Friday, August 20, 2010

A Conversation, a Giveaway and a Getaway

Happy Friday ladies! Look! I’m actually posting something when I said I would! Now that is a novel idea. Truth be told I am sitting at a rest stop in Delaware. 


I went looking for a Starbucks in Maryland somewhere off the beaten path and it ended up to be a wash. An hour long wash. 


I hope you all had a very lovely week. I know I did, but it got rather crazy. I was in North Carolina last week and headed home on Monday to change luggage. I then headed back down South to meet up with Buff before I drove her (and Iris!) back up North for the weekend. 

The RL Bufflettes. I can't handle the cuteness

We went to the aquarium yesterday with her perfect and beautiful children. The Bufflettes are the bomb. Did you know that her 3-year-old daughter can sing Buffalo Soldier word for word? I nearly peed myself. Seriously. Bob freaking Marley. At three? Hell, I think I just found my best friend. 

Why am I telling you this? For this week’s story, you need to know that I am on the road. 
Remember how on Wednesday I stopped at a random Starbucks for the free WiFi? As I was sitting there I began fighting with blogger. I fucking hate this host, and Buff and I have discussed moving many times. That may be happening some day.

Cat quota. CHECK.

Please excuse the tangent. Let’s return to Starbucks. Anyhow, I was sitting and doing my own thing when I man sat down on the couch next to me in my final stages of posting.

What the Forks?
I come from a very unfriendly place. You leave me alone and it will be MORE than my pleasure to leave you alone. But he was staring at me as if he needed me to speak to him. Uno problemo….

KSIBTU is open on my computer and the gif of R/K going at it is on repeat. I need to get this freaking post up. I finally finish and hit publish before closing the computer and reaching for my phone on the table. I give in and look at him. 

In the following conversation, picture the heaviest southern drawl [note: he wasn’t creepy at all, actually. 45 years old, from South Carolina, and the nicest guy ever placed on this earth. Also, it is advantageous for you to understand that I am OBSESSED with an accent of any kind.]:

Him: Hi there.
Me: Hi.
Him: How you doing darlin?
Me: I’m okay.
Him: That’s good.
…awkward pause bc I refuse to initiate a conversation with a stranger…
Him: You from around here?
Me: No. I’m from up North.
Him: vacation?
Me: Sort of. Picking up a few friends.
Him: First time in Maryland? [pronounced merry-land]
Me: No.*chuckle* I drive through this state a lot.
Him: Pretty around these parts.
Me: Oh absolutely. 
Him: Just a stop over?
Me: Literally driving through.
Him: Oh, well hello and goodbye!
*cue obligatory chuckle at something that isn’t even funny*
Me: Where are you headed?
Him: Maine.
Me: That’s far.
Him: Ever been there?
Me: As a kid. What about you? Ever been there?
Him: Me? No. *chuckle* Why I’ve never been north of the Mason-Dixon line.


Did you read that?

is this real life?


It was the best moment I’ve encountered in a while. It was so charming. It was awesome. It was everything I love about this southern man. 

Me: So what's in Maine?
Him: Trees.
Me: Trees?
Him: You know, big evergreen trees. I just want to see really big trees.
Me: Oh. *pauses to think about how there really aren’t big trees in the Northeast, at least compared to out West*
Him: You ever seen big trees?
Me: I mean, yeah? I’ve been to the Redwood Forest, those are big trees.
Him: Oh yeah! I’ve seen pictures of it out there in Oregon and Washington. Those are amazing trees.

Real life Oregon

Redwood Forest. That is a human being on the bottom right. Some perspective.

I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that the Redwood Forest is in California. What also stopped me? My ignorant brain went to Twilight. Because now when thinking of beautiful trees, I think of vampires scampering all over them and driving to the Cullen house. 

like THIS

Me: Maybe some day you’ll get out there…
Him: Sweetheart, maybe you didn’t hear me, but this is the first time I’ve ever been north of here…. and I’m 45. As a yankee  (for reals he said that. Check that off my list of things I desperately needed to hear before death. The rest of the words are all for you Brits.) I know you can’t understand, but this has been a dream of mine since I was a boy.

I was a little worried that this conversation was going to turn into the War of Northern Aggression/Southern Secession and time was of the essence so I had to go.

But you know what? I think I love this man. He was so nice and so charming. People in the South are so freaking nice that it almost puts me off, you know? I’m too cynical for my own well-being. 

Anyhow, I love him, and I hope he gets to see those fucking trees, and I hope they are big and beautiful because he has been waiting so long to see some big trees—and he was honest about it. Imagine being 45 and bumping into some twentysomething year old girl sitting on her MaBbook just trying to get in her car and speed away to get Buff. I was speeding through it all. He, instead, was taking his time and enjoying every single step on the way to his trees. That is admirable. He was in control of his destiny. 

oh you have no idea how much win is in this picture

This week’s movie is going to be The Yellow Handkerchief.  In this movie, Kristen’s character, Martine, is running away from her life.  She feels like a misfit, like she doesn’t belong, and through her experiences ‘on the road’ she realizes she isn’t alone.  I love this story, and it arguably places in my top 3 or 4 Kristen movies of all time. Please watch it and be ready to discuss.

This week has been a whirlwind for Kristen. She has been papped and consequently shat on for Random Acts of Awesomeness such as this:

Fuck all ya'll

Kristen has been chastised, yet again, by those who just don't understand. This has nothing to do with carrying herself properly because she simply doesn't have to. Her acting capabilities have been praised by the highest critics out there today. For her it literally isn't about being famous. If she wants to give you the finger she is going to. And guess what? Scripts won't stop showing up by the droves on her doorstep. This is who she is. This is her life, emphasis on the her. Imagine if she tried to live the life that everyone else wanted her to? Imagine yourself doing that? That would be miserable. Kristen is doing what she's doing because she wants to. Because she is owning what is hers. 

This week’s giveaway is very near and dear to my heart. This Kristen quote is one of the best ones she has ever said and can be applied to nearly all aspects of all of our lives.

In addition to that, the Nylon shoot is one of my most favorite ones ever. It’s my twitter background and avi for crying out loud.

Put these two together and you have one powerful and inspiring painting.

Oh, Jamie. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I want this.

This slays me. HOW TRUE. If only more people listened. 

My question for you this week is this: 

If you could go anywhere in this very moment, where would you go and what would you do?

My answer: 

Right now? I would go to Idaho. I want to sit on a ranch. I want to gaze out at glorious mountains that reflect upon undisturbed lakes. I want to see cattle and tall grass. I want to see something beautiful. In this moment, that’s where I would love to be.


Winners will be announced TUESDAY because I will be busy this weekend with some awesome KSIBTU girls. A reunion is in order. 

Although unrelated, why not share the pretty when you can?

Please be sure to watch The Yellow Handkerchief and for the love of God, have a STUPENDOUS weekend!!

[A/N: If you have never seen TYH and want to… drop me an email. Have a great one!]


  1. I would go somewhere cold because Texas is just way too hot at the moment. The one thing I know I would be doing is drinking. Alcohol always promises a good time. lol

    -Tiffany (Twitter name: itstiffx)

  2. If I could go anywhere right now it would be Georgia. Lookout Mountain to be exact. It's a good place to sit and look at the beautiful scenery. I would like to sit there for hours and just be by myself.

    Twitter is @KStewShoes

  3. If I could go anywhere right this second it would be to your car with you, Buff and Iris <3
    And I'll be needing TYH please.
    And Buff, your babies and their matching hands on the glass makes my heart happy.
    Au revoir

  4. Crossing my fingers for the special JHiggs drawing*****

    -If I could be any place right now, it'd be Montana. I don't know why, but ever since I read "Angels Fall" by Nora Roberts, I have wanted to go there....and the book was set in Wyoming. Yeah, made no sense to me either.

    Anyway, there is just something about that place that seems so serene and peaceful. I want to stay in a log cabin, visit a dude ranch, ride a horse through an open field, visit Glacier National Park, and be able to see moutains outside my window. That to me is bliss.

    I will get there one day, even if I have to go by myself!

    Twitter: JessWink22

  5. ladybug ( 20, 2010 at 3:00 PM

    If I could be anywhere right now I would go back to S. Miguel (Azores, Portugal), and sit at the Salto do Cavalo (The Horse's Jump) because it was the most amazing and breathtaking sight I have ever seen in my life!It was just one of those places that really touched me, and made me see everything in a different light...I want to go back and soak it all in! (You can try to google it but will get a lot of horses jumping, and not so great pictures...)

    And...I need that painting in my life! Like now!

  6. i'd go to london, cuz my sister lives there and i kinda miss her so fucking much :( i'd just sit and talk to her. and go to madame tussauds to take a pic with waxrob ;)
    twitter: @LovingStewy

  7. *whispers* I'm not here. You haven't seen me. There has been a 24 hr online embargo placed upon me so I can be contemplative and brilliant or some shit...but I am emerging from stealth-hood to say: I am completely agreeing with Amy on this one: If I could be anywhere right now, it would be with you, Buff and Iris (and Amy, since she's wishing herself there too) in that car...wandering around in search for Free Wifi and a latte (dammit I need it in a bad way). Jamie? that picture? Are you KIDDING me? I want it baaaad. Oh and I HEART The Yellow Handkerchief. Be well and be safe this weekend, hun. Hugs and love to you ladies, 3 of my favorite ladies in a heart is bursting. love. *shhhh. blends away into the background*

  8. your story about that Starbucks man is the sweetest thing ever. i mean how excited can one be about trees? amazing. i haven't travelled THAT much and only in Europe, but i still sometimes forget that there are actually people who have never been anywhere.

    if i could go anywhere right now i'd love to got London. i mean i just got back from there few weeks ago but i LOVE that city. it's perfect. i would love to be sitting in a pub with a pint in my hand and some dude playing guitar and singing in the corner with a perfect British accent.

    instead i'm home, forced to listen some shit my neighbor is listening to, FML.

    anyhow, can't wait to discuss TYH! i've missed a few movie mondays since i've been super busy but i think i'll have some time now to watch TYH :)

    have a great weekend!


  9. That is a tough question for me..but if I could be anywhere in the world right now I would be in London, sitting in a layed back pub with my besties, having a laugh and sharing a drink.
    Jessica (

  10. Are the blonde kids in the picture Buff's kids? So adorable!!!

    I haven't watched TYH, it's not available in my country - I'll admit I tried to download it but the only link I found looked kinda suspicious...

    The reaction some people have to K flipping the paps makes me rage so bad. I'm quoting one of the best comments I read the other day on ADF:

    "how dare she react to people being rude and invasive. The nerve of this girl!" <---- What she said.

    Hmmm, where would I go? Probably a beach or some place warm. It's a lovely sunny day here but it's still winter and I wish I could be sunbathing on the beach or by the pool. I'd love to go to Brazil (only been there for a couple of hours and the closest beach was hundreds miles away.) No wait, It's probably cold there too, so I'd go to Spain or Italy.

  11. If I could be anywhere at this moment, I would be in Australia singing on the stage of the Sydney Opera House. Or Wilmington, NC on the beach.

    Twitter: clairebear1982

  12. if i could be anywhere RIGHT NOW, i would be in Sintra, Portugal. My cousin (very much like an older sister) has a baby this week and i wasn't able to be there with her...

    twitter: penguina_soares

  13. If I could be anywhere at this moment, I would want to be in Italy eating the best italian food ever in a courtyard with music, all day:)

    Twitter: @Cyndi_tweets

  14. I would go to Sooke, British Columbia, to the most awesome cliff jumping ever (had a new moon moment when I jumped from 30 feet up and into the water). And besides with being insanely fun, it is incredibly gorgeous as well. Always hope I may one day win the give away!


  15. Dude, that man with the trees? How awesome is he? I hope he finds those goddamn trees too.

    If I could be anywhere in the world right now... maybe Japan, because I've always wanted to go there. Or I'd be back home in England, because my overbearing mother is annoying me and I don't want to live here anymore, lol. But hey, I move there in a month anyway (yay for university!), so maybe that doesn't count.

    In a perfect world, I'd be five steps behind KStew, so I could watch her fabulous ass as she walks in front of me.

    Twitter: @Vicanlp

  16. I concur with Amy and KJ. I'm sitting here in lil C's room, directly under the air conditioning vent reading about your on the road adventures and wishing more than anything I could be there with you. Being somewhere, anywhere, in the company of such splendid women... Nothing better than that.
    Jamie continues to outdo herself. I want each and every giveaway prize the two of you have offered. However, I am a perpetual LOSER, so...
    TYH is also among my all-time favorite films. I saw it a handful of times in the theatre and still eagerly await another viewing this weekend. It is beautifully acted and lovely in it's quietness. My bestie accompanied me on one of my viewings and she found it "slow." I told her we could no longer be friends. True story.
    Have a fantastic time this weekend. Live it up, as I know you will. Much love to you and ALL of the KSIBTU crew gals who are lucky enough to be meeting up. I am there in spirit since I'm too big to fit in Iris' luggage (I'm going to have to purchase a larger suitcase for her next trip. js.).

  17. If I could go anywhere at this exact moment, it would be a secluded beach where the air and water temperature are perfect. I'm always around people and love to take advantage to having time to myself. Anywhere with water is very calming to me...

    Just watched The Yellow Handkerchief(bought it off eBay). I love it. There is something so sweet and fresh about her portrayal of Martine.


  18. Want to know something interesting? My whole family is full of people like that guy. Accents, and slow-moving. That's my fam. I pretty much freaking love it. Maryland, and really the south in general, are such wonderful places. :)

    I've never seen this movie. I've been dying to see this movie for a long ass time, but I never knew how to get my hands on it. So now I will be hunting it down. HUNTING. IT. DOWN. Because for the love of freaking cryin out loud, I will die if I don't see this.

    If I could go anywhere right now. . .it would be Virginia. Normally I would say Italy because I just want to spend forever in the beautiful sun, with the beautiful vineyards, and all of the beauty of it's age. I love old things. But today in Virginia, a little baby boy was born. That baby boy just so happens to be my brother. I would happily give up the chance to go to Italy if it meant getting to meet my brother for the first time, and seeing my other little brother.

    twiiter: @musiclikelove (or if you click on my name, it should take you there)

  19. I'd love to go to New York and Miami, only because my mom always wanted to go, and we've been having some economic problems and issues with my dad, and we just really need a getaway, specially my mom and myself.

    In New York I would love to go to times square, broadway, buy a lot of clothes, china town, little italy, statue of liberty and so many more things, and in Miami I'd just love to spend all the day at the beach, just all day in the heat and get away of the cold here...

    Your blog is so cool, I love you CC!

  20. I love TYH. It's a heart-warming piece. I have to confess that I watched it online a while ago cuz it was leaked. The film was shown in a film festival in my city in 2008. By that time Kristen hasn't came to my attention yet. I should have found out her awesomeness earlier!~ My bad >< DVD is a must buy. But seems there's no release date for the DVD yet.

    I love Kristen in this movie. Actually I love most of Kristen's movies except 1-2 she made in her early years.

  21. I would go 3 places:
    1) NYC to meet up with the KSIBTU Crew (oh wait! check!)
    2) I would go to CA because I've never been there and I've heard only beautiful things. Mountains, beach, yes please!
    3) England because the accent kills me.

    Any I'm stoked about TYH. I must say I went into this movie for KStew and left and converted ER fan. He KILLED it in this movie. Had me laughing and crying. That boy and one talented act.


  22. Another great post CC. I haven't seen TYH. My boyfriend and I both really want to see it haha.
    But if I could go anywhere, it would honestly have to be to Texas. I know, I know, of all places why Texas. My boyfriend lives there and I haven't seen him in a really long time. Anyways, thanks for updating while you were on your trip. Can't wait for my 'its ok to be you' poster!

  23. If I could go anywhere right now I would step back in time a bit and go to that random Starbucks in Maryland and sit in that big armchair next to the couch with my grande latte and listen to you guys talk about trees. I just love trees.

    So then when you get up to leave I would give you my "I love KStew too" secret signal then high-five you cause I just think you're the bomb...and then I would strike up a conversation with Mr. Mason Dixon. See I come from the land of palm trees and I'd like to see Maine. He sounds like someone I'd like to maybe I'll hitch a ride and see where things go.

    Your posts always bring great sass to the most snarky days. Thanks for keeping the KStew torch lit. I’m over here cheering you on.


  24. If i could go anywhere it definetely would be New York.. i never been there and it's kind of a outstanding issue that i have. I really wanna go for new years eve so thats what i wold do, be standing at time square with my best friends and spending a great time!


  25. CC,

    I never understand it when people who are not from The South (yes, that is proper capitalization) are obsessed with Southern Men (again, proper capitalization) or southern accents. I guess since I spent most of my life surrounded by them, they don't faze me much... although, now that I live out of The South, I'm much more aware of the positives of people who speak slowly and... well, gently.

    Anywho, to answer your question. I guess, I would be here if I could be any where. And I'd be doing exactly what I'm doing... although maybe a bit more successfully.

    Weirdly, if you'd asked this question next week, I would have said Nashville so I can be with my sis. B's having her outpatient biopsy surgery next Friday. I'm kind of freaking out about it, which is particularly annoying because she isn't. Hopefully, the results will be positive and I can stop making myself crazy. Jesus, I am such a fucking worrywart!

    Have a good weekend!


  26. I saw this film on the big screen during the Chicago Film Festival so I'm hyped that you'll be doing a segment on it.

    Btw, I think this is the first time I'm posting here. I'm Nadia. Hello.

    Big fan of this blog. Been reading it for a few months and it has been an absolute pleasure.

  27. Great post, as always.

    I'd fly to New York, rent a car, drive to Wilmington, North Carolina, visit the set of One Tree Hill. Then I'd keep on driving until I got to LA. Preferably passing through Texas on my way. Those are four places I've always wanted to visit. And I know I will someday.

    This weeks painting is Epic, by the way.

  28. If I could be anywhere right now it would have to be Hawaii. I have been dying to go there for much of the past 10 years... surrounded by vast oceans. Ahh. Peace. I have plans to make the trip for my next birthday. Not this October but the next & I can hardly stand the wait. I bubble with excitement just thinking about it. All I want to do there is relax and enjoy my surroundings.

    Thank you for my daily weird cat fix.

    Buff, your children are adorable!

    That painting is the shit. I want it.

  29. CC....if I could go anywhere and do anything it would be to sit in an empty movie theatre on my lonesome and watch TYH.......
    That's how desperate I am to see this movie....never seen it and would like to, very much....
    I'm contactable through you think my dreams might come true? one day?
    Love ya.

  30. I would go to New York and get some pizza. I'm on a diet and for some reason crave pizza. bahahaha

  31. I'd go to the Oregon coast. And stay there for hours. Just marvelling at the ocean and forests and mountains. Its just so pretty up there.

    I LOVE The Yellow Handkerchief. Kristen was amazing in it!

    my twitter is @NothinButKStew

  32. CC

    I never comment here, but I NEED that painting! So it's worth a shot.

    Where would I be right now? New York. And fancy that, 2 months today - I'm there. I have the ticket and each day is getting more agonising. It's straight up torture.

    SO happy about The Yellow Hankerchief, perfect timing as I saw it only a week or so ago. I love that I'll be on the same page.

  33. So I know I'm obsessed when I get home from a three day vacation and go check this first hahah

    If I could be anywhere right now, it would be Washington. It's a lot cooler than Vegas and if I were there it means I'd be with family chilling at a glorified-trailer-lake-house. But i'd be relaxed and not so rushed with current life.
    (I've spent the last three days in po-dunk Nevada with 40 of my sorority sisters....I need some tranquility right about NOW)

    ...come to think of it the last time I was there I was enthralled with the Twilight books because I had just started reading them, so clearly that was a good weekend :)

    Love your posts, but how in the world I am supposed to find a copy of Yellow Handkerchief?!?


  34. if I could be anywhere right now, I think it would be at the lake, in the sunshine. with some lemonade.

    you know how to find me CC, I'm your "champion lurker!"
    I'm terrified to give out my name in case someone finds out how stew-obsessed I am! :P


  35. I know I'm so damn behind on your posts but I had to tell you that Idaho is great! I love living here but hate it at the same time. Visit sometime, the view is awesome!
