Monday, August 2, 2010

Georgia on my mind...

Happy Movie Monday everybody, and more importantly Happy On The Road Day! Filming is set to begin today and the excitement we all feel is rather infectious. Can’t wait! I am going to begin this post with the winner of the giveaway, but before I do I must strongly encourage all of you to go and read the comments from last week. I was roaring at some of the stories, seriously. I’m so glad to know that I am in good company with all of you. Then again, I never doubted your company considering you are the best fans in all of FandomLand. selected the winner randomly and chose…..

Congratulations HinkleBelle!!!!!! I will be contacting you very shortly with details on how we carry on from here. To those of you that didn’t win? Do not fret. YOUR NEXT OPPORTUNITY IS ON FRIDAY! 

When last we spoke I decided that The Cake Eaters would be the movie of choice for the weekend. I received several emails from first time watchers on how much they enjoyed it, and I also got a few emails from seasoned watchers who loved it even more. I’m the latter. This is one of those movies that you turn on, and in the blink of an eye it’s over. It goes very fast, and that is a good thing. There is nothing worse than a movie that drones on and on and should’ve stopped eons before it did. 
The Cake Eaters is a splendid story of two families in different states of disarray learning to deal with life as it comes at them. 

The movie opens with Guy calling his house only to be met with the answering machine—riddled with his deceased mother’s voice.  Beagle walks towards the machine and stares at it awaiting his brother’s voice, and yet Guy hangs up instead. This is the first indication that something is strained between this family. Brush by a brief conversation over cereal between Beagle and his father Easy, and we are at the first scene with Georgia.


I loved the way that she comes into view from the camera and not just a shot of the mother taking a picture of her. Her slight jerking is your first inclination that perhaps there is something wrong, and when her mother tells her to sit still it only solidifies this suspicion.

I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that initially the whole picture thing sincerely creeped me out. So much so that as the grandmother picked her up and said, “they got child pornography laws,” I merely nodded in agreement. While I did not think it was pornography in any way, it just struck me as a bit weird, but it’s an important element to this story.

When Georgia and her grandmother arrive at the market and the boys begin harassing her calling her pictures porn? That made me want to hug her. 15 is a confusing age, and boys are dumb. The whole situation just made me feel so incredibly bad for Georgia, as if nothing was truly her own. She needed people to walk her everywhere, and her body was art on display for everyone to see. But what was she in control of? What belonged to her?

Beagle has NO game.

Enter Beagle. 

The thing I love about these two is how frank they are. They have a thought? They say it. 

“Is that why you talk like you’re drunk?”

Whereas I would rather perish than ever state the obvious (I am the one that will NEVER tell you that you have something in your teeth in fear of embarrassing you), he went straight for the kill—and she laughed.

“Are you gonna get better?”
“No, this is pretty much as good as it’s gonna get. Until my heart gives out.”

This is when we, the viewer, finally learn that Ms. Georgia will not be surviving her neuromuscular disease. That broke my heart in two.

Then the movie flashes back to Guy, he is atop his house pulling off shingles in the rain. Beagle and his dad pull up and they all have an exchange. Beagle’s detest for his brother is blatantly obvious, but dually warranted. He missed his mother’s decline and funeral (or death announcement at that) because he was too busy having an unsuccessful music career.  Selfish. I’m with Beagle on this one, fuck you bro.  And when Guy goes in for a hug his father rejects it. That is powerful.


We then find out that when he departed, Guy left his fiancé high and dry without even saying goodbye. (Gosh I love a good rhyme.) If at all possible, I hated him even more.

Wow, bad case of jaundice, eh?

The next scene was Georgia’s mother practicing a holistic healing treatment where she projected bright colors onto Georgia's face. The first time I saw this movie people laughed. I didn’t. When I look at that scene I do not see a crazy mother. I see a mother who is scared to death that her daughter is going to die and she will do anything in her power to stop it.  Don’t take it at face value; it’s deeper than that. Her mother feels absolutely helpless knowing that her daughter is going to pass away sooner rather than later—and there is not a god damned thing she can do about it. That goes against nature. A parent should never have to burry their child, and when they do—it is nothing short of an incredible tragedy. I get the color treatment because I would freaking do that too.  Whatever it takes.


Enter bed scene. Here’s what I love about Kristen playing Georgia. I picture Kristen as a badass who kicks ass and takes names on a daily basis. If she wants something she is going to get it. I don’t think she’s impulsive, I think she’s determined. That is Georgia. She has no control over her life because everyone is so busy protecting her. She decides to take control and tells Beagle to kiss her, and he does, and they get into it, and I was so glad he didn’t reject her. She took a risk and it paid off. When he left, and she started having a girly moment, I wanted to weep a little. She felt pretty, she felt wanted, but most of all she felt normal.

We then see Marg getting wasted and talking to her dolls. I absolutely adore Elizabeth Ashley’s voice. While I absolutely detest the actual practice of smoking, there is something so appealing about that dark and raspy voice. Anyhow, Easy shows up and that’s when we realize these two aren’t as… disconnected as they lead on to be. In fact, I was willing to bet they connected a lot—with their saggy privates. (Was that gross? I have an aversion to elderly fornication.)

The scene changes only to find out that Georgia’s mom got the grant she wanted, and she wanted to start taking pictures right away. Georgia protests, and this is when I get that feeling that her mother is a pageant mom—and then I get freaked out. 
you should be EMBARRASSED.

I know deep down inside how much her mother truly loves her. I know that her mom is just so fucking scared. I know all of this, but I’ve watched far too much TLC for my own good.

how is this LEGAL

Georgia declares she is going to go and get her hair cut, and then she falls, and everyone rushes to her sides and you watch as her independence slips away from her eyes. Kristen is freaking amazing in this role. Georgia, once again, has to rely on people to pick her up. As her mother insists she uses a wheelchair, Georgia protests saying,
 “mom I don’t need that yet.”

“But Georgia, you’re covered in bruises.”

“You don’t think I know that? I’m the one who’s dying, remember?”

It is said in such a matter of fact way that it nearly takes my breath away. Imagine being 15. Imagine knowing you were going to die. Imagine trying to do it with at least one shroud of dignity left. I just cant. 

Then Georgia has the talk with her Grandmother. I’m so glad that her grandmother isn’t too overbearing, you know? She’s upfront and honest. She doesn’t bother with any virtue bullshit *cough Stephenie cough* and she gives real answers. That being said, I’m so still #TeamCharlie. 


The haircut, to me, was the next step in Georgia finally doing something on her own terms. It’s rather symbolic this transformation. She went from a girl who could hide behind her hair, to a girl with nearly none. Her veil is down. She’s exposed. She’s vulnerable. She’s 15 and she wants to have sex before she dies, and as convoluted as that sounds, it’s beautiful as well. 

“I don’t really have a lot of time to wait.”

The scene where Beagle sees his father standing between Marg’s legs broke my heart. He took care of his mother—he loved his mother—and it has to fucking kill to see that. When Beagle shows up to the barn dressed nicely for Georgia and his father digs into him, you just know it’s about to go down. Beagle calls him out and who talks? Guy. Guy knew about it, and it’s like you’re watching Beagle have a knife twisted inside of him. Everyone knew except for him. It’s one thing for his father to move on after his mom was dead, but it is an entirely different animal to find out that it went on for years while she was still alive. It hurts to watch your parent get cheated on. I know personally, and I wanted to fucking kill my stepfather—I couldn’t imagine if it were my own dad. 

When Georgia is leaving to go with Beagle it is important to note that her attire has changed. Just as her hair was shed, so was her baggy clothing. She feels pretty. She wants to be noticed. She is taking pride in her body and her appearance. 


Perhaps one of the most beautiful moments in the movie is when Beagle finally picks up Georgia and they are riding on his little vespa. She releases her hands, extends them out, tilts her head back, and in that moment she is free. She isn’t trembling, or jerking, or shaking, or slurring her words. She is free like she has never been before. Brilliant acting on Kristen’s part.

Now let’s cut straight to the bedroom. Remember when I talked about how candid they were? I love when she is like, “something smells like a barn,” and he is like, “that would be me.” GROSSSSSSS. I hate that smell so much. I would never survive anywhere that entailed living amongst cows or horses. I used to ride horses when I was little. After riding I would have to bathe the horse and all this other stuff. I didn’t understand it. It smelled like shit no matter what, so why the hell was I attempting to wash something that was 17 times my size?! I literally abandoned my dreams of being an equestrian at the ripe old age of 8 because I got sick of washing a horse that constantly smelled bad. I’m pathetic, I know.

This makes my first sexual experience seem a WHOLE lot less awkward.

Beagle showers and when he comes out my favorite line of the entire movie is said.

“You don’t work out, do you.”

HILARIOUS. WOULD YOU EVER?! COULD YOU IMAGINE!? If he had a boner that shit just shrank inward and became a lady bit. That is so unbelievably hilarious that as I type this I am cracking up. You come out to a girl who wants to have sex with you and she… insults your physique? God, could that have been any better? The answer is NO. Perhaps that's why he didn't want to have sex with you, Georgia.

Georgia goes for it, slipping Beagle a condom (in a very tactful way, might I add), and he rejects her. Fucking prick. NOW he cares that he’s boning a 15 year old? After he’s already walked into the hotel room, showered, and is wearing nothing but a towel? Puh-lease, SIT DOWN.

Georgia shuts down saying, “I just want to get this over with.” I don’t believe she means that though, I think her pride was seriously hurt. 


Beagle struggles to leave, but he ultimately cannot do it. He walks up to the door, knocks, and as soon as she opens he grabs her into his arms. It was a beautiful moment. She looked so innocent and yet relieved but still sad… did that make sense? Hell, does any of this make sense?
Then they make sexytime.

When they awake it is time for school. He scoots her there, stands in the hallway, asks her what she wants for lunch and she simply replies, “you.”


you go, Georgia, you go.

And even better, she looks so happy and so content--finally. Everything she did to get to that point she did on her own. That is will power. That is determination. That is taking charge of your life. That is beautiful. I love Georgia.

When I initially saw this movie, my friend was caught up in it. “It’s about a girl who wants to have sex before she dies so she just uses a guy to do it.” No. It’s not. It’s about a girl who is always so overprotected and so coddled trying to have some semblance of control and individuality over her life. Sure she wants to have sex before she dies, but only because she found a boy that gives her the tingles. Is that so wrong?

The ending to this movie was really good. All of the men reconvene in the kitchen and they get along. Guy had to make peace with his mother, Easy had to lay it out for Marg, and Beagle stopped hating his brother, forgave his father, and got a sweet ass girlfriend as well. So they huddled in their kitchen, a room filled with memories of their mother, and pieced together the relationships they so sadly let slip away.

.... MRS. RILEY!?

[Note: The mother at the end of the movie? With the boys in the kitchen? That was Melissa Leo. I had NO idea they were ‘in’ a movie together before Welcome to the Riley’s]

Mary Stuart Masterson did a brilliant job with this as her directorial debut. It’s a beautiful story, plain and simple, and it wasn’t trite in any way. I also love her because Fried Green Tomatoes is one of my favorite movies (and foods) of all time. 

Perhaps one of the most astonishing things about Kristen’s acting in this movie was her ability to act out this disease. Not only the speech impediment, but also the actual physicality of it had to be so hard. To be so rigid and shaking had to take a toll on her body. The dedication to her craft never ceases to amaze me because as you watch her attempt to walk and talk it seems so laborious and consuming, and she played the part seamlessly.

It is extremely sad to know that some of the girls Kristen met with in preparation for this movie role have passed away. She always said what great spirits they were in and that is so inspiring. Here we sit every day bitching about our lives and yet we are so fucking fortunate for what we have. Sometimes movies like this can put some things into perspective, even if only for a fleeting moment. 

KStew = Georgia

But that’s what Kristen does. She picks roles that mean something. She picks roles that make you think. She picks roles that she can act out so well that at times you believe what you are seeing is reality. She picks roles that affect you. And then she delivers a perfect performance.

I am consistently in awe of this movie and Kristen’s performance, as well as her dedication to this portrayal. If there is anything to learn from this movie, it is that life is far too short to not get what you want.

Because she did an incredible job playing Georgia, a girl suffering from Friedreich's Ataxia, KStew is better than you.

[A/N: Please let me know your thoughts on this movie. This is one movie I simply cannot get enough of. Also, Georgia on My Mind is a song by Willie Nelson. I love Willie and his little pigtails, so if you’re not familiar with the song check it out! I’ll see you all on  Friday for the next giveaway and movie assignment. Have a great week ladies! Now let’s discuss…]


  1. CC-

    Another great post! This was a great movie... one of the ones that you can always hold up to detractors and say, "Do you see this amazingness? Are you stupid or willfully ignorant?" They just don't get IT. Too bad for them. Georgia is so tragic on one hand, and so emblematic of strength, and Kristen was able to capture both, without reducing Georgia to melodrama. (pointless aside, I keep typing her name as Georgie...)

    I did have one issue with the film: the grandmother's reaction to Georgia and Beagle and the way she threw it at Easy. That shit seriously pissed me the fuck off. While I get that she's worried about her granddaughter, she demeans Georgia and Easy and her relationship with him. Yes, things move into a better direction, but that one flash was so horrible.

    What are we doing next week? Cutlass? Please? Fierce People? Please?


  2. My Beloved:

    I am such a fan of this movie, and could never articulate it like you just did. All I can say is that Georgia could teach me many many things about pursuing goals and finding the courage to do so. Kristen mesmerizes in this performance. The scene on the Vespa, as she spreads her arms and is still? She flies. She is free. *Sniffle...Goosebumps* It is one of those moments in cinema that I'll always remember. Truly blissful.

    Georgia and Kristen are so so much better than I. Love The Cake Eaters, Love You.

  3. ladybug ( 2, 2010 at 5:29 PM

    Oh my God, that paragraph were you talk about choosing roles that mean something, that make us think and empathize with the characters? That pretty much sums up why she caught my attention. I just love all the parts she plays, they always MEAN something.

    Now for this movie: I loved it! I love that the movie is not about a young girl dying of an incurable disease, but about that girl LIVING with it. (Actually, in Portugal they translated the title to LIVING LIFE which is pretty cheesy and not very original but kinda makes sense...)

  4. I had no idea how to get my hands on this movie. But I did. And I'm so freaking glad you explained it.

    Now, I feel guilty. Like, extremely guilty. Because Saturday I watched this movie. And in the blink of an eye, it was over. And I didn't get it. I couldn't find the story. I was so confused over it and I was so pissed off at myself because I know that it's a great movie. I freaking loved, or rather, floved, watching it because it was really really really good.
    But I was so confused because I couldn't find the central problem or the solution. So I'm really glad that you explained this because now I can finally appreciate the movie the way I should.

    Kristen was just indescribable. I have no idea how she's capable of doing so much. I've been acting for over seven years, and I doubt that I could ever do that, even if I had another seven years. But that's why Kristen is better than me. The way she portrayed Georgia was incredible. Georgia doesn't want people feeling bad for her or worrying about her. She just wants to live her life in the time that she's got. She doesn't want people second-guessing her, she just wants to find something that's hers. To basically experience the stuff that people spend their entire lives either searching for, or taking for granted. She's got a beautiful outlook on life, and a freaking deadline looming over her head. And the way that Kristen showed that, by making Georgia strong in spite of all that makes her vulnerable, is the kind of stuff I only wish I could do.

    Also, I'm freaking obsessed with Rent. I mean, it's kind of pathetic that I love Rent so much. I own the movie, my friends and I all love the movie (because obviously my friends and I are those theatre people), we even waited out side at an ungodly hour just to get rush tickets and see the play in person with two of the original actors in it. We met them both. But anyway, when I found out that Jesse L. Martin was in The Cake Eaters, I nearly had an aneurysm because not only is my favorite actress of all time in this movie (Stew, obviously), but one of the actors from freaking Rent is in it? And the fact that he played such a great character? My heart melted. I knew from the opening credits that I would love this movie. And I was right.

    Can't wait to see what next week's movie is. :)

  5. This blog kicks ass. Just FYI. I enjoy the fact that you talk about more than the Robsten thing. Movie Mondays are my favorite. That was very well broken down. I've seen the movie before, but now I *get* it thanks to you. That you do this is a great tribute to Kristen's craft and a GREAT thing for the fandom. Kudos.

  6. Great post! I love this movie and enjoyed very much watching it again. It's such an inspiring and touching role. After watching it for the first time, I admired Kristen as an actress ten times more than I did before. She did a wonderful job portraying Georgia. It did caught my attention how short it is, but that just adds more significance to the film.

    What got stuck with me since the first time I saw it was the beginning of this scene when you can see that she was reading "Everything that rises must converge." I think that says a lot about her attitude towards her illness and her life. I don't know, that just got stuck in my mind.

  7. i love it CC!!!!my personal fav moment when Bagel tied a string around Georgia and him on the moped efing sweet.

  8. Kristen is amazing in this movie. She brings such realism to the role of Georgia. It is so heartbreaking and inspirational at the same time. The only thing that is equally amazing to Kristen Stewart's acting is this blog.

    What range Kristen has.... from Georgia to Joan. Wow she is so much better than me.

  9. CC just a side note....this is OT with The Cake Eaters. I know you said you didn't like scary movies...but you have to see Kristen in The Messengers. She plays a scared teen sooooooo well. I HATE scary movies as well, but watched it beacause it had Kristen in it. I was not disappointed.

  10. CC,
    Thank you for this trip down memory lane. Stewie is fabulous in The Cake Eaters. This is the film that really me hooked.
    Speaking of Stewie films, I know they have started OTR today, so I hope we will all soon get word on the filming and maybe get lucky and see a photo of two. Sure would be great.
    I am so happy today as I bought a DVD copy of Yellow Handkerchief at eBay. I have been hoping to see that one for a long long time, so I am so excited.
    Big hug to you, CC.

  11. I saw the movie a while ago and it seemed to me very sad... but I loved kristen's performance

  12. @Aujouret

    I'm so glad you got that!!! TYH will definitely be on the menu this summer.... and I'm hoping for OTR just as much as you are!!


  13. CC I am REALLY sorry but this will be epicly lengthy! You are warned...

    This movie has cemented my faith in Kristen - if it could even be cemented any further than it already has!
    I know this is the first time I've commented on your blog, but I do read it regularly and I do flove IT!...but the reason I comment tonight is that this movie spoke to me. I watched it for the first time tonight and - though I knew about it for a long time - this is the first time I dedicated myself to watch it. And it was every thing I expected and more. She delivers unfailingly.
    And this movie has made me realise how blessed I am with my perfect health and (imperfect) life.
    I am the first to admit that I am not a HUGE movie fan. I am more inclined to music. I certainly tire of movies more quickly than I do CDs (see how old-fashioned I am? I still refer to music in CD-terms!) but Kristin has changed that. I can't remember EVER truly being a fan of an actor or actress before Kris.
    She epitomises what acting should be - what I studied drama for - and takes a character and makes it her own. I know there are many people (for a second there, I nearly typed 'fans') who would like her to be the next Katherine Heigl but I adore her just as she is - the true-to-herself individual that she is.
    Just to let you know (because I am new, and yes the interwebs is v anon...I know some peace of mind is welcome...) I identify with Kris (though she is years my junior) and I do look up to her. I am proud of her achievements and wish her a long and successful career. She is an inspiration to me (though I am not an inspiring actress). She inspires me to be true to myself and I do defend her regularly amongst friends and peers - and to hell with the 'omg you like twilight?' stigma!!!
    flove, lis

  14. as it said at the end of this beautful (and non-kstew-related)video :

    'if you want sth in life - reach out and grab it'

    and so did Georgia (:

  15. " If there is anything to learn from this movie, it is that life is far too short to not get what you want." - Amen. I flove this movie and Kristen's Georgia so much.

    AND..."Fried Green Tomatoes is one of my favorite movies of all time." - No Frickin Way! It's official I flove U!

  16. Even people who don´t like Kristen, have to agree that she is fenomenal in this movie.

  17. CC

    Love your review. Kristen's Georgia is so inspired in this movie. Her acting is so deserved to be nominated for the Academy Awards ( I know I am so bias with any Kristen- related but you have to agree her acting is really great in the Cake Eaters). It really breaks my heart when I watched her walking in the hallway at the end of the movie ( after she answered what she wanted for lunch). How the heck was she able to walk like that? She is just better than us.

  18. YAY! I won! I am so stoked to see what Jamie can do with the photo I am thinking of using! I'm in the process of emailing you back as soon as I finish this comment.
    I just finished watching The Cake Eaters..and I was not disappointed! To play the part of Georgia was no easy task, and Kristen pulled it off wonderfully. I didn't see Kristen...I saw a 15 year old, dying of this disease for which there is no cure, and it was heartbreaking, yet uplifting that she was able to control the few important things in her life. She was spectacular. Even my husband said that she did an amazing job and he's not nearly the fan I am.
    I can't wait to see which movie we pick for this weekend! I'll be messaging you back soon.
    Thanks so much!

  19. I watched this for the first time Friday night thanks to Shmootube. It was a great remedy after seeing ZEffron in Charlie St. Cloud earlier that night.

    Please pardon me as I get a little personal here in my comments about the film.
    I dated a guy with a neuromuscular disease. I found out by asking too many questions one night and was told "My muscles are slowly failing and well, your heart is a muscle too you know..." It wasn't a topic we discussed much afterwards. While we were together he went after every possible opportunity and experience that came his way. We are not in touch anymore but if the past is any indication I know he is living life to the fullest. It is a shame that more of us who are healthy, with a long life ahead of us, don't live life the same way.

    On to the movie. I loved it. Kristen had such a difficult role and I felt she did so well. The message of going after what you want, living a full life, is so powerful and I can see why Kristen wanted to play Georgia. I loved the scene where she is getting her hair cut and on the vespa. She was, as you said, so free and in such a state of bliss. Amazing. I hope, despite all the Twilight fame, she can continue to do these roles that mean so much to her and to us fans.

    I'm buying this on dvd as soon as I get back home. It is a must see and must own for Kristen fans. xo

  20. Hola mi amiga it's me! I finally watched it :)
    First of all, saggy privates nearly made me toss my biscuits but I have a few serious thoughts too.
    I really, really felt for her Mom. I know it's Georgia's life but the absolute desperation she must be feeling is palpable. She comes across as smothering and the photo thing is weird but losing a child is too much to even comprehend.
    I loved Beagle, then I hated him, and then I kinda liked him but most of all I loved Georgia.
    The very highest compliment I can pay is that I forgot I was watching our beloved KStew and just felt like I was watching a girl with a degenerative disease. The sexy parts were real (no fan-fic rose tinted glasses here!)and it just shows a girl desperate the feel normal, and wanted. Which is something that all of us feel at many times in our lives.
    Can we have something upbeat next week please?!

  21. So, I have been meaning to comment because there is one obvious gem in here that I just have to repeat. THIS: In fact, I was willing to bet they connected a lot—with their saggy privates. (Was that gross? I have an aversion to elderly fornication.)

    Elderly fornication? Saggy privates? Aversion? First of all - ew. Second of all - BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That cracked my ass up. You are a funny girl CC, a funny girl.

    And lastly, I'm going to ask that you stop stealing all my comments about these movies. How the hell am I suppose to participate in these conversations when you are hacking into my brain and taking all the good bits? I mean, I know the whole twin thing and all that but throw a girl a bone. (or boner, I like those too. [Yes, both senses of the word boners as in mon-eh and boner as in erection... unless its elderly and saggy.])

    I flove you, and you are too legit to quit, hey hey.

  22. This ophelia2010:

    CC- I love this movie. But I didn't watch it again. I's so beautiful and so painful and so poignant, I just didn't have it in me this weekend to let it open me up and expose me all over again. THATS how powerful this movie is.

    Kristen's performance in this movie puts the performance of many hollywood 'actors' generally to shame . She is just perfect as Georgia - she gets this JUST right. Its not overdone, its not underdone. She quietly presents the inner battle Georgia fights, with dignity.
    I love this movie.

    And, while I spent much of the movie wanting to bitchslap Beagle, when he has the showdown with his family, I just love him, and when Easy finally shows him some respect, well, I just cry. And in this moment I know he is worthy of Georgia.

    This movie is truly special. Its art. Its real.
    Stop me now - I am gushing....

    But really, Thanks CC- flove you, flove Georgia and flove my new I GET IT: KSIBTU T-shirt! (I finally bought it and it finally arrived- I'm a happy girl!)

  23. I really love the way you write your reviews CC. You are amazing and yes, this is an amazing and wonderful movie. Kristen was very impressive in it. I'm not sure if you've seen Melissa Leo's interview at LA Film Fest about Kristen. She mentioned that she didn't put two and two together that Kristen was in The Cake Eaters.

    Here's the link:


  24. I know I'm a little late to the party… but I wanted to give my two cents anyhow.

    Let me just start out by saying, I love this movie. Start to finish, it draws you in and doesn't let go. It feels much too short, with so much raw emotion packed in so tightly.

    Georgia's ability to just say what's on her mind is incredible. I love that she uses homework as an excuse to bring Beagle to her house.

    Beagles acceptance of her disease is flooring. I wish all people could be so accepting and compassionate as this young man is. I love that he buckles them together the first time she gets on his scooter.

    As fleeting as the moment is, when Georgia stretches her arms out on the back of Beagles scooter, the freedom she conveys is so overwhelming, it seriously warms my heart and chokes me up every time I see it.

    I literally said “FUCK” out loud when I saw that Marg and Easy found where they were, I wanted them to have their moment. I was very pleased they didn’t intrude. You could feel the love and respect Easy had for his son when he talks about what he did for his mother, when he couldn’t be there for her.

    Georgia’s mother loves her, plain and simple. She’s trying so hard to hold on to the time she has with her daughter. When Marg tells her over the phone that she is doing a good job, you can feel just how much she needed to hear that.

    The kitten on Guy when he wakes in the graveyard is ADORABLE! I wanted to reach through the screen and take it.

    When Easy pulls Beagle into a hug it killed me! He wanted his hug to say everything that he couldn’t express in words, the love and respect; and it does. As much as I hate what he did, Beagle forgives him in that moment & that is huge.

    Kristen’s portrayal of Georgia is beautiful and heartbreaking. As Jesse L. Martin puts it “She’s the shit!” The girl has a gift, simple as that. I love GeorgiaStew, she’s brilliant.
