suppose spraying all of her stuff was a step in the right direction. That being said, it sucked because it smelled like a horrid permanent marker. While my sister is in Africa going on safaris, visiting orphanages and going on archeological digs… I’ll be sitting on the beach sipping gin and juice. I just wanted to share my life’s inadequacies and underachieving with you. 


2. THIS WEEK, TOMSTU JOINED THE CAST OF ON THE ROAD. Holy.Shitballs. Could life get any better than that? NO. NO IT COULD NOT. I saw Pirate Radio aka The Boat That Rocked a while back because we were raised as big Philip Seymour Hoffman fans.  I wasn’t very aware of who TomStu was, but when I re-watched I was very pleased with his performance. He is actually really good!  

what a handsome boy

I had a friend who was able to go to the Gen Art Film Festival in NY and see his movie Waiting for Forever, and she said it was really, really cute.  I saw this in an article: 

That made me laugh my ass off. I didn’t know that. Anyhow, I am so unbelievably happy for Tom to have landed this role. I think he will do a phenomenal job in this movie, and I want to see him maybe-sort-of-almost wanna do Dean aka “connect with his soul”—or just creepin’ in bed with KStew and Garrett.  Congrats, Tom, this is truly going to be awesome. (and that was very nice of you KStew.) [Since writing this, it has been announced that Terrence Howard and Elisabeth Moss have joined the cast. This movie is fucking GOLDEN. This is one loaded cast. To be honest, I think I'm fangirling over Elisabeth more because Mad Men is BRILLIANT--and uh--do we have to talk about my sentiments on period clothing?]

3. THIS kid showed up on the set of On The Road yesterday. 

I wanna drink you like a tall glass

Oh my. OH MY. MFH is bringing the quiver like WOAH. It could be the low pants. It could be the haircut. It could be the can of coca-cola in his hand aka my drug of choice (TWINZ).  It could also be the fact that he is ROCKING THE SHIT out of a Beastie Boys shirt that says GET OFF MY DICK

I suppose I'd have to be ON it first.

Well now if that isn’t a message to some overzealous [psychotic] fans, I don’t know what is. But that’s not the point. The point is that he’s not just wearing it—he’s (dare I say) owning it. I can’t even. The Beastie Boys were everything to me in high school. I am sincerely at a loss here. Why are you writing this? This is a Kristen site. Well, I love Rob, so fall back... and I feel as if KStew was instrumental in his looking rather badass. You hang with Kristen? You wear kick ass shirts from 1987 and you look like you could fuck something up. Very nice choice. Once again, that was nice of you KStew!

4. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS POST. Pictures have finally surfaced of our beloved KStew in Marylou garb.  I'm nearly positive that KStew has never been any better than you then she is right now. LIKE SERIOUSLY.


HOLY.HOTNESS. Remember when I said I might actually die when we finally saw her? This isn’t even a full body shot and a defibrillator had to be used on me. I can now say [since I’m living] that I died ten deaths staring at this perfection. IS THIS MOVIE OUT YET?! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IS IT TIME!?

"Expecto Patronum!"

Let me tell you this: I need a shitton more than Rhonda to get through this movie without imploding.

5. Then this happened... 
Ain't nothing to see here. Just some Breaking Dawn pre-prod

Uhmmmm yeah... so there's THATI'm thinking this rivals France's shock and beats Italy. (<- it makes me laugh that you will understand that statement) There's not really anything else to say about this because... well.. for once the picture really does, finally, say it all.

6. It’s Friday. Friday constitutes a giveaway.  I love this one. No, I flove this one. I want this one all to myself. I want to hang it over my bed and stare at it and ponder all the days of my life. Anyhow, allow me to tell you the back-story to this week’s inspiration. I am currently on vacation. I’m not staying at some fancy hotel on some tropical island—although I am on an island—it’s just not in the tropics. Anyhow, we have a very secluded beach house (purchased by my now deceased grandparents 50 years ago) that we visit every summer for two weeks. My father’s only sibling, my aunt, comes down and her kids fly in as well. It’s lovely. 

not a bad view to wake up to every day.

This year none of our rafts for the pool would inflate. My father asked me to go and buy some at one of those beach stores and so I made P drive.

“I’m going to go check a bathing suit real quick,” He said walking away leaving me to this plethora of plastic. 

So I did what any sensible person would do… I took the already inflated ones down from the display and began frolicking all over them. TEST IT OUT PEOPLE, THAT WAY YOU KNOW IF IT SUCKS BEFORE YOU DROP SERIOUS BONE-AGE ON IT!

 I spotted a dolphin and a whale. 

They looked way fun. I knew my dad was referencing floating rafts… but like… come on… it’s a fucking whale! So I hop on top and begin bouncing, just to get a feel for whether or not a grown up can play on them. I get off of the whale and switch to the dolphin and do a bounce or two. Whale was defo better. I switch back and do a few more test bounces (how else do you suggest we make a wave pool people?). Then, realizing P isn’t back, I flop my head down on said orca in front of me and run my hands over the smooth plastic... it was so soft!!


Yes, to the untrained (any) eye, it looked as if I wanted to make love to the whale—or perhaps was already attempting to.  Then I hear a throat clear. I look up to find a young-ish boy staring at me like I’m a crack head. Here I am, probs 7 years his senior, surrounded by inflatable animals that I have been BOUNCING ON one after the other, settled on a whale (literally), rested my head on it, and began to stroke it. 

“Hey,” he said shrugging, “whatever you’re into… you can keep… ya know… doing whatever it was you were doing. We all have our vices.” 

Uh what? As he said this, P walked up and started cracking up hysterically. I decided to get three tubes and two rafts, as my dad requested, and the whale for good measure.

have u ever brought a tube into the ocean and put three grown people
on top of it around the edges and let the waves pull you in and kick your ass?

P kept teasing me in the car so I told him to fuck off. He then turned to me and said, “Do you know that’s a real thing? What you were doing with the inflatable things? Like it’s a real fetish, CC.”

 “Uh WHAT?!” I said realizing that’s what that little punk ass kid at the shop thought I was doing. 

So I googled it, obv. Well, low and behold, it is in fact a real thing. P told all 14 people in this house the story and I wanted to perish. 

What did I do? I watched a little KStew video to lift my spirits. It was one from TYH where she said, “it’s okay to be you.” 

I took that as Kristen telling me that if  that little fucker in the store wanted to think I was some sort of inflatable-fucking-freak with my whale, then so be it. I knew what I was doing, and it’s okay for me to WANT TO BOUNCE ON A FLOATATION DEVICE BEFORE I BUY IT. Because that’s what I do. Because that’s ME. Fuck that kid and his stupid fetish of my "vice" (as he referred to it). Do you know what I did? I went back to that store, waited for him to be my cashier and bought the fucking dolphin as well. So now he can picture me stroking both ALL NIGHT LONG.

Today’s giveaway will be this picture (just Kristen, obv):

omg how cute.

It will say “It’s okay to be you”. I think if there is anything that Kristen has given us fans it is that exact sentiment. No matter what people try to mold you into or how hard society tells you to change, you must always remember: It’s okay to be you… even if that means being a weirdo like myself. In addition to that, this is one of my favorite Kristen pictures of all time.

To enter you must leave a comment on anything--pertaining to this post or not-- WITH YOUR TWITTER NAME AND/OR AND EMAIL ADDRESS and answer the following question:

Since wanting to bone an inflatable whale seems to be one of my vices, what are your vices? Would you ever want to shake them?

My answer: my iPhone, chocolate milk, straws, and swearing. Holy shit I swear too fucking much. And NO I would not want to shake them. I like my vices, although if I get any more dependent on my phone I may be murdered by every single person I know. It’s a risk worth taking. Oh, and inflatable whales. 


Have a great weekend, and I shall see you all on Monday for Twilight Part 2 and the winner of today's giveaway!


  1. It took me three minutes to calm myself down enough to be able to write this comment. Your posts always have me doubled over in laughter.

    One of my vices is that I always respond verbally to the news I get on Twitter. Seriously. People find that slightly disturbing. I however find it awesome. Because I think everything that's loud is awesome. And even if I did want to shake it, I honestly doubt I could.

    Another vice is singing very, VERY random songs during moments of epicness. For example, when the pics of Rob and Kristen came out today I started singing that song from Family Guy "Everything's better with a bag of weed". I'm not kidding. It was the most fun I've had all week.

    I, in all seriousness, got a bit choked up at the fact that it's going to say "it's okay to be you". It's so Kristen that I can't even.

    I'm also extremly happy today because I found out that The Runaways will be released on DVD October 6th in Sweden (where I live). I still cannot belive I haven't seen that movie!

  2. for real...I couldn't even handle reading this at work. TEARS!!!!!!!!!!!! Bwahaha, you have the best stories. I may or may not have giggle-snorted while reading this.

    Vices: my iPod touch, popping my knuckles, coffee, Rob/Kristen obsession (and today was the holy of all Rob/Kristen days), Twilight obsession, spending money as soon as I'm paid

    I would love to be able to control that last one more.

    Wouldn't change any others...especially Rob/Kristen, Twilight one. Brought me to all these great blogs/people. MWAH!!!!!!

    Twitter: JessWink22

  3. Hysterical! I was crying with laughter just like I am after every post of yours I read.
    Vices . . . hmmm . . . I'm deffo going to have to say TWITTER. And cupcakes.
    And yes, I try to shake them, but it's very hard to do that right now with all this Robsten goodness on twitter today. And I also made coconut cupcakes yesterday, soooooo,yep, that's not going to happen either. lol
    Can't wait for part 2 of the Twilight post!

    twitter: @colleenstabler

  4. Ill let you know i dided 10 times looking at that Kristen being mary lou too. UNFFFFFFFFFFF

    i have had a smile stuck on my face since this morning and i actually squeee'ed when i saw them cuddling. TWIRL

    btw #getoffmydick has to become a trending topic because Beastie boy Rob is too fucking funny

    #1 vice? probbaly the all too fucking amazing Coca cola. Its like a drug to me. My own personal brand of heroin....

  5. You keep me insanely entertained and I'm not sure if that's a good thing haha but it's fine with me. As far as my vices, I would have to say that I always have my ipod EVERYWHERE I go and I've gotten many a times in trouble because of it, back in high school, in the car, listening to it while my parents lecture me. It's my savior. And another is that I'm a soda and tea addict. I freakin love me some Arizona Ice's bomb. Shaking my vices might not happen because music is music and well tea and soda saves me from having bland water all the time. Anyways, can't wait for your next post.

  6. In the words of rachel zoe.....I Die. That what i did when i saw mary lou Kristen.
    Im dead was what happened when i saw Rob and Kris. Today is too fucking great. CC, your post was the icing on my already amazing cake. Ugh today couldnt get better.

    Vice? any sort of accent whether it be british(yumm) autralian(unff) brooklyn(dayumm) or Irish(double UNFF) I hear it and i have to go up and meet the person. SOOO WORTH IT twitter=Ferzanaw

  7. Horray for OTR KStew!

    I've been anxious for these photos... And as always, YOU brought them to me. Gracias, CC. Gracias.

    While I have many "vices," the only one I would want to shake is talking to myself. My work requires me to do a lot of solitary thinking (what kind of work am I doing, right?) and I like to think out loud to make the time pass just a little faster. I wouldn't mind getting rid of that tick. I do it out of habit now and I can honestly say I'm over it.

    I'm praying for the win!


  8. I want this JHiggs original SO FUCKING BAD!!!

    My vices are the following, in no particular order.....
    My iPhone
    Fan fic on my iPhone
    Wispa bars
    Diet coke

    I don't want to shake any of these. I want to wear new jeans whilst eating a Wispa, drinking diet coke and reading fic on my phone. Every single day.


  9. Today is such an awesome day. Not only did we get pics of Rob wearing one of the best t-shirts ever (I mean, come on - that shit is epic), we also get too see some Rob and Kristen nuzzling that was so sweet my inner romantic couldn't even handle it. She swooned and is now resting on her heart shaped bed. I'm not sure when she'll recover.

    AND then we get this post. And that giveaway. Dude. These paintings just keep getting better every single week. I didn't think anything could beat the "They were bullets, mofo!" one, but yeah... this one. This one is just... puuurrfect.

    Hence this comment, since I desperately want it. My expectations are very low, because I never really win anything. BUT, that's okay, because today is so awesome I can't even be sad about the possibility of not getting this painting.

    All right, let's see. My vices.

    Twitter - I promised myself I'd NEVER start twittering. Uh yeah, that didn't really work.

    Twilight fan-fic - both reading and writing. No, I do not want to give it up. Not at present time anyway. Perhaps soon, when I can't possibly be obsessed with Twilight any longer.

    Ice cream - I mentioned in my comment last week that I'd live forever for ice cream, so obviously it's a vice. No, I do not want to give this one up either.

    Staring at pretty pics of Kristen and/or Rob - I don't think I need to tell you why I don't want to give this up.

    British stand-up - because they're funny, and I love laughing.

    A vice I would like to give up is... uh... Maybe... okay, no. I've literally been sitting here, staring out my window for like 2 minutes trying to figure out a vice I wish I could give up, but I can't think of one. I think this might have to do with me being a rather selfish person when it all comes down to it - I don't do anything I don't want to do unless I really, really have to. So if I don't like a vice, I'd probably give it up without a second thought.

    So yeah, there's that. Looking forward to your post on Monday :)

    (And I loved your story about the whale-bouncing)


  10. CC!! You have to stop with this fuckery! I can not be in the public library giggling like a drunk while reading about people boning inflatable animals. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    (side note: nice beaches! reminds me of NC and SC beaches. so pretty.)

    Vices? How many do we get? I've got swearing, worrying constantly, repeated mental self-flagellation, and junk food. Cakes, donuts, candy bars, candy, etc. If it's sweet, I will eat all of it. Um, also, the internet. I flove the internet. I wouldn't give any of my vices up, even though I know that if either of my grandmothers were alive they would take a strip out of my ass like you would not believe because my language is soooooo bad. But, in the great scheme of things, I don't think swearing is bad. I don't do drugs (sorry, but that shit will never be on my to do list), I don't drink very much, and I'm not sliding between the sheets with every hot piece of man-ass I meet (although I'd probably be flexible with this rule under the right circumstances...).

    So, to everyone who's ever told me I need to clean up my language (including my big brother): Fuck. You. Now I want a Snickers.


  11. ladybug ( 13, 2010 at 3:25 PM


    I actually spent half of yesterday on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean trying to see whales and dolphins. We didn't see any, so that photo of yours has double the irony for me right now...

    Then I come home from holidays and I see Mary Lou Kristen and I fangirled throughout my house! I CANNOT WAIT for the epicness that is going to be this movie!

    But now I come here and see the Rob/Kristen photo... Let's just say it took 20 minutes to actually be able to type this! (And I'm not actually sure I'm not making huge spelling mistakes...) I just keep having this nervous giggle!

    Now for my vices:
    - Books
    - TV series (Tough I'm really behind right now.)
    - Chocolate
    - School/Learning (I know it's weird, but I love school, I love going to classes, taking notes, etc...I just finished grad school and I have no idea what to do with myself.)
    - Twilight
    - Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson (As individuals first and foremost but together doesn't hurt either.)
    - My mp3 player (The one thing that gets me through 6 daily hours of the most boring job on Earth.)

  12. I'm so happy right now. I can't stop smiling! It's like I'm finally able to celebrate Christmas in winter xD (I live in the southern hemisphere).

    Some people will say it's lame that I'm this happy and that I have to get my priorities straight, well guess what I do have more important things in life than Robsten but they're so happy together and happiness is contagious. Okay, end of rant...

    The whale fetish? I was tricked into seeing a video of it on YouTube a while ago ::shudders::

    My vices, aside from twitter and fanfiction, are coffee (if I don't drink a cup of coffee in the morning I'll get a headache by 11-12 am. No kidding. I can FEEL the withdrawal.), popcorn and internet?

    I can't fucking wait to see this movie and filming has just started!

    Loved your post, as usual.


    PS. FAILURE can't be spelled without U #WIN.

  13. Starbucks is my Vice. Espresso is my choice of drug. It has helped me through all these late school nights.

    Rob and Kristen... what can I say about these pics? I mean are we really surprised? They were meant to be, and this makes me shittons happy on this here Friday the 13th.

    Get off my dick Nonstens.

    twitter: @krystalmejia24

  14. You did it again, I'm seriously laughing so hard my face hurts!

    Okay first...I loved the OTR photo's of KStew, she looks incredible and can't wait for this movie to come out!

    Second...R/K pics...epic!! I literally fainted, when these pics came out, could today get any better =)

    Third...vices, ummm, let's see
    iphone- can't live w/o
    fanfic- i miss you "fifty"
    internet- how else will i read your blog?!

    now why would i ever shake any of those vices, can't and won't. NEVER!!!

    Waiting patiently for Twilight PartII

  15. hhahahahha these posts just get better and better.

    ...So I'm not sure what that fetish would be called but this week my sister (a non-twilight person) posted this on my wall:

    "Dear Twihards,
    Please understand you are asking the world to choose between necrophilia and beastiality."

    Necrophilia being the sexual attraction to corpses
    and Beatiality being the sexual attraction to animals. (yeah, I had to look that up, but it was sure funny once I knew what those words meant!)
    I died laughing.
    So your post about the blow up toys reminded me of that. :) vices are baking and cooking..always and forever. And I would never want to let that go!

  16. My vice is this blog. Wait, a vice is supposed to be bad. And this blog is all good. So it's not really a vice I guess.

    My vice would be Robsten. Yes, everything about them. Whateves people can hate, I don't. I flove. and I could not shake them (at least not anytime soon) they are to epic and delicious.

    I also flove oatmeal raisin cookies.

    Twitter: feelgoodeachday

  17. vices? i don't know if i have one.. ok let's be honest if i start a list maybe will be infinite but some that i can remember right now are: internet, music, twilight obvs kstew, and your blog! it's fuckin amazing!


  18. Have I told you that N watched Free Willy one and two and now would die to see an orca in person? So you, me, and him are taking a trip to Sea World where you can live out your fetish and my son can be in heaven. Sound good? Okay, it's a plan. My vices are... my computer, cherry choke zero, chocolate and jawporn. Oh, and cocaine - but you already knew that one. baha. #ownit

  19. vices: UV paint, being Irish (i.e. having a liking for alcohol and partayyyinnng), my ray-bans and tomatoes (not that bad a vice to have but hey I'm literally obsessed with the fruit kerazzy.) Oh, oh and marks and spencer chocolate chp cookies. Actually amazing-ness in circle shaped god-like food. NOM.

    P.S You're site actually keeps me going in life, I heart you more, and way more, than words could ever express :)

    Mucho, mucho love agus lé grá (Irish @ =D)
    Lynne (@lynne90)

  20. I just freakin' love this post! You had every right to check out if that whale was sturdy!

    My vices: My iPod, checking my email every two minutes, Twitter, and eating when I'm not hungry

    I really wish I could control that last one

    Kristen as Mary lou? Totally hot. So UNF

    The nuzzling pictures are so cute. I am so glad that we got to see some Rob and Kris, I missed them

    My twitter: Kstewrocksme
    My email:

  21. I don't even...I can't...words don't...can't stop...what about...? FUCK. I lost count how many times I laughed out loud over this essay, babe. Today was a weird, wonky, EPIC day. Can we talk for a moment about the OTR cast? Mythical much? Steve Buscemi? Terrence Howard? Elizabeth Moss? Are you fucking kidding me? And I was up late last night when the first pics of Rob and MarylouStew released...@Just2CUSmile and I were squeeing on Twitter AND on text over the unbelievably slow, torturous but blissful death we were experiencing looking at those photos. The period clothing? Beastie Boy Robbie P showing us lessons learned from his badass girl, GanstaStew? Holy MOTHA the two of them together are LETHAL. And don't get me started on The Nuzzle (which may be MY new rappuh name). I didn't see The Nuzzle shot til I had arrived at my destination this morning to meet some girlfriends, who were screaming and waving their phones at me. Thank the Goddess I saw those pictures AFTER I had pulled off the freeway, because I surely would have died if I had glanced at my iPhone while I was driving. Suffice to say, I still got a speeding ticket, but what the fuck evah. Because The Nuzzle brought me peace and I didn't waste precious energy fuming over the ticket, or the fact that the highway Patrol Officer waved at me and told me to "have a nice day" after telling me I have to appear in court. Whatev.

    Vices? They all revolve around my mouth. Language and products that I ingest. Oh. And Fan Fiction, which employs many creative suggestions of what I can do with my mouth.

    Love you. That JamieOriginal is dope. This day was extremely epic. And there is no judgment here about your compulsion towards the orca. They are rather sleek and sexy.

    Yours completely. xo, Kj

  22. Sitting here in my pjs drinking tea on a Saturday morning reading your posts and laughing to myself!!!
    Loved your beach pics. Made me miss Australia where I used to live.
    Robs tshirt - just says it all.
    MaryLou KStew - wow!
    On set snuggling ;-)

    My vices: FanFic, hot mugs of tea, Walkers Ready Salted crisps, anything to do with Kristen & Rob (by themsleves and/or 2gthr), and Diet Coke (but only on hot days which are not overly common in Ireland and it must be out of a can!!)

    Looking forward to Twilight part 2 on Mon.

    Twitter: @Lin_Lyn

  23. You know, when you said you grabbed the floaters on display, I actually thought you were going to walk up to the cash and buy THOSE so that you wouldn't have to inflate them. And I was thinking GENIUS. But your story made me laugh even harder than I thought possible.

    Yes, K/R look sweet as fuck together up in Montreal and I'm constantly checking my air canada flights every 2hrs here at work and coming extremely close to booking. Its only a 1.5hr flight away but then I remind myself that a) I have a career I probably shouldn't ruin on account of my dying need to want to see them together and b) im sure I probably wouldnt even see them anyways.

    My vices: my Blackberry (Ive had people threaten to throw it out the window on me before because I was on it so much) Starbucks ( I don't care if its expensive. Its worth it) and Social Networking, which ties into the Blackberry because I'm more or less always checking Twitter of Facebook on my Berry.

    And now I'm off to read your Twilight pt.1 post because I'm terribly behind

    Twitter: @takemetobliss

  24. Haha So Funny Today! Ok My Vices are 1.My Books: I love Reading and My Brother has told me that I will Never Get a Boyfriend if I keep reading all the time.... Well that comes from a 15 year old who has never had a Girlfriend and im 13 so theres no rushh. 2.Laptop: God I used to spend all day outside then I got a laptop.... Now I Might Go outside for 5min...10 on a good day And 3.My Room: My Room is my SafeHeaven. My one Place to escape. I have all my posters and books and everything that I use and care in there. I go to my room and lock my door when I want to be alone.... So those are mt Vices :)

    Twitter: Beby456

  25. So yeah, yesterday was full of win. The way I see it, Nonstens can put that in their juice box and suck it. Maybe now they'll #getoffmydick.

    My vices. . .fanfiction. I read too much fanfiction. I can't help it. And nope, I don't ever want to kick it because I love reading fics. Oh yeah, and I have a freakish obsession with lawn gnomes that I never plan to be rid of.:)
    And of course Stew. Twilight books as well, but mostly Stew. And there is no way that I will be dropping that vice. No. Way.


  26. This is ophelia2010 (blogger hates me, I have to post incognito as anonymous all the time..)

    CC - the whale and dolphin story made me laugh so hard I thought I would go into labour, right now, many many many weeks too early! Let me reassure you I am still in one piece though....

    My vices? I like to vary them, mix them up, sometimes I like to put them away on a shelf and come back to them...the one I always come back to, that I am currently indulging, is paint charts - OMG how I flove paint charts! All those colous to choose from, I have a huge DECK of 6000 colours, the kind professional decorators and painters have.. I just have it because I like the purdy colours!
    And at the hardware store I let my children collect colour chips like cleptomaniacs so that when we get home I can have them! #iamabadmother
    So..thats my dorky vice!

    Nice post CC - thanks!

  27. CC, You. Are. The. Best! Whale bouncing?! That made me laugh for a long time! (and made me want to do it to)


    I guess Friday the 13th isn't the most unlucky day of the year after all! ;D
    And look, next one will be on #Fingers Bday! Hmmm...

    Anyways...My vices. Let's see, apart from anything K/R related, I'd have to say Chanel nail polishes, jeans, cell phone, laptop and Vogue.
    Do I want to shake them? Hells no!


  28. CC, you write the most epic shit. Literally. I about die of laughing after reading every new post. This blog keeps me going no matter how upset, stressed, mad, or depressed I feel. So I really just want to thank you for everything you do and for being you. *Yeah I know I'm a sap but it's worth it if it makes people smile*

    Hmmm vices… Yep I've got a "few" of those.
    - ipod touch/free wifi (you shoulda seen me while i was on a week-long camping trip. i like had a heartattack everyday b/c i couldn't get on the web/twitter and see the latest Stew news. however, we did go out to eat pizza and the res had FREE WIFI. my family officially thinks i'm insane and obsessed b/c i spent the whole meal looking at the internet and incidentally, reading your newest post. BEST. MEAL. OF. THE. VACAY. hands down)
    - chocolate/peanut (together, or separate. i'm officially out of my mind b/c the other day i literally had an hallucination of a PB jar. yeah it was weird…)
    - shoes--specifically, sneakers (I FLOVE SHOES. which is terrible and wonderful at the same time. terrible b/c i don't make enuff dough to be buying every shoe that makes my heart race and b/c all the sneakers i buy can't be worn at my school b/c i wear a uniform and they're not dress shoes. i had been so good lately about not buying shoes, but alas, i couldn't resist any longer and just recently succumbed to buying a yellow pair or nike hi tops and some adidas sambas. I FLOVE THEM. especially since they remind me of my girl Stewie)
    - KRISTEN. (not explanation needed)

    hm so the only one of these "vices" i'd ever want to give up would be the chocolate/PB one. not gonna lie, it's kinda killing the diet i've been trying to do.

    can't wait til the next post!

    twitter: Knightsky23

  29. I always love your posts. I get really funny looks especially when I end up reading them at work.

    My vices...My IPhone addiction, swearing, pedicures.

    Iphone-literally almost had my boss take it away from me...then he got one and says nothing to me about it anymore.

    Swearing- definitely a big one that I should shake, but can't/won't. I should because I work for a religious organization and deal mostly with church's and clergy...I've popped out some swear words and I swear they look at my like, "She did not just f*cking saw what I thought she said!" Yeah, that's how bad I am...but I really don't care becuase some of the clergy/church staff I deal with need to be cussed out on a daily basis...

    Pedicures- Could get one every week if I didn't think that they ladies would talk about me while they are doing my pedicure. I won't give up pedicures unless I somehow lose both of my feet.


  30. Oh man there's no way I'm gonna be able to make 100 comments! This is why *I* fail at life. I can't ever properly rig the giveaway so I can get this week's JHiggs original!

    My vices: my iPhone, regular Coke, reduced fat Cheez-Its, and my TiVo. I will not give any of them up. I know they're bad but they feel so good!!

  31. my vices. let me think .. I guess my PC and my addiction to lip balm and American TV series. I watch soooo many *hide* xD.
    I'd never want to shake them. Guess they're pretty normal, aren't they.? Haha.

    xo tinieh

    twitter: @tinieh

  32. I just saw Pirate Radio the other night. TomStu FTMFW!!!! Could he be any more adorable? I’m not sure it’s possible…

    MaryLouStew KILLS me! *sigh* Serio. So much pretty.

    I’m infinitely jealous of your surroundings right now. That is one stunning view you’ve got there.

    Your story of inflatable’s had me busting a gut… oh man, brought me back to my childhood days of visiting my grandparents and their backyard pool with its vast supply of inflatable sea life… GOOD TIMES!

    Coffee is my vise. Not a chance in hell would I want to kick it, NO THANK YOU!

    I want that JHiggs painting. It’s true.

    Looking forward to Twilight: Part 2.

  33. I've been lurking for a while, but I just FLOVE this blog so much. CC, you're my hero (& honestly, one of my vices, too). I can always count on you to have the best KStew pics & your captions always make me laugh. I can't drink liquids when I read your blog...

    Vices (in addition to KSIBTU): coffee, fan fic on my iPhone, Dr Pepper, and cheese.

    Although it would be much better for my health (i.e., teeth, blood sugar, cholesterol, and eyes) if I were to kick these vices, I really have no desire to.

    You (& MaryLouStew) rock my face off! :)

    Emily (email:

  34. I suppose I should lay off the commenting since I won a giveaway already BUT lightning won't strike twice. I loooove the “It’s okay to be you” pic so much. Everything is better in B&W.

    My vices: hello kitty, fountain cokes and mc donald's hash browns.

  35. This week's JHiggs original needs to be mine. Rfn. If I don't win I will commission her to make me one. That's how much I need it.

    Anyway, you crack me up. Like all the fucking time. This post was perfect. I was able to imagine you bouncing on the whale and dolphin and don't blame me if I put myself right in there with you, mkay? *JessFace* Cuz we'll totes be doing that together when you're here. I've made it a new requirement for guests. Must bounce and stroke inflatables with hostess a few times during visit. Consider yourself forewarned.

    My vices? Well, my stupid crackberry for sure, coke zero, starbucks coffee, sweets of ANY kind, fanfiction, chewing gum, swearing. I have absolutely no desire to give up any of these things. Nope. I refuse. I own my vices. They make me who I am.

    Much love to you bb!

  36. What if I win this and hold my own giveaway?

    The first person to buy me a plane ticket to Cali and give me a place to rest my head at night.....


  37. CC, do you want to kill me? Because I was choking with laughter and THAT hurts! But I still love you. You and your stories make my day!

    MarylouStew FTW! I've missed her and Rob.
    Their pics..UNFFFFF
    Jeez, I want his tee..

    Vices (I don't want get rid of any of them):
    My iPod. My music. I can't live without it.
    Fanfic. I miss my Fifty shades of fucked-up!
    Robsten's pics. Everybody knows why.
    Cooking. I should be Kristen's bff.
    Converse.. I can wear them anytime and anywhere.



    ^this picture is what i imagine what CC was doing XD

    hmm.. vices..
    *(need to get a smartphone then it would top my list)
    My laptop
    My iPod
    Swearing like a sailor..
    Carbs.. T-T
