Monday, August 16, 2010

Marylou was seen with WHO!?

Twilight just keeps getting pushed back further and further and further. That’s okay; it’ll always be there. 

we are the little one and twilight is the big one. See? 

This post will be short, and sweet, and vaguely to the point. I have gotten 345 emails (no, seriously) about these pictures that keep surfacing. I went for the cryptic approach a few days ago, but I guess that failed? This is a lose/lose for me, and I have struggled writing this. I don't want to with every fiber of my being, and yet I want to so badly. If I say something, I’m “yachting” [FALSE: WE ONLY YACHT DAKOTASTEW HERE, IDIOT] on a Kristen site [bizarre since I write it and there are rules against me, the creator], and if I don’t then I am ignoring the situation and am a "hater". Then fine. I won’t ignore it, but I also won't go crazy over it. Instead, I'll support Kristen! 

Allow me to preface saying that some of my best friends in this fandom are people I wholeheartedly disagree with for some of their opinions. For instance, my friends Amy and Jess like Rob in sweatpants in Eclipse.

hung out with GangstaStew too much... or...

I think he looks busted.

Guess what? I haven’t burned down their houses or lit them on fire because I love them. If I hated everyone that had a different opinion than me then I would’ve already killed both of my parents and most of my extended family in reference to their heinously poor choices of political affiliation. 

Some have gotten mad over some sites refusing to post pictures that have Rob and Kristen in the same frame. I have no idea what to make of that because I don’t give a shit, and the websites I read are nice. You shouldn’t worry your pretty little heads about that. Sure this isn’t an R/K site, but I happen adore MFH. I also have The Rule of Hotness (we’ve discussed this before): when I see two hot people, I pray to baby Jesus that they are [at the very least] banging [Ex: McGosling]. In addition to that, I support whatever Kristen does... or whomever. Doesn't that make sense? Not to some. But you guys are cool. I never face craziness over here. You guys are nice people. You are not psychotic. You do not covet. You laugh. You smile. You have a life. I appreciate that.

That’s why it’s okay that I’m going to show this:

where ya goin!?
And this:

your hand is in a very respectable place, MFH.
And this:

I think my version of this pic is just as accurate.
I know, I'm so fucking talented. I KNOW.

And you can just look at it and smile and appreciate that she's happy with whatever it is she's doing. And this also means I can say that maybe they are dating and maybe they are just cleaning things out of one another’s teeth, but it seems as if Ms. Stewart wanted him there and that he happily reciprocated. Guess what? I want Rob’s body flushed up against mine as well, but I’m not Kristen. KSIBTM (kstew is better than me). Conversely, maybe I also want Kristen’s body up on me as well… RLIBTM (Rob’s life is better than mine). I am therefore declaring these photos as #IDontBlameThem

TomStu is SO OBVIOUSLY the winner of the picture. I mean seriously.

I’ve read these death threats against Kristen, and as angry as it makes me, I also have to laugh. If you wish death upon a celebrity for canoodling with a guy you ‘love’ then you have FAR too much time on your hands, period. It’s okay to not like her—I UNDERSTAND not liking her entirely, it's the hate I do not get. Instead of talking smack, just focus on something you DO like. It's far more productive, and much better karma. Jeebus! You only like Kristen if you get IT, which is why we all get along here, but the jurry is out on the wishing death thing. YOU HONESTLY CARE THAT MUCH? Oh lordy. Maybe they need to talk to Rhonda as well.

If that is your MO, take a vacation. Have a drink or even find some real life friends to occupy your time.  Or better yet, take a shower, do your hair, put on some make up, get a real cute outfit, put down your computer, and wait near your door—because I’m CERTAIN Robert Pattinson is on his way to pick YOU up. 

this is my new sign for The Coveters

Leave Kristen alone.

Bravo to Kristen for doing whatever she was doing with Rob. BRAVO TO ROB for doing whatever he was doing to Kristen. Bravo for those who have ever touched someone of the opposite (or same) sex with more than PG desires. Bravo for all who can be happy for those that are happy around them. 

everyone should do THIS a little more often. Also, I would now like a lollipop.

I digress; Kristen is looking absolutely beautiful these days. There is not much to say about On The Road except it’s underway and I couldn’t be more excited. Did you read the script? The part about the cold cream where her hand is “reaching for their genitals” while they are butt nekkid? UM YEAH. Also, the almost threesome? RHONDA. I may need to bring and Evian spritzer with me to the movies as to not pass out. 

Some other pictures came out with Sam in them. LOOK, SAM RILEY IS REAL!!! This excites me.

Also, DID YOU SEE THIS COVER OF GARRETT HEDLUND!?!?!?!?!??!?! Oh.mah.gawd. Yumyumyum. Nomnomnomnom.

I wanna lick lick lick lick you from your head to your toes and I wanna...

Kristen is in Montreal looking MIGHTY FINE all the time. Perhaps her hot boyfriend is there too. She’s in On the Road with a spectacular cast, and yeah, she’s playing Marylou.


Well that? That makes KStew better than you.

[A/N: KJ? Iris? I mean it from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

So there ya have it! Don't take life too seriously. Continue laughing and loving people. Continue smiling and let's continue on our merry ways DYING over On The Road, and I promise I’ll continue to stare at pictures of Garrett Hedlund. 

Sometimes this fandom confounds me, but not you guys. Remember, it’s far easier to love than hate. SEE YOU TOMORROW FOR SOME TWILIGHT FUNNNNNN!!!!!! BRINGGGG ITTTT ONNNNNNNNNN TWILIGHT P.2!!!!]


  1. (I just wanna preface this comment by saying that I agreed with everything you said. This next part won't be so intelligent.)

    That picture? That you drew?

    Bwhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha.. oh my god, so epic, bwhahahahha, that's perfect, oh my god, bwhahahahahahhahahahhahahaha, lolz forever!

    (Seriously, that thing is a masterpiece. Well done.)

  2. Brava, You are sane and you get IT. Kristen would be proud of you :)

    By from Italy

  3. @vincanlp

    serio wanted to just scrap the whole post and post my exclusive. it's fantastic, right?

  4. CC this is awesome! I completely agree with you. People need to stop hating on one or the other, or one BECAUSE of the other. Better yet, people need to just cool their jets and start loving life a little more. Oh wait, I think you already said that :) Great post. I would have to agree with you. I'm pretty sure slash positive with every fiber of my being that Kristen and Rob are blissfully happy standing next to TomStu and that pole in that moment. People can lay the hell off, or just shut the hell up. I wish them the best. I get the feeling they're enjoying Montreal and that makes me happy any way you slice it.


  5. Can <3 u more?? I think I can, excellent post!! I'm happy for her, for him and 4 both of them,and of course 4 Tom lurking! lol read those life threats and can even imagine how their life is and they definitely need vacation!! great u love the script!!! can't wait 4 the movie and see the chemistry between Sam/KRISTEN/Garrett!

  6. Firstly, the picture----thats the money shot!!

    I enjoy this blog, Im not a robsten fan or nonsten person. I dont give a monkeys if they tongue each other, tom sturridge orthat wee guy taylor. Ive never even seen twilight or the other films, read one the the books and thought that was bad enough. But im disgressing from my main point which is positive. I like Kristen Stewart as a person. Bella is not a female role model, Kstew is. She unique, original and talented. Girls should look up to her, and Im not talking about the attention she gets for her personal life. The way she handles herself is admirable, and I like the fact that she gives the finger or bitchface, because she has attitude which is severely lacking in females in the public eye. I have all brothers, 5 of them, and maybe its from that kind of environment that it develops.

    Additionally,Rob is cute and seems fun, but dear god Garett is hot hot hot.Where did he come from?? If only he had never touched Lindsay Lohan...I'd still never have a chance!

  7. #trufax "TomStu is SO OBVIOUSLY the winner of the picture. I mean seriously."

  8. OMG OMG OMG I'm crying I'm laughing so hard. This post was truthful, snarky-brilliant, direct, maintaining class and integrity.. and Obvs...TomStu is the winner in the pictures. Always. But YOU, my love, are winner of my heart. Message is clear: Spread the love. Rejoice in the greatness that is KStew, whose life (along with Rob's) is better than all of ours. Fucking Picasso, you are, kiddo. I knew you were talented, but DAYUM. My LB Hat is off to you!


    Also now I'm thinking you should start a new blog, "Rob's life is better than yours"

    Love ya!!!


  10. THIS!!!! A true fan will support Kristen & Rob no matter who they're with as long as they are happy. i mean seriously, even as a 12-year-old i have NEVER wished death on the person/s my then celebrity crushes were dating.

  11. Love the pic you drew :D

    xx Bianca :D

  12. Oh and P.S. Can your picture be in next week's Giveaway? PUh-LEEEZE?

  13. I floooooove youuuuuu! And I flove that exclusive. WORD.

  14. I cannot express in words the awesomeness of your version of the picture.

    I read OTR script last night. Garret naked, Kristen naked, noisy bed banging and car fucks. That movie will end me.

    From now on I'm calling TomStu, Peeping Tom(Stu).

  15. I think I may just spend the rest of the day reading this, over and over.

    BTW Kristen... can't you fix up ANY of your friends with Tom? Giving Tommy a close-up of the bubble, when he's all alone? That's harsh, dude!

  16. @augusap

    YOU AND ME BOTH, GF. OMGAAADDDDDDDD. i love your Peeping Tom(Stu)!!!! that was awesome. thank you.

  17. @Bouffant-

    IT LET YOU COMMENT!! I would totes be MORE than willing to take one for the team and love TomStu forever.

  18. Good Job on your art work kiddo!

  19. CC
    It is a brilliant post. Love it. I feel bad for them because they got caught ( money shot). However, I am so guilty for looking at the pictures ( can't help it :). I am so happy for them.

  20. There's so much love in this post, and in those pics. Can't wait for the next post!!!

    And those are some amazing skills right there!

  21. brilliaaaaaaaaaant :D

    [so there's nothing left to say ;D]

  22. *Ahem*
    Sometimes the great divine brings people into your life that cause you to pause and say 'Thank the Lord'. You, my friend are one of those people, for real and not for fake. I thank the Lord, Buddha, Jiminy Christmas, Kstew, and the stars that I know you. You make me laugh, and smile, and LAUGH. That pic - dear baby great divine - THANK YOU for CC, because ---> BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH x azilliongaillion! I get IT and you get ME, because that nestles nicely right into my funny bone and reverberates soundly, making me all tingly inside. (It was fucking hilarious.) I agree with you, you know this - so no need to repeat what you so eloquently said. But just so you know, we are taking a trip to Montreal and putting on our pap hats and becoming true stalkers, because mother fuck - 300k sounds pretty nice. #exceptwe'renotbutitsoundsgood
    I love you, dare I say it, even flove you. Now answer my emails god damnit.

  23. ladybug ( 16, 2010 at 7:08 PM

    This entire post is just perfect!

    I have no words... You really are fucking talented!

    And your picture? I might need it framed. OK? Thanks!

  24. paint picture ever:D:D:D
    even i cant draw that good on paint :P

  25. CC, I think I figured it out, yay

    I love your spirit of self-sacrifice!

  26. @Bouffant

    Yes, well, I have learned to be very altruistic in life. bahahah. poor TomStu. GLAD YOU FINALLY HAVE YOUR NAME <3

  27. @Buff_82

    so glad we're getting married. Your words are like poetry. "because that nestles nicely right into my funny bone and reverberates soundly, making me all tingly inside." Also, I answered your damn email. Andddd I don't want to brag, but I was offered 400K for MY exclusive, so we're set gf. And I mean gf bc we're getting married in the fall. ZOMG LET'S DO IT IN CALI!?

  28. Oh CC, you definitely deserve the 400k for your exclusive. Your picture is way better than the grainy one out there! :D

    i love you and your blog even more! :)


  29. lmao at your pic.
    And bravo to you bc you are the best in defending Kristen. please, don't change it, even if she's doing ridonkadonk badonkadonk with our future husband.. ;)

    KSTEW is better than us, but we are the best fans!


  30. @Alice

    I WILL SO NOT FIGHT YOU ON THAT! You truly are the best fans. KSIBTU readers are kind and funny. You all are SO funny. I won't change if you don't. ;) <3

  31. Who is getting married? Rob and Kristen? Did I miss something here??
    (Just kidding). Love the pap pics.
    Love you, CC. These pics were inevitable. Sometimes you just can't resist kissing a BF even if and especially if he happens to be RP.
    Those two are so obviously in love- it's completely BEAUTIFUL!
    About those web sites not showing the kissing pics. I have noticed that they seem to ignore our Stewie generally and that makes me unhappy with them.
    Big hug for you, CC. Just twirling with happiness for our girl.

  32. BAHA. OMG 400k? You shouldn't have taken any less that 1 mil. for that masterpiece. I never come back and read through the comments, but I just did - I sensed a disturbance in the force I suppose. YES. Let's get married in Cali. Tell Iris to get on the planning bc IGSD and she will make it perfect #betterthanAlice. Going to check my emails now.

  33. @Anyonymous

    People get their kicks where they can. i don't mind disliking people, i mind saying hateful things. just don't say anything at all! Embrace things that make you happy! Don't wallow over things that bring you down. I'm with you gf!

  34. CC, I won't for sure!

    I know that I was a really bad girl, because I didn't write a thing for a while, but..answer my emails.. please :P

  35. Whoa. With these pics breaking out today all over the internet, won't there be an Army of Paps descending on the OTR locations?
    Hope they have mega security. Just a thought.
    Protect my Stewie! And all the cast, of course. And any visitors. :)

  36. @Alice

    DUH. I answer in the wee hours of my night, you should know that by now. But I have missed you dearly.

  37. hhmmm i think i can fix you two up with the $400K from your masterpiece...

  38. @Anonymous

    I think so. I think the picture was always sought after though. Kristen's team knows what it takes to keep her hidden, and they do a pretty damn good job--or at least NinjaStew makes her team do a pretty damn good job. Plus, they are moving, so paps descending on Montreal are about to be shit out of luck when she leaves. I think she'll be okay, Salles runs a tight set. Here's to hoping things end up okay!!

  39. I know CC, you always answer :)
    And I've missed you too! <3

    Oh I’m just going to look great tomorrow with so little sleep.. It's 2am in Poland.

  40. I'm actually an ordained minister so I'd be honored to perform your ceremony; CC and Buff forevsies. And then you and I can also get married. Since you'll already be here and all. I mean, what beats a two for one?!
    This post was hilarious and I have already reread it a few times and it gets better each time. I DO think you should offer your goddessdaughter a kickback of the boners you're gonna get for that exclusive bc obvs she taught you everything you know. Js.
    Much love to you. And YFW Buff. And whomever else is included in the upcoming lovefest. Bc I personally wanna marry ALL the core ksibtu ladies, but you have to be my first. Duh! Just keeping my dream alive...

  41. Well.. I think CC will have an enormous number of wives :D

  42. TeamTommy for the Win!!
    That's all...
    Love ya CC

  43. I do not understand why everyone in this fandom doesn't have a blog just like this. Because this here? This is the shizzle. And you SPEAK THE TRUTH! Spread the love, be happy people we like and respect are happy, live your life, do your thing, and spread more love. AMEN, sista!


  44. @DeeDreamer

    well, clearly you get IT. Love you gf!

  45. Dear CC and @Buff82:
    YES you should join in matrimony in Cali because we Calibabies know how to roll. I'll hold the camera (that's what she said) and I'll be sure to include TomStu in ALL the pics, because we all know that he is the best part of any pic he's ever in. Iris and Jessa, let's get crackin on this awesome wedding! I hear we've $400K to play with? Does this mean we can have llamas???! Love you so much girls.

  46. i'm just so happy right nao... ^_^

  47. Iris, Buff, Jess & KJ,

    THIS IS THE BEST IDEA. 400K. Char gets a cut. The rest goes to the most bomb ass wedding ever. TomStu will lurk in the back as I lay one on my wife. P and M will be at home thinking their wife and gf are just chillin with their califriends. men are inherently stupid. KJ, you are holding the camera, but you'll obv participate. Afterwards we'll take a private jet to utah so i can also marry jess. Jess? I'm not signing a prenump. I'm getting all your $$, but I don't ever think we'll divorce. And Iris will always be my msitress bc she offered to peel my back.


  48. "numbersLETSDOTHIS" bahahaha.I'm dead.

    You'll have to take a private jet to Poland too! I'll make Pierogi for our wedding. :D:D

  49. ...and we all lived happily ever after :)

    P.S. Llamas? Check. And really w/ the money saved because you boh have decided to wed when everyone was going to be in town...can I get a cut too? :)

  50. Genius. Pure brilliance. I love it!

  51. As I am drinking a glass (or 4) of wine celebrating Kstew's happiness I am currently watching Kristen in Catch That Kid (I own all her DVDs, yes I am compulsive). Wow even at such a young age she is better than me. Oh well....

  52. @Anonymous

    That, to me, sounds like a perfect night. CHEERS!

  53. I want to be the llama wrangler. My fees are cheap. You can totes afford me.

  54. @kimmcarr

    LOVES IT. what do u feed a llama, exactly?

  55. @CC @kimmCarr, @Iris @Buff82 @Jessa

    Be careful.
    Llamas spit.
    I'll be sure to catch it all on camera. Me and LurkingTomStu have got this shit COVERED.

    Llamas FTMFW

  56. I don't know that I am happy with all these other women you are planning to wed. I am the jealous type. P I can handle, but all these hot KSIBTU ladies? idk. bwahahaha. I like the plan. M will be none the wiser, he may question when we start having children tho. (Rob being the donor of course.) But, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

  57. Okay, confession time. I am #51 on the comments. I am now on my possibly 5th glass of wine (Kristen just robbed the bank in Catch That Kid) Hence, I would probs not write this if I were not. I tend to get sappy when I drink. OMG "the CC" responded to one of my posts!! I feel like a fricken 5 year old on Christmas!! I am a 35 year old mother of two who realizes the greatness that is Kstew and yes, dare I say it CC. This is THE BEST BLOG EVER.

  58. I just love how every time I have a horrible day, Rob and Kristen make it up to me somehow. They're just so great that way.

    Obviously I'm pissed as hell that paps are making money off of this, but I'm so happy for them that it really just makes up for that. Plus, I get the feeling that Rob and Kristen often know when they're being watched. For all I know, this could just be their way of trying to get the shit storm of media out of the way, and moving on with their happy lives. And even if none of that is true, Robsten lives, and that makes for a happy day and a happy dance for me. :)
    Looking forward to the next update, obviously. :D

  59. First of all, hold the fucking phone because NONE of you are getting married/having an orgy without including ME! I'll totally say dirty stuff in my English accent, if you want I'll talk deep and you can pretend I'm Rob.
    Secondly, TomStu belongs to meeeeeeeeee. But I will pimp him out for the right price ;)
    Thirdly. I love sweatpants peen (you should totally have used that phrase) because in sweatpants you can see more of the, ahem, junk. Trust me on this, I travel on the tube alot which leaves my face eye-to-crotch level with many forms of crotch and sweatpants are most revealing.
    Therefore Rob in sweatpants, even if they are tucked into his socks, has the potential to be mindblowing!!!
    But thank you, for not burning my house down. Although I suspect this may be from your laziness due to our geographical distance but hey, I'm still alive right so who cares why!!

    I love your painting, has Buff been giving you lessons?
    You know how I feel about the pictures so I won't bother talking about that.

    You're a genius! <3

  60. loved it! amazing blog, you're so witty and sensible-I hope you blog more!

  61. CC-

    Here's my approach on this: I am happy that she's happy. The rest is none of my (or any other mother fucker's) never mind.

    I need a Kristen movie fix. How the frak long do I need to wait until WttR hits theaters. Jesus. I am never going to last until November.


  62. @L-

    FOR SERIOUS. Could November be any further away? I mean obv the movie is spectacular, but I need the WHOLE WORLD to know that. boooo. I'm with you bb!

  63. This right here is where I felt I really belong. Among the wonderfully funny and kind and outrageous KStew fans. It just show the kind of people that KStew attracts and I love that I am apart of this hilarious, welcoming group. Thank you for the laugh CC, I have been reading your blog religiously for sometime but rarely commenting.

  64. @Anonymous

    Well we are more than happy to have you my sweet. drop a line more often, none of us bite :)

  65. @Amy

    See, I haven't been able to possibly burn down your house because I have yet to be to london this year. GIVE ME TIME. I'll maybe burn Jess' house down within the next few months, but I also may burn down Michelle's just for shits and giggles. When I told her that she responded, "This house is made of bricks, mofo!" IT SEEMS AS IF SHE WINS THAT ROUND. So, is your flat made of bricks? Or could i potentially burn it down for liking Rob in sweats.

    Also, as far as my Paint artwork goes, Buff did NOT give me lessons. Don't INSULT her like that Amy, god. And if you do, do it in email like you normally do. BAHAHAHAHAH #ThisIsMeTryingToStartShit

    Anyhow, what role will you play in the wedding.

    I LOVE YOU MY WITTY BRIT <3 #biscuitsandtootsiepopsforever

  66. @ Anonymous #57/51

    Your kindness is far too much and entirely undeserved, trust. Unfortunately I've been away so I haven't been able to interact in the comments as much, but that is going to change. I don't want to come off as ungrateful because I actually know some of my regular commenters very well and look for them. I WILL NOW LOOK FOR YOU.

    Your children are already ahead of the learning curve since their mama knows the greateness that is KStew. Not a bad role model if you have any girls!!!

    Keep DRINKING THAT WINEEEEE because that's what I do! (red or white?)


  67. My beloved CC,

    My house is made of bricks so it may take you a little while. By which time I'll have been able to escape and beat your crazy ass down (do I sound American there? Do I?!)
    But if it means you coming to London, I will consider living in a house of straw or sticks for a little while, just to give you your shits and giggles.

    Ha!! When I wrote that about Buff I thought 'I wonder if she'll think I'm insulting her?' but thought that she knows me better than that and therefore she also knows that the only time I would reference her in an email to you is to make inappropriate sexual comments about what I'd like to do to her.

    As for the wedding of the century? I will be the crazy 'whatever-the-fuck-dustin-hoffman-was-called-in-the-graduate' character. Banging glass and screaming the house down. When I realise that you will not leave Buff for me I will give all the speeches in the best Queen's English. Yes/Yes?

    I love you too crazy American.
    Too much? Maybe.


  68. Holy F-ing sh*itballs CC. They own me. So happy for them but feeling creepy to share their private moment. EPIC couple. Totally with you on wanting to be Kristen or Rob more pinned up against the "WTF" wall. Your cartoon picture killed me with laughter.

  69. Dude, Word. P.S. Can you make your exclusive masterpiece the giveway next week?!?!

  70. I will not make any comments what you have written but the way you wrote it. I've been reading your blog for awhile & mind you, I LOVE IT. It is unique, funny & sarcastic. You write what is exactly in your mind regardless of what others think. Bravo and 3 cheers to you. I think you are very jolly person and who have lots of friends. Kristen and Robert will love you.

  71. Brilliant post CC.

    I adore Kristen and of course get IT.

    I'm truly, wholeheartedly HAPPY for the two.

    Spreading love,
    Monica from Asia

  72. TomStu: Hey guys….*shifty eyes*
    Fingers: *moan*
    TomStu: Ummm… can we bring some of what happened in the hotel bedroom last night to the streets???.... *Looks away from the blurry kiss as it hurts his beauty eyes*.. *Looks back quickly, as to not miss anything*
    KStew: *moan*
    TomStu: “So no?.... *looks away & pouts*

    I think that’s precisely when you captured your brilliant picture, CC. GOOD TIMING!
    I will now proceed to go make sure TomStu does not feel left out any longer…

  73. This comment is for Amy:
    Dearest Amy,
    I took no offense to your comment because that picture is hilarious and if I could claim it as my own I would in a heartbeat. So YES. it was all me. ME I tell you - that bitch stole it. BAHAHAH #healthydoseofLIES Now as for the wedding, your job is to get online and become ordained so that you can be the minister. I want to hear the vows come out of your mouth first. I want to hear you say in your smart sounding accent "You may now kiss the brides" Just go here: So that's your homework. ;) And in keeping with the tootsie theme then go here, because we will be doing this at the wedding :

    <3 <3 dip baby dip dip baby dip...

  74. That bitch CC, she's always trying to stir shit up. Don't trust her.
    If I get ordained it's possible I might just start marrying people who don't even know each other, just for a laugh. But yes, I'll do it, why the hell not.
    And OMG I can't believe you found that music video I made!! If you don't recognise me I'm the one in the stripy shorts shaking my booty.

    I love you Buffypops, if CC doesn't marry you quick then I'm gonna jump in :)

  75. Amy and Buff-

    I love when you talk shit about me ON MY OWN BLOG. You are so very lucky that i love you both deeply... and that I need Buff to maintain this blog.


  76. i'm just here to help bump up the comments #...

    carry on :)

  77. BUMP!!!

    You started it dude!!
    #CyniBuff 4 Eva <3

  78. Dear Iris and Amy,
    I'm gonna bump you to outer space.
    <3 me

  79. RLIBTM (Rob’s life is better than mine)= WIN!
    i swear that you know how to use paint better than i do.!

  80. Love your blog,CC.You're so funny!

    I'm sick and tired of all this scrutiny around Rob and Kristen.Paps,but we fans as well have gone out of control.We keep asking for more and paps keep haunting for more.

    I'm also sick with all those people,who have invested their lives and their personal happiness on Robsten(hate the name)and Rob especially.I've read so many comments from grown-up women who say that "Rob could do so much better" or that"robsten are soulmates,they have the romance of the century"???????People on both sides are beyond nuts.

  81. CC LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BLOG! I sent your first post on Twilight to my husband and told him, 'maybe this will help - this is how I feel, exactly.' He still doesnt get it but, heck, neither do I! Thanks for giving the KStew lovers a unique voice.
