Friday, August 6, 2010

It is time. Oh, and one Mofo'in Giveaway!

It is time. It just is. 

I can’t even hold it in any more. This weekend...


I have been putting this off/thinking about it for too long. I’m too in my head. I’m already TOO in my head! The last two weeks of Movie Mondays have been rather serious. I now have a game plan for the rest of the summer, so we will take a break from the serious for a comedy like Twilight. Perhaps it’s not a comedy per se, but it’s far more lighthearted than say… Speak. 

I don’t know how I’m going to do this. There are 52 weeks in a year. I could talk about this movie for all 52 weeks. There is SO MUCH. My issue is this—we know it’s going to have to be a two part-er, but it’s a disservice to the world if there isn’t commentary ON the commentary. I’m going to figure this out, but holy guacamole I am so flipping excited for this because it's the last saga movie to discuss... and also my favorite one.

this is, in fact, Holy Guacamole. Oh, and fuck cilantro. 

As lame as this movie may be (which it is NOT), I have to give thanks , because if it weren’t for Twilight (aka Catherine Hardwicke), I wouldn’t be here talking to you lovely people. I wouldn’t have realized the greatness that is KStew. Well, perhaps I would have, but it would’ve been much further down the line.

I was a movie first, books second viewer. What were you? I’m intrigued to see if it affects the way we view the movie, but to me, there is no better than Twilight.  Best Bella. Best Kristen. Best Edward. Best Rob. Best Jacob because he wasn’t in it. WIN.


That being said, Twilight is like your cousin who is an alcoholic and lives in your aunt’s basement at 37. There is a certain amount of shame that comes with knowing the books from cover to cover, whether you recognize it or not.

When I was going to California for Riley’s, I decided I’d take Eclipse along for the ride. Why? Because I was going for 3 days, and when I returned the KSIBTU crew was meeting in NY for premiere night of Eclipse. It’s nice to brush up, so I had every intention to do so.

I sat down on the plane and a woman sat next to me. We were sitting in the third row and sitting in front of us was an entire bridal party. The bride was like totally like from like Long Island but like her fiancé and her like totally went to like college in like Los Angeles so she had to like TOTALLY have two bridal showers on like both coasts. DUH!

...if only...

I wanted to stick needles in my ears and we hadn’t even left the fucking tarmac. It was ridiculously early as well, so I popped on my noise cancel headphones, put my seat back, threw on my blanket and closed my eyes. I next awoke in Missouri (?) where our plane was picking up more people. I had never experienced that before, but whatever. We were told to get off of the plane, leave our stuff, stretch our legs, and get back on in 15 minutes.

RL pic of me stretching before I got on the plane. Pretend I have blonde hair.
And that I'm translucent and not tan. 

I did all of those things, snatching a soda and a cookie before I got on. When I got back to my seat the woman next to me was already seated.

“Excuse me.” I said shimmying by her as the geniuses who sat in front of us boarded as well. Topic of conversation? One of them currently had two boyfriends. One was much older and one was her age. She liked the older one because she was like so super mature for her age and she could like relate to him and he totally loves to like teach her things about like art or anything else. Basically the guy realized she was a dumbass, taught her how to tie her shoe, and now she feels ‘smarter’. 

Anyhow, I sat down feeling totally refreshed.  I had a cookie! I had a soda! I was Cali bound to fucking sit in a room and watch a movie WITH Kristen Stewart! I was high on life.  ‘Eclipse,’ I thought to myself, ‘I will read that for the remainder of the flight.’ 

As I went to reach down, the woman next to me leaned over.

“Do you not want to punch these bitches in the face?”


“I know!” I said turning to her searching my bag.

“I mean, I can understand being excited, but they literally are the stupidest people I’ve ever heard. All they talk about is material possessions and boys. There ARE two wars going on right now!” She said looking down. I looked down in front of her and noticed a HUGE stack of papers, “Oh,” she said looking up, “health care reform. I work for the government.” She chuckled.

“Oh.” I said nodding, “daunting.” I could totally hang! I’ve worked for senators! I have a BA in PoliSci! I worked at the UN for two summers in college!

“These girls,” she said motioning in front of us, “the only way they can get worse? If they pull out a fucking Twilight book.”

I am the ship.
Pulling the book out is the fall.
The book is the bottom aka death.

ABANDON SHIP! ABANDON SHIP! It was all my brain could say to my hand that suddenly stilled.

“Do you need help?” She said pointing to the fact that I was still hunched over.


“Oh no, just grabbing this!” I said latching on to my other book. HOLY S-H-I-T-B-A-L-L-S thank GOODNESS for paperback books. I latched on to that sucker in the knick of time and pulled it out to show her.

“Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World?” she looked at me questioningly.

“I uh… I really love global ecopolitics.” I stuttered. It’s kind of embarrassing, but it truly is a fascinating book. Did you know that the bananas we eat are nothing like the bananas that our grandparents ate? And that our grandchildren won’t ever have bananas that taste like ours? SEE?! You just learned something reading this ridiculous post.

Perhaps I freaked her out with my book because after that we were done conversing, but the point is, I fucking panicked over Twilight.

If it was any other book, I wouldn’t have had to abandon ship, and that makes me laugh so hard. I’m such a freaking coward. Truth be told, I never did get to read Eclipse, but it was just funny and I wanted to share because we will be talking about Twilight

So now we are to the giveaway part. This Friday will be different.

Because the weekend is the Teen Choice Awards. That’s defo a circle of hell, if you ask me. Never watched, but I just don’t think I could. Gossip Cop reported that Kristen won’t be there because she’s working on the most important movie in the world, IMO. Leave Kerouac to watch Katy Perry host the TCAs? Uh… NO. Good, I’m glad we went over that.

Anyhow, do you remember what she wore last year?

oh HELL yes.

Yes. And then this quote came out:

"When she ventures into a dress, it might just be covered in metal, like the Rock & Republic mini she wore to the Teen Choice Awards earlier this year. "Everyone was like, 'Look at your spiky skirt!'" she says with a grin, "and I was like, 'Spiky skirt? They were bullets, mofo!""

And then she showed up at Coachella like this:

Taggin walls since '10

A genius I am not, but JHiggs is. In accordance with the anniversary of The Bullet Dress, we were at KSIBTU are giving away a painting that will look like this:

Jamie's preliminary sketch. Yes, it's still lacking color.

GangstaStew in the house, respect.

So how do you win this painting that Jamie and I want to keep to ourselves but are instead giving away because I have no choice? First of all you watch this video:

this is sooooo much better than Twilight.

Then you watch THIS video:

Now you answer this question. *BE SURE TO LEAVE A TWITTER NAME AND OR EMAIL ADDRESS TO CONTACT YOU IN THE EVENT THAT YOU WIN!!! Giveaway NOT limited to US residents only--only residents of planet earth.*

What came first for you, the book or the movie? Also, when you can live forever… what do you live for?

the stuff on the right is way better, but harder to find.

My answers: The movie and organic chocolate milk (WITH STRAWS).

K: Hm, chocolate milk, serio?
Me:For realsies. Can't live without it. It's like a drug to me.


[A/N: Happy Birthday, Iris.

I miss you. I flove you. And I’ll be seeing you sooner rather than later.] 


  1. The book and, apparently, the internet. Although shhh because I'm still in a little bit of denial about that.

    I've wondered what it would be like to watch the movie first... hopefully one day we can sit down and talk about it. ;)

  2. Well... I read the book BECAUSE the movie was coming out. So, while I technically read all the books first, it was only because the movie was telling me to, so I'm gonna say both.

    And I'd live for ice cream. Any ice cream, I don't care. Just give me the stuff and I'll happily spend eternity munching down on the sweet, sweet ambrosia.

    And I am so excited for the double post on Twilight - I can't even watch it now without turning on the commentary during all my favourite parts.

    R: "What are you doing in this scene?"
    K: "Thinking about you."
    R: "Oh."
    K: "And then... you appear, it's so great."


    And also: "How are you liking our commentary? 'I loooove greenhouses'."

    So yeah, definitely looking forward to that.

    And the Twilight books are shameful to read in public - I've only done it once, while travelling, and I have never worked so hard to hide the cover of a book in my life. I understand why your brain had a moment of panic.

  3. I am DYING over the Juno/Twilight trailer. So funny!!!

    Also, I'm thinking about just painting this painting as a mural on a wall in my house? Think it'll work? Maybe over my bed? Every night GangstaStew watching over my as I sleep. Edward style. I'm game for that.

  4. OMG CC. Your stories crack me the eff up. I would have abandoned ship too, though I am a book-before-movie gal. Sadly, admittedly, I read all the books plus the Midnight Sun draft multiple times before discovering fanfic. See what joys you brought to my life? As for what I'd live for: I'll have to say Reese's PB Cups. There's peanut butter protein! And chocolate! And you know how I hate exclamation points, but THAT, mofo, is how I eat a Reese's Peanut Butter cup.

  5. The Juno crossover is brilliant beyond brilliant. And so so much better than the real thing. Books before movies (almost always). If I could live forever, it'd be for books. They're my obsessions (cue 80's music).

    And on that note, I've never heard of the Banana book, but I have to have it now. A few years back, when my kids got to the "let's eat nothing but Cheerios and bananas" stage, I made a comment to my mother that bananas just weren't the same as they used to be. The peels are harder to unpeel, and that special banana flavor is milder somehow. She said I was crazy. Now I'll prove her wrong, bahahaha!

    The same can be said about Twinkies. They were delicious when I was a kid, and now they suck. I mean they are truly terrible.

    Fantastic post, one of my favorites. And the painting is mofo legit. Respect.

  6. 1st answer: For me, the movie came first. Back when it premiered here (I live in Norway) me and my friends had the option of either go watch a gory zombie movie, or Twilight. We picked the latter, and ended up becoming seriously struck by the lightning bolt that is Twilight-craze. I can't say I regret it (I hear the peeps who watched the zombie movie were ridiculously disappointed).
    Soon after I read the books, and fell head over heels in love with it all.

    My 2nd answer: Twitter. Seriously.
    I know it sounds lame, but really; no matter how 'unsocial' or aggravating it can be at times, no matter how many loonies you bump into, no matter the drama, you still can't stay away (I know I can't). Cause if it wasn't for Twitter, I wouldn't have come across all the other great peeps out there, where I could share my.. 'obsession' so to speak (we're talkin' my KStew-obsession ya'll).
    So yeah.. ;)

  7. I LOVE FRIDAYS! Serio, I usually have Fridays off from work, but the last 2 I have been working overtime... and they both have been made EXPONENTIALLY better because of you CC, you make my Fridays at work happy ones! So, Thank you.

    Unfortunately I can't watch those videos BECAUSE I'm at work... so that'll have to wait until I get home.

    THAT JHIGGS painting is the SHIT! I WANT IT SOOOO BAD!!! Props on the talent Jamie, you are gifted!

    I read the book first, and I am infinitely excited to see the reviews on how it differs from watching it first... I've always been curious. I always read the book first when I can, seeing a movie that's been made from one, I just find it SO much more fulfilling, knowing what's going on in the characters heads.

    I am excited to re-watch Twilight for the umpteenth time, I flove the commentary more than words can say.

    As for what I’d live for, if I could live forever… a house overlooking the ocean with the ocean facing wall made up entirely of windows. That is my bliss. And peanut butter.

  8. The movie came first for me. It's the only way to do it. Movies don't live up to expectations from a book. See the movie first and your expectations are set accordingly.

    When I can live forever, what do I live for? Happiness. All I want is to be happy, in whatever form that may be.

  9. The book came first for me because my friends were always talking about twilight and I have no fucking idea what Twilight was before. I would always tell them "omfg, here we go again to the twilight zone and i'm outside of that fucking zone!" then they suggested i read the books so i did then i got the target copy of the twilight movie.. and basically fell in love with robert pattinson and kristen stewart.. rest is history..

    When I can live forever:
    Serious answer: Contentment and of course happines..

    Semi serious answer: internet, my starbucks triple grande no whip peppermit mocha frap and cigarettes... lol..

    HIGH-LA-RIOUS post once again! i always enjoy reading your post.. :) The painting is fucking badass :)

  10. Oh Christ, CC, my beloved, I guffawed (lady-like and sophisticated, I assure you) out loud several times reading this post.


    I cannot tell you how excited I am to watch and discuss the genius that is TWILIGHT with you on Monday.

    Me? Actually read all the books first, then immediately immersed myself in the internet. Then the movie. Then the soundtrack. Lather, rinse, repeat times infinity...+1.

    I would live forevah for Shrimp Alfredo Linguine (sans the serio health complications that came with eating it for every meal, every day).


    flove you. And Jamie, my sista, you are one bad-ass talented mofo. Flove you too.

    GangstaStew in the hizzouse. Recognize.

  11. HILARIOUS story about the plane ride, CC. Sorry you had to abandon ship...but I'm totes with you. Bouffantward/Peacoatward is the best in Twilight. And KStew is perfection, as always. Love me some GangstaStew.

    Oh, and to answer your question - the books came first but only after the world seemed to be going nutso right before the movie came out. I was like Wha? So decided to see what all the fuss was about. And now I am not only on it, but I also drive the Crazy Train. Best seat in the house, mofo! ;)

    I live for cheese. There. I said it.

    Love you, love the site, love Twilight. It's a love fest.


  12. Your story had me *like* laughing for sure. And guess what? While I was doing that *yard sale* a few months ago I thought it'd be a good time to review Eclipse as well, before seeing the movie. So while sitting outside watching over perusing possible customers, I perched myself in a lawn chair grabbed my book ... and promptly took the cover off.:D #embarrassed? naaahhh. baha.

    I read the books first technically, but truthfully it was the trailers that kept getting me. I love vampire stories (duh - Buffy) and the trailers sucked me right in. I went and picked up Twilight a few days before the movie came out thinking that would be all I had to read (I barely knew there were other books.) After finishing it in a few hours, I resigned myself to no sleep. Going and getting New Moon, pitching a fit over the fact that there was NO EDWARD in that book and then the following day buying the final two books. In total I slept zero hours, left my kids to fend for themselves, and finished all four books in three days. Then I saw the movie opening day with L and Edward was cemented into my heart for all *eternity*.

    And what would I live for? You. ... and Rob. xo - Buff

    *bullets mofo 4life* <--- my next tattoo.

  13. The movie and that feeling you get when you finally pee after having had to for a really, really long time. It's one of the greater feelings of our existence.

  14. The movie came first. I never got to see it in theatres because at the time I thought this Twilight phenomenon was the dumbest thing in the world. One night I rented to the movie because it was my absolute last resort of choices of movies that night.
    Let's just say it got me hooked. I went to work the next day and got all the books from my coworkers and read them all that week. SOOOOO good.

    ..and the thing I live for is definitely cooking and baking. Which makes me love Kstew even more since she likes to do the same!

    I desperately need a Twilight fix after being gone from normal life for 2 weeks and no TV, so i will certainly fulfill my duty of watching Twilight this weekend! :)

    Love your posts as always!

  15. That was amazing. Twilight + Juno = <3
    and is it weird that i got chills watching the Twilight trailer? How many times have I see this movie? Oh goodness.

    For the contest: Book first, then movie. (However, movie beats books. every. time)

    I'd live for the broccoli at Mazo. It legit tastes like French Fries. How do they DO that?


  16. Ugh Long Island girls, can't stand those bitches. Oh wait. I'm one of them! BAHAHA

    The book came first for me and this month is actually my one year anniversary of finally reading the series. I die for the movie, tho. If I've had a bad day at work I usually get a beer and watch. With commentary because it gets me to laugh super quick.

    I live for Oreo cookies. When I was little I swore there was a huge difference between real Oreos and the off brand and I would refuse to eat anything but the real stuff. Somewhere there are a few of the Oreo holiday tins that I got as presents. What kid wants a tin of Oreos for Christmas? Like this crazy like Long Island kid like that's who.


  17. Thank you SO much for the bday shout out! woot! Are you gonna have some Bacardi for my birfday?

    I actually read the books first. My friend E (who is Mormon) was extolling the fact that it was written by this chick who went to her alma mater and that I should give it a try. So I did. Read NM and Eclipse and then (not so) patiently waited for BD to come out. Then was a little (no still am) (o_O) about it lol

    And NOW she rolls her eyes at me when I talk Twilight and she's Team LIES! *fp* but in her defense, she took THE most epic pic for me at TYH I think I will keep her ;)

    What do I live for? I live for late night chats with two of the bestest ladies EVER. <3

    missyouloveyou xoxo (<-- and i will stop there cuz you already won THAT round)

  18. The book came first. As soon as I read it I knew my life would be changed forever. Then I saw the movie. Then, when I saw Kristen's face, I knew my life would be changed forever. I wouldn't want it any other way. The next answer to your second question is youtube and twitter :)
    twitter: kstewrocksme
    - Jeskka

  19. Haha Well I saw posters for the first movie and then I was like "great another teen movie...oh wait vampires?!! Totes have to read the books!" And I did and now I'm here obsessed with Kstew and YFH (Your future husband). Read all the books and watched the movies. I've been dissapointed every time, but after watching the first three and probably even After the 15 breaking dawn movies, Twilight will always...ALWAYS will be my favorite. It was the shiz!

  20. Firstly--fucking amazing post. But all your posts are fucking amazing. Just so you know..

    Um the book came first for me. And what do I live for? ummm...i live for movie popcorn. weird, i know. but its soooo good!

    your blog rocks. and you fucking rock! keep it up! <3

  21. CC,

    The book came first for me, yo. I'll willingly admit that at this time last year I was saying "Twilight has got to be THE dumbest thing ever created."

    I obviously retract the statement.

    I was drawn in in a very unconventional way, in my opinion. Wanna know how? Okay, good. First, you need to know one thing: Saturday Night Live is probably my favorite television production EVER.

    In November of last year Taylor Swift hosted the show during which she hinted at her possible relationship with Taylor. Two weeks later I was listening to Taylor Swift all day every day and thinking about possibly getting into Twilight simply because she could POSSIBLY be involved with Taylor who was a part of the movie franchise...

    All in all, my mom gave me Twilight (the book) for my 19th birthday (Dec 3). I read it. I was hooked. She bought the movie for Christmas and my infatuation with Kristen began.

    Lastly, when you can live forever, you live for anything and everything that makes you feel alive. I smile ear to ear during every Kristen interview; I get butterflies when I realize that I'm crushing like a 12-year-old; and I always laugh the hardest with I'm laughing with my little brother. Understand?


  22. The movie and I live for tacos. My love of tacos is immense!


  23. I really need to learn to ducktape my own mouth when reading your posts at work because they always result in me laughing my ass off in my office and the casino patrons walking by looking into my office as if someone is dying in here. true story.

    The books came first! A bestie from college sent me the link to the trailer and was like 'Dude - you need to read these books.' An hour later I was at Barnes & Noble, I read Twilight that night and went back the next day, the cashier was the same from the day before. "You're hooked now, aren't you?" And there went a week of my life the summer I was living in Vegas. Could have been getting into all kinds of trouble but I was content laying poolside reading about sparkling vampires.

    And if I lived forever, I would live for..... tequila shrimp fajitas... I would never get sick of them even after a 1000 years. Guaranteed.


  24. Hahahahahahahahaha oh man, you make me laugh every time. My gut hurts. Thanks. Maybe the laughing will get my abs all toned up! (not likely). I'm so glad for this. I had a terrible morning, and coming home to this, and For the Summer and Under the Apple Tree updates (two UtAT!), I feel quite a bit better. :)

    The book came first for me. I read the books right after Breaking Dawn came out. I wasn't even really aware that there was going to be a movie until I got into the books. It took me forever to read them because my friend used to talk about them all the time, and they never sounded interesting to me. Then I met another person who loved them, and I decided I'd go with my friend to the midnight release for the Breaking Dawn book. I didn't get all the hype, but I still had fun. One girl even got proposed to at the party. It was sweet. After a few days, I finally decided to read it, and I couldn't put it down. I stayed up until 6 am every night because I wanted to read. I hardly even got up to eat or pee for five days until I finished the books. It just went from there. So August 2008, the books, November 2008, the movie.

    I would never want to live forever. But if I were to live forever, I would probably just live for my curiosity. I love history, I think it would be cool to be the only real witness to what's happened. And I would love to see how things change over time.

    twitter: @musiclikelove

  25. Fantastic post as always . . . you had me dying on the floor with laughter after watching the two movies cross-over trailer.
    I read Twilight first then saw the movie and then read the rest of the books . . . so I guess it was kind of a mixture.
    And the one thing I live for, possibilites, because with them, you can do anything. (sorry I had to go all philosiphical and s***)
    Love your blog CC!

  26. Dear CC
    I was on th IMBd website, when someone post your site. and that was two days ago. I have to say Im hooked. I feel like I have found my place, not to feel ashamed for what I love and like. Thank you soooo much. I feel, I dont have words. I have to say books, I love books and live for books. Than after the books the movie. Im a true fan of the movies. i dont care if I get disapointed or not I love them. Oh did I mention my obsession fo the one and only Kristen stewart and of course yfh!!!! WIN

    If i could live for ever? To live happy and to thank the lord for the live that he had given me, right or wrong. And i love to hear people laugh!!1

    CC thank you

  27. Whoever made that Juno/Twilight thing is genius. I can totally agree with your airplane story since I feel the exact same way when anyone bashes Twilight. I was afraid to read the books with their covers on anywhere other than home.

    I also fell in love with KStew the way that you did. At first, I though Twilight was another stupid book series and was sick of hearing about it (at the time I went to an all-girls school so you can imagine the effect Twilight had there for months).
    I watched the movie in the theater a few weeks after it opened with 3 friends (2 of which had read the books) since I had nothing better to do one day. I have to admit that when Edward said that spider monkey line and started running up the trees with Bella on his back, neither me or my other friend have ever laughed so hard during a movie. EVER. Little did I know then that Twilight would become a movie that I'd be able to watch over and over again.

    A couple weeks later, during Christmas break while looking for reading material, my sister finally convinced me to read the series. Just before I started reading Twilight, I did some research on Kristen because even though I disliked the movie at the time, I was somehow intrigued by her. After watching and reading a few of her interviews, I became hooked. So without Twilight, which I still think obviously has many faults, I may never have noticed Kristen. And I hate to think of my life without that obsession.

    Oh, and I could not live without popcorn and dark chocolate (just not together because I think that would taste weird).

  28. Well for me the movie came first.... I loved it and Rob and Kristen sooo much that I bought all the books :)I read all the books in 3 days and then when the movie came out on dvd I watched it a billion times and im just about to watch it now :) If I could live forever I would live for....hmmm I would live for chocolate icecream with gummy bears :)Ohh how I love chocolate icecream with gummy bears!

  29. CC-

    To answer your question: books before movies, but I didn't read them until after I'd heard that Kristen had been cast. And what do you live for it you live forever? I don't know. I wouldn't want to live forever. I can't think of anything more depressing than watching everyone you know and love die and having to avoid people or risk them finding out you never age (... and you know, because you might eat them for breakfast).

    Also, I HATE cilantro! Why do people have to spoil perfectly good guacamole with cilantro?! It's fuckery, I tell you!


  30. Your blog is hysterical. Everytime I read your latest post, people crowd around me, wondering what all the laughing is about. My sister and I both love your sense of humor and sarcasm and have become avid readers over the past month....Got some funny stories about our experiences at the LA eclipse premiere, and the WTTR screening---we miraculously got into both! Funny story...

    Thanks for making our adoration of Kstew a fun and loving one. Oh, and, I'll be watching Twilight for only the...zillionth time, this weekend.

    I read the first half of twilight, saw the movie, and finished it and the next three in days. And chocolate. And sprinkles cupcakes.


  31. Great post, as always! I took my daughter to see Twilight, and was instantly hooked. So, movie first, then the books. I live for my kids. They are the best. Thanks for creating such a great blog. Love it!

  32. I LMAO with this post, while at work mind you. People kept staring at me like I was crazy! lol great post as always.

    & to answer your question, the book came first for me. An ex-friend begged me to read it the week before going to watch the movie with her & a group of friends. I had sworn I would never, but being the nice friend that I am, I read it.

    That's the only great thing that came out of that friendship.

    I read the whole series in the span of 4 days. I was then the most excited person in the group to watch this movie!! they smartly held back their 'i told you so'. :]

    As for the the other question, I live for my damn blackberry. It is seriously my life. Everything is in there: internet, music, twitter, texts. I love my damn phone.

    I hope you have a great weekend CC.
    see you next time :]

  33. i forgot to add my twitter username: @ivanastew

  34. Movie first, on DVD no less!! All the books within a week of seeing the movie for the first time.
    I would live for my iPhone and more specifically the twitter app on my iPhone because it connects me to you and all the lovely crazy Americans (and Canadian and Aussie)

    Jamie is a genius!

    Outer rim! Bahahahaha!!

    ily xx

  35. CC, you know I love your blog! For months I'm addicted to it.
    I love the Friday movies ... to be honest the other times I didn’t saw the movies cause I had seen before .... but now TWILIGHT shut the fuck up! I will definitely see it again! I already lost count of how many times I've seen (I bet I'm not the one) but am dying to see it again!
    And to answer your question ... the film came first to me .. had seen the spots on MTV and I didn’t like at all and neither the video clip of Paramore, I always mocked them them and had no interest. Until one day I went to a friend house and i was using his computer and I saw that he had the movie and as it was saturday and i had nothing else to do i decided to record and watch at home.
    I don’t know if I was so susceptible that night or what but I really FELT the movie that I instantly fell in love with it, I swear that even made me shed a tear (something VERY unusual for me) the rest is history ...
    A friend borrow me the books and I became obsessed .. and then went to see the film to the cinema 4 times .. is much (I know) or not? hahaha. After I bought the 4 books and went bankrupt (because in my country are very expensive) and so far I have with the
    plastic so I didn't open, this is how crazy I am!

    alecita.07 @

  36. The movie came first to me, cause I was a Paramore fan and I saw the music video..and the rest is history lol.

    I'm not sure if I'll watch Twilight this weekend. I know all the lines in that freaking movie!!! I don't know if I can.
    But I can't wait for your review. It should have like 100 parts.. there's too much to discuss


  37. CC Evey time i read your post i just bust out laughing.Loved the airplane story
    so my story is i heard of the book before..people always asked did i read twilight and im like wtf is twilight. so one day i see a trailer for the movie im like what! a movie. I watched the movie first and then i read the books i was hooked from the go. i read the books in between weeks because i had to find them online
    I Live for books,sleep and my fave junk food

  38. the movie came first. Never heard of the books before the movie. I guess I was living on a distant planet. You see, I was 17 when the movie came out, so for me NOT to know what Twilight was... it was shameful to my BFF.

    So me and my other friend were like way to cool to see it and avoided it like the plague. One day, she secretly went to see it alone in broad daylight so that she wouldn't get caught. She called me after and told me to drag myself to the theater. I did and when i asked what we were seeing she said dont worry about it. So I snuck in through the side door, saw the Harry Potter trailer, and I just knew. I knew I was watching Twilight... and it was the greatest decision I ever made. There is obvious sillyness to the movie with the bad effects and its cheesy one liners, but it opened my eyes to the epicness that is Roberto and KStew.

    I never planned to read the books. My love affair with Twilight was solely because of Rob and Kris. But mom saw how obsessed I was with the movies and just bought me the entire set. Read them all in like a week, and I almost wish i hadnt read the books until after the movies. Reading the books first just makes you want to rip your hair out for not getting certain things right. But at least my BBs bring it every time, therefore I will flock the theater always.

    Can't wait to discuss commentary. Its pure amazeballs with such classy little one liners. The way Rob and Kristen say buffont? WINNN


  39. You and I have discussed this before. Movie first then all 4 books in a New York minute.
    Fangirling all over the pavements; infatuation with Robsten; joining the CC posse; is this real life we ask ourselves daily?
    What do I live for besides the obvi (see above)? Twizzlers of course, and Dr. Pepper.
    Flove you, xo

  40. bwahaha. I never heard before that a PLANE had to pick up other people xD. too funny. somehow...

    I always watched Vampire movies I really liked them. So I saw Moonlight on TV and couldn't wait for the next ep. so I searched on YT link over link and then I got to see the Twilight trailer (and read before there is a remake planned [of Moonlight] with younger actresses on I really just thought 'ok what's that . it looks really weird.'
    And when i know try to remember the trailer (how I firat saw it) it looks totally different. But anyways, half a year later my friend took me to theatre to see Twilight and I did want to see it b/c y aknow, there're vampires in there ^^. And she already was a lil obsessed (a.o. w/ Jasper) and I really liked it too. ANd then she gave me the book. And after a month I read every book xD haha. SO I was the FIRST-THEATRE-THEN-BOOK-TYP.

    && when I could live forever, I'd live for HARIBO GUmmi bears. num. num. num.

    twitter: @tinieh

  41. Jamie is so talented it blows my mind. OMG. I have no words.

    That Juno-fied Twilight vid was hilarious. Too good. It had to be watched multiple times.

    Ok, so, I have my mil to thank for igniting my passion for Twilight. And you KNOW how it pains me to say shit like that. But... She got the Twilight book from one of her chemo patients and passed it along to me. I read the first three books quickly (yeah, imo NM was a total waste of paper and I basically skipped the whole book, just making sure Edward reappeared before the end) and had to wait for BD's release (just like Iris). So it was book before movie for me, though it's no competition: I flove the movie far more than the book. Often it's the other way around, but this movie stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, so obvs it WINS.

    I have to admit, Robert Pattinson was NOTHING like my mind's version of Edward Cullen from the book. But now, after one hundred thousand viewings of Twilight, I can't fathom anyone else in that role. Obvs Kristen was the perfect choice for Bella, that goes without saying. Unless I could have been cast, of course.

    I am so excited to read your post about the movie tomorrow, you have no idea (well, I DID mention it to you earlier, so I guess you DO know). Anyway, you have to comment extensively on the commentary, obvs. Please. It is the best shit ever. My fave part is when Rob says "saucy." So, when we all convene for our polygamous transatlantic flight I'm gonna make him say it. Out loud. To each of us. Mkay? If he's indisposed Amy's gonna have to fill in and do it. I have it alllllll figured out, don't worry. That's cuz I'm a planner, unlike others of us, and by that I mean you. One of the many reasons we compliment each other. See, that was a compliment.

    If I could live forever I would live for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That, and goddessmothers who teach cosmetology lessons in my dining room, give up the ENTIRE contents of their wallets for playtime fun, send thoughtful gifts of jewelry just because, and encourage their goddessdaughters to ask Santa for a backyard trampoline. That's what I live for. xoxo

  42. Cheeseburgers!

    Book before movie for me. But only just. Actually it was the previews and the poster that made me go, hmm, I like them, I like vampires, I should see this. Then someone said it was based on a book. Bought the book. It sat on my dresser for about a month, then the week before the movie came out I read it. I was suffering through NM when I actually went and saw the movie the first time.

    How had I never seen the Juno/Twi vid. I think I may live for that from now on. And, like Amy cause we share a brain, I live for my iPhone.


  43. the movie first, than i read the book only Twilight tho (Bella from the book creep me out lol!) for the second question...mine will be fanfictions lol! i'm a fanfics ho!!! i read them all from my fav tv shows, movies, books and

  44. Loved this post!
    I have the exact same reaction when someone mentions Twilight. I freeze. My friends know I've read the books (I'm pretty sure I once said I've read them several times) and I am a fan of the movies and Rob and Kristen. They just don't know the extension of my obsession, so whenever it pops out in a conversation I keep my mouth shut and abstain from making comments.
    I'm so excited that we're watching Twilight this time! The commentary was epic. Never gets old. It's my favorite movie out of the three. For me it's Twilight > New Moon > Eclipse.
    To answer your questions: the movie came first. I've always loved vampires and I had no idea it was more like a chick flick than a Fantasy/Action movie when I went to see it (nor did my brother, but he actually liked it and has read the books). Their on-screen chemistry did it for me and I just HAD to buy the books.
    And what do I live for? I have no idea. My family and friends? If you're looking for a more frivolous answer then ice cream, beer and chocolate.

    Twitter: @agus_ap

  45. Good Lord, Long Island girls? My condolences.
    I read the book first. . . I figured since is was being made into a movie, it couldn't be THAT bad xD
    If I could live forever, I'd live for Klondike bars, mos def.

    Twitter: @LaurenMendozaa

  46. bahaha at the airplane story! so much win. You should have slapped Eclipse right in her face when she said that!

    To answer the question: The movie came first. I had made fun of it (mostly because I was tired of seeing bumper stickers on Facebook about it) for a while before/after it came out in theaters. I laughed when the newspaper gave it bad reviews.

    Once it came out on Redbox, I thought I would see what all the "fuss" was about. My brother and I plopped down in my room one night and watched it. After it was over, he said to me, "That was actually okay." Now as I have said many times before, he will take that admission to the freaking grave!!! He will deny to anyone (even me) that he did NOT say that. These are the time that I wish I had a time machine.

    Anyway, I thought it was pretty darn good and decided to go buy the first book...then the second, third, and fourth. I started watching all the on-set interviews, trailers, etc. Then started my Twilight obsession. I was hooked! Feel in love with Rob/Kristen right away. And my obsession has been a downward spirial ever since...oh well, I own it! haha!

    To answer the other question...I would live forever for corn on the cob!

    Twitter: JessWink22

  47. i read the books before watching the movies, and like you cc, i know the writing is pretty shitty but ugh i so love crazy-ass relationships (yes, i totally think edward and bella are co-dependent). at least i gained a new idol (kstew):p
    what i would live for.....? all my fave tv series on dvd (on 'repeat' teehee) w/ an endless supply of buttered popcorn and diet pepsi!!!!!!:D

  48. The movie came first & I watched it twice before reading the book. Although I loved the movie at first, I didn't like it as much after reading the book. The movie could be so much better. But it was what hooked me up to the series and, most importantly, to Kristen, so it can't be that bad. I guess.

    If I could live forever, I'd live for... Christian Louboutin shoes. Not that I have the money to buy ones, but I'd have forever to come up with it, sooo... Yeah.

    And now I'm gonna watch Twilight.



  49. Great story about the airplane ride! I don't know what it is about Twilight that gets us in a frinzy! I've had my fair share of abandoning ship! Recently family took a road trip to Georgia to visit relatives through my husbands side, my mom begged me to take her along, so I agreed, everything was fine, we were chatting, eating at the table and my mom asked a couple of tweens and teens if they've seen that vampire movie...Twilight? They all said yes and my mom goes on to tell them about me standing for hours in long lines to see Eclipse and how i watched it 3x's, and flew to Los Angeles to see New Moon, needless to say I was beyond horrified! I vowed never to bring her again, I was utterly speechless while my husband was dying from laughter..not cool, AT.ALL.!!

    I saw the movie first. Actually rented it twice from Redbox, got charged for late fee's and still never saw it until the third time. I remember being in Target at the checkout and a guy in his late 30's frantically comes rushing into the store just to buy the movie Twilight, he told the cashier he heard it was an awesome movie and had to buy it. Which led me to the Redbox because if this "guy" is hearing that it was an awesome movie something aint right. Read the book after and fell in love with it, much better than the movie but love them both unconditionally!

    If I could live for ever, I would live for Internet, Starbucks mocha frap and pizza!

    Lovin the Gangsta Stew Pic!!
    Gangsta Stew chillaxin on my wall...PRICELESS :)

