Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What the Forks Wednesday: The Finale of Twilight

Happy What the Forks Wednesday everyone! It was supposed to be Movie Monday but that turned into Marylou Monday, which is good because I missed doing a normal post like that. Then I said Twilight Tuesday, but I totally flaked out. I fail. I know. Now, for the winner of Friday’s awesome giveaway:

Congratulations jaemie04! I will be getting in touch with you shortly! You are one lucky girl, and several of my close friends were dying for this. Hahah ladies, YOU LOSE. JK, I love you.  Just wait until this Friday’s. Holy guacamole. 

Now we are back to Twilight and jumping in headfirst. When last we spoke it was time for Bella to meet the Cullen family. 

We watch Edward’s sweet mommy car ride drive Bella deep into the forest. That may or may not be a red flag. Whereas one might be perturbed by the prospect of going into a house full of vampires [that is conveniently situated amongst trees and is so far into the woods that no one would hear a scream], Bella is so in love with her vampboyfriend that gf doesn’t care WHERE she goes.

Upon their arrival, the Cullens are diligently working in the kitchen to create a lovely Italian dish.  Bella mentions she isn’t going to eat because that would make no sense (seeing as they drink blood to survive) and then Rosalie has to go breaking bowls. What a b-word! Totally unnecessary, and her detest for Bella makes me wanna rip her limbs apart. 

“Just ignore Rosalie, that’s what I do.”

EDWARD FTW!!!! She is so rude and I do not like her. That being said, Rosalie is a very well developed character. People love to hate her (me) and that is [dare I say] good writing.

We walk up the stairs past the numerous matriculations (how much would that suck?) and land at one of my favorite lines in all of the movies.

“There’s no bed.” 

YOU HORNY LITTLE DEVIL, YOU! I love how Kristen remarks in the commentary the irony of this line and how glad she was that they left it in. It is so very key. As mentioned in the breaking down of Eclipse, I nearly died when she said, “There’s a bed.” That was such a full circle moment for me. 

I googled 'full circle moment' and this came up. So... yeah.

Not gonna lie, the first time I saw this movie, when Edward suddenly flew Bella out of the window? I turned to my cousin and said, “THE FUCK!? ARE THEY BATS!?” She just told me they were super strong. I say that somewhere in their genetics they inherited traits of monkeys and bats. I’ll chalk it up to evolution. 

PIANO SCENE? Stop it. My panties are gone. Oh Edward Cullen, how you woo me. Oh Robert Pattinson, how I adore your extra long fingerZ. 

I can't even.

We then cut to Bella sitting on her bed in ridiculously skimpy shorts. Good thing KStew has a killer body. She is on the phone with her mother and her mom starts asking her about boys. Speak of the devil… think of him and he shall appear! There he sits on the edge of her bed. She is totally not creeped out by this; instead she crawls up to him.  Here is what I like about Movie Bella. It wasn’t some kiss outside the car where she nearly faints and feels weird about what she did—Movie Bella had the right idea. She put her balls to the wall and went for it. She didn’t just go for it—she assaulted his lap and face. You can never go wrong with that. 


Then begins the longest wait before a kiss in the history of mankind. How long? Around THIS long:

JSYK. In case you're ever asked...

This was like watching water boil except the water makes you want to hump a bed. I KNOW YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT. When they finally do start it is yummy, and he is careful and she is going for it. She straddles his lap and puts her fingers in his hair. 


Chances are she’s rubbing up all over him down south, so he picks her up and throws her to the bed. 

For a split moment I actually thought we were going to get somewhere, but just as it gets good Edward ‘restrains’ himself aka pussies out. 


My first thought was: WHAT THE FORKS!? That being said, what we did get was like a slow burning fire... that suddenly had a bucket of cold water thrown on it. I like it. Aggressive. Get it gurl.

Edward says that he is stronger than he thought—well yeah—that’s a long time you’ve gone without balls. Bella is just getting into her sexual prime. Perhaps the only thing that could’ve made this scene better is if they had kept this:
as per the script

What the heck! I wanted to hear Bella call Edward a perv because when it comes down to it he totally is.

The next big thing to happen is baseball. Once again, this is a scene that I never imagined any other way than it was presented to me in the movie. I happen to love this scene. I think it’s normal and yet vamped out, you know? It’s nothing too crazy. They aren’t flying or anything like that, but they can hit and run really fast. I am very curious, those of you who read first, how did you foresee that scene coming out? And did it live up to your expectations?

Alice’s throwing methods were awesome. Have you tried that? I totally have. Too bad I can’t lift my fucking thigh more than 2 feet off the ground so my pitching method looked like an impeded gallop meets a really amateur and failure of a stomp… aka I looked as if I was suffering from a seizure.

my cat quota for this post has now been reached.

 I’ve mentioned before not being the biggest Muse fan, but I like it here. This is something fun, it’s something exciting, and it’s something I think was executed rather well. But it’s all fun and games until nomads arrive. They ruin EVERYTHING. *picture my gallop stomp here*

James and his friends show up ready to play in a healthy competitive game. Apparently baseball is super popular in the vampire world. Everyone does it and it’s all the rage. But, and this is a big BUT, the wind then sweeps Bella’s hair at the PERFECT moment and she is effed. Royally effed.

Hold on. What is with the perfect timing in this movie and breezes? I didn’t mention it in the last part, but my homegirl Angelica did:


Not only is it entirely nonsensical [seeing as everyone is wearing long sleeved shirts], but man that is also very convenient. But for this to then happen again on the baseball field? That is just remarkably and consistently bad timing, Bella. 

Then the most embarrassing part of the movie happens:

omg the growling made me hide in embarrassment 

That is almost as bad as this:

The cast said that they were all really getting into that scene as they performed it, and they took lessons on being catlike. The only thing I got into was a laughing fit. Still do. 

After this, Bella and Edward finally have their first tiff. KStew is rocking the heck out of it in this scene. The teary eyes, the frenetic energy, the yelling—it is all very well executed. And so she goes home and pretends she’s in a fight. RUH-ROH trouble in paradise? No way! Creeper Edward is already stowed away in her bedroom. So she breaks Charlie’s heart and I want to bitch slap her.

Wtf man!? #TeamCharlie. That being said, it’s some of Kristen’s finest acting in this movie. She does well in intense situations. 


Whilst in the garage, Rosalie digs at Bella yet again, and at this point I am SO over her shit. First she goes after her in the kitchen, then she gets all pissy on the field, and now she can’t wear her coat? I believe that Rosalie is just a bitter wench. We all know why, but I think Stephenie forgot half of the story on Rosalie.  See I think that Rosalie and Edward dated. She found Emmett and became uncertain but Edward already hated her by then. Since Edward is a talented pianist, he played her this song to get the point across and now she hates him and consequently Bella as well [LISTEN TO THIS SONG OR I HATE YOU]:

I love Ben Folds, do you? Have you ever heard The Luckiest? Yeah. I know.

Wouldn’t that be awesome? That would make for far more interesting sport in Breaking Dawn. Hey Rosie baby? Check your tude at the door. No one cares about you. Bella and Edward have each other. We all know you settled for Emmett, but that is your issue. Maybe if you weren’t such a meanie (<- mature) more people wouldn’t detest the mere idea of you. PUT ON THE DAMN COAT.

Fast forward through everything in between and we end up with innocent Bella being self-sacrificing and going to the ballet studio alone to save her mom. This would be the appropriate time for me to remind you of my theory on Alice wanting Bella to die. Thank you for listening.
James tricks her. Perhaps one of the most grotesque scenes in the entire series is when his dirty hand is rubbing all over her face. The contrast between her porcelain skin and his hand makes me want to vom because he is such a scumbag.  And poor, naive Bella goes for pepper spray. You have to rip these vampires apart and then set them on fire to kill them, but pepper spray is most def going to work. 

this is how short I got my hair cut yesterday!

I now wholeheartedly believe Stephenie hates Bella as well *light bulb moment*… which is why she SUBCONSCIOUSLY WROTE ALICE AFTER WHAT SHE WOULD’VE DONE TO BELLA HERSELF. Oh SNAP I just solved the entire fucking puzzle! This is why Alice keeps trying to have Bella die! Because deep down inside, Stephenie wanted her to die as well. My word it feels so much more clear now. 

Then James starts throwing Bella around like a ragdoll. Edward comes to the rescue and goes to take her, but he drops her like a hot potato. WTF DUDE!? I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER! Now we all know that if in a situation where we are dangling off a building and we have to pick only one person to hold onto our hand, Edward Cullen is NOT your man. 

James then bites Bella. Edward starts to rip his neck off. The Cullens arrive (Convenient timing, Alice).  It’s too late. Poor Bella is lying on the ground, writhing in pain, panting to breathe, bleeding out, and Edward and Carlisle find it an appropriate time to have a conversation that is longer than War and Peace. 

tea anyone?

Also, do I have to point out that for a split second, Alice wants to drink Bella dry? #MyTheoryIsSoRightAndYouKnowIt

“I’m gonna make it go away, Bella, I’m gonna make it go away.”

Well I sincerely hope so considering this is entirely your fault, Edward. At this point, making it go away is the very LEAST you can do for this freaking girl. 

It had to be borderline embarrassing for Kristen to have to lie there and do that for a few takes. How do you act out something you could never, will never and have never felt? Taking that into consideration, I think she did a damn fine job with her almost-vamp-experience.

But let’s be serious. Who gives a shit what is going on in this scene, truthfully, because MFH’s angelic voice carries us through a montage (a NOT lame one) and we watch their time together flash before our very eyes.  Robert Pattinson? Please serenade me every day. Thank you.

Edward? Bella is dead because you made her LAY IN THE SNOW.

Let’s talk about the hospital. I kind of wish they had included Drugged Up Bella because that was hilarious. I wish I had a freaking morphine drip in my arm. That would be the best ever. I think that the banter that took place between the two during that drug-induced haze was funny, but I am a huge fan of the staged story they tell her parents. I love that they contrived a whole cover story. #DeceitFTW #SneakyCullens #StupidHumans

Enter prom. I fancy this scene quite a lot. I think this is Kristen at her prettiest in Twlight. Her hair is curled beautifully (the whole not-a-busted-wig thing helps as well) and she has a very unique look about her. MFH looks hot. 

Please make this a cliché prom night. Unfortunately we know that these two will not be getting lucky afterwards.

So they arrive and I’m feeling good and then this asshole shows up:

GTFO1 This is NOT your prom dude!

What is it about him that makes him ruin EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN? This is when I started not liking Jacob, and I hadn’t even read the books. He looks like such a fool with that freaking hair. I can’t even speak about this because then I’ll start thinking about New Moon, and then Eclipse, and I just ate.

Whatever Jacob Black. Spend those twenty bucks on a freaking hair cut, or some new shorts.

Once inside, we see the shots of everyone at prom having the best time of their lives. Prom was not the best time of my life. The limo ride after could rank, but prom was shitty food, okay music, long dresses and uncomfortable shoes. Perhaps if I had me an Edward Cullen it would’ve been better. I went to prom with my class valedictorian. I told you this when I posted that pic of Anna Kendrick as valedictorian, but my date just scored a job with Microsoft and will be making more money than I could ever dream of. Perhaps I should get on that. Oh hey, remember me? Prom date? No? Well whatever, you wanna get married? No, this has NOTHING to do with your newly landed six-figure job! 

Sorry for that trip to tangentland. 

my life sucks ass compared to this.

wait... no... NOW my life sucks ass.

The two lovebirds escape outside to a gazebo, and it truly is a sight for sore eyes. This scene is freaking beautiful. The whole look resembles magical woods meets a starry night draped in lights [with Iron and Wine playing in the background (can you say win!?)]—and in the middle of it? Two of the most beautiful people in the world.

They say their words to one another, but it doesn’t matter because the look of desperation on her face here:

Look at her face. Seriously though. Look at it.

Shows us that she is literally willing to give everything away for this boy. This is a truth that I grapple with and yet love. It’s what makes this story both creepy and yet a beautiful love story.  That’s Twilight though, creepy and yet touching. 

That kiss was bomb. Tender. Passionate. Desperate. Necessary. 

The movie ends with Kristen saying, “No one will surrender tonight, but I won’t give in. I know what I want.”

hell hath no fury like a woman vampire scorned

Cut to Victoria’s face and you go OH SHIT! And then it’s over.

This movie gives me tingles. This movie excites me. This movie is everything that was good about this franchise before it became greedy. 

The main difference between Twilight and all of its lesser sequels (IMO) is that they didn’t have anything to prove. It seemed so much more effortless, so much less forced, and so much more about the movie than the suits that are capitalizing off of this now infamous franchise. I suppose that’s what gives Twlight that certain je ne sais quoi—it just seems so much more carefree. I love Twlight the most because it wasn’t about maintaining/beating a $number$—it was a couple of young kids meeting up in Oregon to make a movie… with A KICKASS DIRECTOR.

ilu forevsies

Sure this movie is riddled with idiosyncrasies and idiocy, but it’s just great. I could poke fun at it all day long, but when it comes down to it, Twilight led me to KStew and that is something I cannot be ashamed of. Once you read the books and your frustrations become insurmountable, you watch the movie and suddenly feel better. Why is that? Because Kristen is Bella. Because she makes it bearable; hell she even makes it good. 

So thank you, Catherine Hardwicke, for casting Kristen Stewart as Isabella Swan in Twilight for if you hadn’t KSIBTU wouldn’t exist and I wouldn’t have all of these lovely people to gush (talk smack) with.

This is when I fell in lurve with KStew. I shall cherish it always.

You win.

Because she played the best damn Isabella Swan, KStew is better than you.

[A/N: I'm currently (in this moment) sitting in bumblefuck Maryland as I make my way through this state. There are two things responsible for me actually getting this post up and not lying to you guys again. The first is apple. Without the iPhone maps app, I wouldn't have been able to click 'from current destination' 'to Starbucks' and end up at a Starbucks. FREE WIFI FTW! The second is Starbucks. They allowed for me to do this:

Passion Tea Lemonade FTW.

Now for real. What did you think? It’s OVAH. I feel semi-sad, but then again I don’t because I know what movie we are watching this Friday. Listen to me closely: JHiggs’ painting this week kind of makes me want to cry. It is my favorite shoot of all time. It is also so very relevant in this moment. BE HERE FRIDAY. 
Now for Twilight. Favorite scenes in the movie? Favorite lines? Discrepancies between book and movie that you had issues with? Things you think you experienced differently because you read the book first? I WANNA KNOW IT ALL! I will do my best to respond to you, but I am on the road today traveling to my next vacation destination. SEE YOU LOVELY PEOPLE FRIDAY!!!!] 


  1. To borrow from Mean Girls: Jacob Black you don't even go here!! Why are you at the prom?!

    I love all the parts of Part 2. Total cop out I know. But #truth. Love your commentary. Love Passion Tea Lemonade. Love you!

    I won. Holy shitballs! I just came on here to see who won and I looked at the number and was like 'aw man that's not me' and then scrolled and read a little more and then saw my name. I said fuck at least 10 times. I never win anything, and this was my first time commenting on one of your posts and I am soooooo glad I did. You're the best CC and so is JHiggs. Thanks!

  3. ladybug ( 18, 2010 at 2:22 PM

    Ah I lurve Twilight...

    Favorite scenes: Diner and the gazebo. These are the ones that make me feel all warm and fuzzy, and that I think capture the feeling of the book perfectly.

    Favorite lines: "Then don't..." Yeah, I'm right there with you Bella!
    And I still love it when she says: "Your mood swings are giving me a whiplash." It's just so Movie Bella...

    Not really an issue, but I was kind of sorry, in the hospital scene that they didn't include all the heart monitoring beeps making Bella really embarrassed...

    I don't think I have real issues with this particular movie, I don't even find Jacob that annoying in here...IKR? Weird!

  4. @ladybug

    Oh my word, the heart monitor! Totally forgot, but SERIOUSLY legit point. That was hilarious.

  5. BRAVO!!!
    I can't help it, Twilight will forever be my favorite movie of the saga (even though there's so much blue it hurts my eyes).
    I know there's going to be lots of sexy times in BD -there better be- but Twilight kiss owns any other kiss, although Eclipse Bella really went for it during the engagement scene.
    I admit I make fun of it sometimes, but Cougar Cathy really captured the tension, and the cast was just spot on (except for Rosalie who should have been at least pretty)
    My fav thing though, E/B, R/K. There are many reasons why I love Kstew, but the fact that she made Bella badass is just priceless. Roberto needs no explanation.
    I also may or may not quote it on a regular basis, (vamp version of Mean Girls).

    AMAZING post as usual! ♥

    Ps: Longest comment of my life, I'm sry :/

  6. Hey whore,

    My bestest scene in the film is the whole Stupid Lamb/Sick Masochistic Lion bit and the whole hands either side of her head thing then on her heart. Sigh.
    I alsohave a huge love for Bella's Lullaby (why? idk) so love the piano and the tree flying.
    That and when Tyler shimmys infront of E/B at the prom!!! Ahahahahah!!

    Favourite lines....when she tells Eric to stop saying La Push baby, La.Push.
    And the whole 'Get in the car' bit because I imagine him saying 'So I can fuck you senseless' but this isn't Twilight fanfic, it's actual Twilight, so that didn't happen.

    I'm just pleased they left Edwards sleeveless white button down shirt out of the meadow scene, I just can just about deal with anything else.

    Oh what did fucking piss me off in the movie is when she's in hospital one minute the oxygen tube thingy is in her eye. Then it's not. Then it is. Then it's not.

    But regardless, I don't want to watch it without commentary for a very long time!!! Cheesburgers!!

    OK, that's it. If I don't win this week I'm going to report you to the President. Or Oprah. I'm not sure who is more powerful.


  7. @TeamKstewMofos

    I am with you on the whole kissing thing. Gazebo kiss and bedroom kiss--although there were only two--it wasn't embarrassing. New Moon and Eclipse have embarrassing kisses-- ESPECIALLY New Moon in-ftont-of-truck kiss. OMG the thought alone makes me hide.

    While I'm with you on the Rosalie detest, I am one of the few who thinks that Nikki Reed is pretty

  8. @Amy

    I love you more and more with every passing second. Why do you live in the Land of Robert? OH BECAUSE HE LIVES THERE, DUH! And that is also how you're going to get TomStu... right?


    also, "And the whole 'Get in the car' bit because I imagine him saying 'So I can fuck you senseless' but this isn't Twilight fanfic, it's actual Twilight, so that didn't happen." That's fifty meets closerward meets CWIAward.


    I love you, you bloody brit. Even if you're a virgin in space... perhaps that's part of your allure.


  9. Dear Ms. Cynically Convivial,

    That is TOTALLY how I'm going to snare my beloved TomStu and it's the only reason I'm still here and not floating around your pool demanding biscuits and Cinnabon.

    I'm so glad it's not just me with the nose tube thing. And when she blinks loads and her eyelashes hit it I'm just like 'MOVE THE FUCKING TUBE!!!'
    Also I like how film Jess is not as bitchy as book Jess. Anna Kendrick would have done a fantastic job but it just wasn't necessary for the story.

    When we're done with Summer Movie Madness please, please, PLEASE can you do a fic post??! Between us we will break 1000 comments easily!!

    I love you. Even though you're a whore driving a car around the US of A.
    Don't tweet and drive.

    Laters baby.

  10. Omg, I flove you...First off, I think we should totally be besties cause I tried to pitch like Alice too! You description of what you looked like was legit the funniest thing EVA! And i'm with you, after seeing them kiss in that scene, I totally thought they were gonna do it too. How wrong we were....

    Here is where my major note taking came in...I will warn you, this is loooooong.

    KSIBTU Twilight Reaction Post

    •Bella seeing Edward’s room for the first time was one of my fav scenes. You could totally feel that awkwardness/shyness coming across. The deleted scene of Bella seeing Edward’s room for the first time was so much longer than the one that actually made the movie. I wish they would have left it in. Kristen talking about chinchilla droppings was freaking HILARIOUS!

    •Did anyone else notice that when B/E are on tops of the trees (after they’ve flown out his bedroom window) Bella is rubbing Edward’s ummm, crotch with her foot? It’s when he is asking her if she’s scared. How many of you went back and looked?! Haha! Everytime that comes on, I can’t concentrate on what they’re saying. I automatically start watching her foot…mind in gutter!

    •The kiss, OH THE FIRST KISS! Best movie kiss in cinematic history! The first time I saw this movie, this was the moment I thought they were going to have sex. Wow, how sadly I was mistaken.
    I love when she crawls on his lap and grabs his hair. UNF!!!! Seriously, every time I watch that scene I always rewind it like 5 times. The tension, the passion, the need, the want…..uh, what was I saying ;-)

    •Right after the kiss where they’re laying on her bed and he’s fighting the urge to touch her…and then she turns and lays her head on his chest. *swoon*

    •When Edward comes to see Bella at her house (when she’s washing her truck), he totally jumps onto the hood of her car….yes we all know this. But where in the hell did he come from?!?!? Was he playing in the tree above her or something???

    •Charlie and Edward meeting for the first time, LOVED IT! Especially when Charlie cocks his gun. Priceless. When Edward puts Bella’s baseball hat on her and tucks that piece of hair behind her ear, yeah I get major butterflies. It’s little moments like these that make this movie.

    •Baseball scene-I know how to pitch a softball/baseball because I played for like 6 year. But I legit tried and tried and tried to “pixie pitch” like Alice did in that scene. #Truestory

    •Baseball Scene-Anyone notice after Emmett and Edward crash into each other mid-air and fall to the ground, you can totally hear Rob’s British accent when he says, “What are you doing?”

    •Baseball scene-When Emmett throws the ball after monkey-climbing it up the tree, he totally throws the ball straight down towards the ground. #fail lol

    •My heart breaks everytime in the Bella/Charlie scene where she has to be callous towards him in order for him to let her go.

    •Loved the Edward/Bella moments in the garage scene. He didn’t want to let her go. And when he touches her face and says, “Bella, you are my life now” I die.

    •Prom scene-abso-freaking-lutely gorgeous!!! I like to imagine this is how their wedding decor will look outside. Probably my fav scene in Twilight. Beautiful acting from two beautiful people. And Rob was right in the commentary when he said, "woah, you look like a different person there." In that pic you posted of the prom scene where E is touch B's face...Kristen looks like someone else entirely.

    Please excuse the novel I just wrote. This movie is just all kinds of win, and I could talk about it all day. Enjoyed your commentary on it!

  11. I know it's cliche & everyone always complains about it, but I really wish CH/MR had kept in the blood typing biology scene.

    That being said, I love love love the gazebo dance & the first kiss. Does anyone else hear KStew say "Fuck" under her breath during the kiss? You know she's totally swept away by HHH. LOVE IT!

    Can't wait for Friday's post.


  12. Dude, I can't really comment too much because I literally feel like my mind has been blown a little.

    Those pics of the gazebo scene? In the second one? THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THE GARDEN. Two dudes on the red carpet (wut?) and a girl, standing all by her lonesome over by a random table in the right corner. I HAVE NEVER NOTICED THEM BEFORE. Dude. I've watched this scene so many times, and stared at stills and screenshots of it, and yet I have never seen these creepy lurkers.

    All I can say is: that is the power of KStew in a dress and Rob in a tux. There could be a giant running around in a pumpkin outfit in the background for all I know. It's all about their combined pretteh.

    Favourite line in Twilight? Prooobaaablyyyyy.... "It's a private joke. We matriculate a lot", just because of the way Rob says it. I rewind and watch it a minimum of five times every time I look at Twilight.

    My favourite moment though, is when Bella has realised Edward is a vampire and she's waiting for him at the school - that moment when Kristen starts walking up to him and then just... she doesn't even look at him and just goes past him, and-... omg, I can't even... and Rob, when he turns around, and you can just see on his face that he KNOWS she knows he's a vampire.

    I die, every time.

    And on a final note (heeeey, what happened to "I can't comment too much"? Apparently I'm just a lying liar who lies), you have me very intrigued for the next give-away. I WILL win one of them one of these days, I just have to.

    Anyway. Great post, as always.

  13. CC- why I flove twilight too - it brought me here!
    Now - I just have to say, thank you for mostly avoiding the whole tree throwing, lion/lamb fuckery.....thats the only bit that really makes me cringe...the rest I love! I love the atmosphere of this film the most, it just right, and it's what is lacking in the lesser sequels....
    ! looking forward to Friday!

  14. Another awesome and hilarious post!
    I would love it if you checked out this blog! It just started and its about Kristen Stewart
    It called Kristen Stewart infatuation

  15. DUDE, i flove it!!!!*claps away...hey, did you notice the bed room kissin scene? their heads forms a heart!!!!!

  16. I just wanted to add a little tidbit about the part right after the baseball scene where they get in the jeep. In the book, Emmett and Alice ride with them and Edward "flings" Bella in the back seat and orders Emmett to strap Bella in. In the movie, Edward pushes Bella in the front seat and goes to buckle her seatbelt and Bella is like "Okay! I've got it! I got it! I'm alright!" and she does it herself.

    That part cracks me up everytime because Kristen made Bella so much tougher (as YFH said) and more like she could handle herself and do shit on her own. In the book, it seems like Bella is always being carried around and needs to be taken care of all the time. Anyway, I flove Kristen for making Bella more independent.

  17. I thoroughly enjoyed your take on Twilight (both parts are AWESOME). And twilight will always have a special place in my heart because without this movie, I won't be hopelessly in love with KSTEW.

    And I totes agree that in the prom scene is where Kristen is the most beautiful. Well, she was beautiful all throughout the movie but you know what I'm saying. And the growling at the baseball scene, major embarrassing and cringe-worthy moment.

    I can't believe it's been that long since twilight came out. Oh the memories....


  18. @Christine

    THAT IS SUCH A GOOD EXAMPLE!!!!!!!!! I never even thought of that but you are totally right. they tried to keep her out of it and control her. Movie Bella takes no prisoners. AWESOME!!!

  19. @Vicanlp

    "All I can say is: that is the power of KStew in a dress and Rob in a tux. There could be a giant running around in a pumpkin outfit in the background for all I know. It's all about their combined pretteh." This had me rolling on the floor. Now all I can think about is R/K in pumpkin outfits. Halloween 2010? YESSSSSS.

  20. @JWink22

    I love you. I wait for your reactions. We are one with our brains.... but THIS: "Did anyone else notice that when B/E are on tops of the trees (after they’ve flown out his bedroom window) Bella is rubbing Edward’s ummm, crotch with her foot? It’s when he is asking her if she’s scared. How many of you went back and looked?!"

    WHY HAVE I NEVER NOTICED THIS!!! *runs to Twilight* I am FOR REALS checking this shit out. this scene has now changed forever for me.


  21. CC, you crack me up again~

    The 24.6 seconds sexual tension building is the hottest thing in romantic movies I've seen in recent years.

    Yeah, the prom scene, beautiful~ I love the song played in the scene which was Kristen's choice. Kristen has great taste in music and that's why she's better than me~ ;)

    Monica from Asia

  22. Another great post, CC!! For me, outside of the Charlie scenes, the prom was the best part of the whole film... but I hated some of the baseball scene. Seriously. WTF with the pitching Alice? It looks so. Fucking. Bad. I think I laughed through the pitching. Otherwise, I enjoyed the baseball. It was mostly what I expected, and everyone seemed to have fun, which is definitely the Cullen way.

    I am glad that you failed to recap the hotel room scenes. I hated them as well, along with the psychic art work.

    I want to put out a request to you: can you find me a creepy stalker/peeping Tom/hot virgin vampire like Edward? I would totes flove one of those. Because as creepy as some of the shit in twilight is, there's a lot of sweet moments too.


  23. CC-

    Let me know once you watch that scene. I know I can't be the only one that has noticed that. lol!

  24. @JWink22 and @CC

    I love that foot-rub! I honed in on that like the third time I watched the movie or something. Now I can't stop staring at her foot on his crotch. It's like the luckiest foot in the history of the world, ever.

    Then again, the same goes for his crotch. Luckiest mo-foing crotch in the world.

  25. @Vicanlp

    I'm glad someone else noticed it. I thought I was alone. LMAO!!! And I can't pay attention to anything else in that scene now....

  26. Bonjour amigos.
    So, I'm finally getting round to reading and commenting BECAUSE (sheesh stop giving me those looks, and let me bloody explain why it was my first priorty today) I got importanto exam resultos back today, but when I called my mum she was all like "Yeah yeah that's great honey, but in my day" and I endured some shit talking for a good half hour. Here's what I surmise from the convo,
    Apparently in my parents day, to pass at *said exam* you had an hour to write a novel, cure a disease & learn the violin whilst being whipped.
    Yup, so fuck yeah, part 2! I read this while dipping my finger into sour cream dip and having an eargasm to John Mayer.
    I FLOVE your new haircut CC, going one step further than Kristen's "It's not a mullet, it's a shag MOFO" and rocking the prickles? NICE.

    "Edward, Bella is dead because you made her lie in snow" #WIN
    I’d lift my hat to you if I was wearing one, will a finger gun salute suffice?

    My first thoughts on Twilight are-
    OMEC they fucked up the meadow scene! Like what was that? (I'm giving you the side eye MR because once again you FAIL.. epically)
    It was all dark and freakish, and I was just waiting for some woodland creature to bite Bella's foot. Edward was rude, and Bella was all staring into her crystal ball/the distance. then Edward like grabs her, far too roughly to be considered courteous in any society, and hauls her up the mountain. In the book I really liked that scene but the movie AWH NAW.

    I agree, dancing on the gazebo scene was so presh! Kristen does however look Asian in one camera angle ;)
    "I know what I want...

    you mentioned it before CC, but you have to promise to do a post on the commentary!

    P.S when you said on twitter that you had to find a Starbucks to post I thought you meant you needed coffee to keep you going, which prompted me to scream "WHY DOESN'T SHE HAVE ACCESS TO COFFEE, WHERE IS THIS WOMAN AND WHY ARE THEY TREATING HER SO?!" So thanks for clearing that one up.

    Anyway love love

  27. Twilight is my all time favorite out of the three. Eclipse is great, but something about Twilight gets me everytime. I've had to have seen it gazillion times but I never get tired of watching it!

    My Favorite Scenes- I love the cafeteria scene when Bella is like who is that hunk walking through those doors! Edward gives that smirk, awhh love it!!! Also bedroom seen, hawt! I can watch that scene over and over! The gazebo is the all time favorite, everything about that scene is hawtness!!! The desire, the want,the need... their expressions say it all...flove it!

    on to favorite lines- so many to choose from, one that stands out is Bella entering Edwards room and says "no bed"? She was ready to "get it on" with Edward right after she met his parents for the first time?! That's alright Bella I would of jumped on him too! And of course the line Edward says at the end "is it not enough to live a long and happy life with me"?...Bella "for now"...Swoon

    Thanks for bringing me down memory lane!

  28. Thank you, CC. Twilight is my favourite too. That was a great review.
    I like the cat in the Crocs, too. I am sure I look just as stupid in mine.

  29. YESSS!!!!!!!!!:D twilight totally rulz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:DDD for all the reasons you listed above and then some;) you just really feel the passion that's so weirdly missing in new moon and eclipse, and twilight feels less hurried to me. like CH was just gonna do the best she could w/ a crap script and writing and make it her own!!! bill condon!!!!! please take a leaf from CH's book!!!!;D so my fave scenes from twilight: first kiss scene...(DUH:p isn't it everyone's???)...when bella emerges from the volvo and angela goes "O...M...G!!!" (B/E are officially outed!!!!yay)...and the prom kiss (no explanation needed;)

  30. I had to write this again because the first time I wrote it, my mouse hit a button and it all went away. So this is a more condensed version. Because I was seriously irritated when that happened. #grrr

    Anyway, I just about died when I saw my post mentioned. I'm so glad I made myself of some kind of use on this blog that I obsess over. :D I had to take a day to calm myself down enough to post a coherent reply. :)

    The only way that reading the books first affected me was that I expected more from the movie, and so I was disappointed until I could process it all. Also, I feel less embarrassed to be a fan because I know that I'm legit and loved the books, and not Rob's hair (though that is lovely as well) or Taylor's abs.

    Hm. . .well I love when she's asking him if he sleeps, and the look on his face when he says "no, not at all." So cute. I love the lullaby. I mean, that kills me. Hearing Rob's music in the movie kills me. I swoon every time I hear his music because dammit, that shit's beautiful. I love Bella's little monologues at the beginning and the end. I know that every time I watch the scene in the ballet studio, I can't help but think of the cookies video on youtube (if you haven't seen it, just look up Jame's Truth on youtube). My favorite line of the movie is probably Bella's "Death is peaceful, easy. Life is harder."

    Also, I love that you were in Maryland. I was born in Baltimore, and I was raised there til I was two. I live in California now, but I still visit all the time, and I consider Maryland my home. :)

    I will be here on Friday, guaranteed!

  31. Wah. I know I'm late. But I finally had time to watch Twilight. It's the first I actually kinda liked it again since I saw it in theatre last year. I still know the exact date: 14th February 2009. Kind of fate, isn't it.? Valentine's Day .. perfect day to fall for KStew && Mister perfect-Edward Rob.
    Usually, Twilight gets worse everytime I watch it because of these (for me huge) differences to the book. Then I'm so pissed ...of Melissa. ALL.HER.FAULT. cause the acting is brilliant. && I looove how the movie makes me feel...and the music. LOVE IT. though it's NOT the best Score/Soundtrack.
    It's just that I've put the missing scenes from book into the movie, and then when I really see it's not like that at all and I'm disappointed (again of Melissa, of SM haven't done nothing against it, and of my brain .. for feigning).

    Another thing: For me, there's ALWAYS a second in the restaurant-scene in that Bella looks like Emma Watson.! :O Always ..
    Whatcha think about this.? Is is just me.?
