Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Yellow Handkerchief: A Part not Apart

Have you ever had a weekend that was utterly rejuvenating and yet extraordinarily exhausting simultaneously?  If you pretend that my weekend began last Wednesday then that previous statement would apply to me. There were lots of friends, old and new, lots of food, lots of alcohol, and most importantly lots of laughter. While all I want to do is curl up in my bed with a bottle of aspirin and sleep forever, I also want to shout from the rooftops just how incredible most people in this world are. 

I feel refreshed. I also feel ready to announce this week’s winner of JHiggs’ awesome giveaway.

Congratulations, JWink22! I so very excited you won this because you are a long time supporter, reader, and commenter of KSIBTU. I love you. I appreciate you. I’m excited for you, and I will be contacting you shortly to discuss the next step!

Now I feel ready to talk about The Yellow Handkerchief. This is one of my favorite Kristen movies because I find her performance rather honest. She doesn’t say very much, but when she does say something I find that it isn’t bullshit. A lot of times lines are put in a movie to create dialogue, but every word she says in this movie has a distinct purpose.  For me the biggest selling point of this movie is the growth of all of the characters and as cliché that it sounds, it’s entirely applicable to this movie. William Hurt’s character, Brett, doesn’t belittle the kids as they give him advice. I wholeheartedly appreciate that fact. He doesn’t treat them like children; he treats them as his equals, and in the end—they certainly pulled through for him.

The movie opens with Brett getting out of jail, and I’m going to cut right to the chase—I was about 99% sure for the majority of the movie that he killed his wife.  All of the shady scenes between the two of them made me ponder how he only got 6 years for that. In the midst of it all I recalled the poster for this movie that looks as such:
so THAT is where that ridonk manip is from.

And I was like oh my word, how fucked up is it that they show him with his wife that he freaking killed! My mind automatically goes to the worst-case scenario. 

I got a little ahead of myself there for a moment though. We then cut to a diner where we meet Gordy, played by Eddie Redmayne, walking around. Then it cuts to Martine, played by Her Holy Hotness, getting rejected by a boy. What an a-hole he is, ya know!? 

come to meeeee!!! I won't reject you, Kristen Martine

I kid, but in all sincerity it kind of stings when you watch someone getting rejected, you know? 

Anyhow, we watch as Gordy asks for cameras with expired film and we begin to realize that he’s a bit… quirky to say the least. He’s that kid, and I hate using the word weird, but he is—he’s a bit weird. (We’re ALL weird.) There is something a little off about him but he is just so darn friendly that you feel bad for him. My initial thoughts were that he was made fun of in school and always overcompensated with kindness and trying to talk to anyone who he could find. I was partially wrong on that one, thankfully. 

The three of them end up waiting for the same boat to cross the river and Gordy begins to mess up his cameras. He then tells Martine to do something so he can take a picture.


I am thoroughly impressed at Kristen’s flexibility. I can't lift my foot off of the floor. Keep your heads out of the gutter for like five seconds while we ponder the fact that I never even knew she had these abilities, whether they are perfect or not. I suck at dancing. Ask any of the ladies who saw it this weekend, but some people just like to dance. I like to dance and in this movie so did Martine. I like when stars surprise you, like how Anne Hathaway has an incredible voice? Well, Kristen Stewart is like a little ballerina, and I also kind of like how it is never discussed, you know? Every chance she has while stagnant she is always moving, but we never really get into why that is. 

Then they are in Gordy’s car and a storm comes. Then I hid. 

Dear Toronto,
Found this while googling thunder storms.
I'm never coming back.

Did you guys know that thunderstorms are my greatest fear in life? I think I may have told you this, but I sincerely mean it. I will shake, cry and freak the eff out. It is an entirely irrational fear, one I have NO control over. Then again, aren’t most of our fears irrational?

The three then end up together in a motel room because of the terrible rain.  Martine calls her father and has a tumultuous talk with him. At the very end she calls to him and her father hangs up. And so she goes into the bathroom and she cries and my heart breaks. There is nothing worse than being a child with unreciprocated love. I personally know many people who grew up without their parents telling them they loved them for no other reason then it just wasn’t their thing. Since we are all friends here I have no qualms telling you that I never had that kind of relationship with my father—I just didn’t. I knew he loved me, but saying it? It just wasn’t said—ever—literally until I was 18. Now he says it all the time, but it’s something I remember and that says something in it of itself.

I adore this picture and scene.

It can be hurtful, and although you know they love you deep down inside—it doesn’t matter. Words matter. Affirmation matters. Hearing people you love so desperately reciprocate those feelings makes you feel worthy of the feeling in the first place.

Kristen’s reaction to her father is heartfelt for me, and it’s genuine, and it’s something everyone has felt once in his or her life. It’s real.

Brett then says he is going to sleep in the bathroom, aka confine himself, and that leaves Martine and Gordy alone. Two teenagers alone in a motel room means one thing, and Gordy tries to get some with a Jedi-mind trick. 

“You’re so pretty when you do certain stuff, it kind of makes me horny. I’m getting obsessed. I think it would go away if you just kissed me once, it wouldn’t be this obsession thing. What do you say?”
“So it’s like an obsession thing? You touch me and it goes away?”
“Kind of, yeah.”
“Why is that?”
“The mystery is gone.”

the determination on that face, damn.

But then it’s too much too fast and he is pinning her down and she is wondering how she got there because she is still too lost in her own life to understand any new possible feelings. 

That being said—that night she expressed feelings (between her dad and Gordy), and in the next scene her leggings are gone. One layer of her exterior layers of protection has now been shed. Interesting. 

She then engages in a real talk with Brett, and it is so very clear that their chemistry together is perfection. He intrigues her, but she feels oddly comfortable around him. I can’t help but wonder if it’s because he’s a father figure she so desperately desires. He is kind, gentle and protective over her, for a 15 year old girl who feels lost in her own skin, what more could she want?


Let’s cut to the scene where Brett and May are about to make kissy time and he gets a bit overzealous and then goes crazy breaking her window. This was when I was 99.9% sure he killed her and I was freaked out as to why he was hanging out with a bunch of kids. 

When the car fails to work, Martine has another conversation with Brett for a while and Gordy finally puts her self absorbed and needy ass in its place.

“I’m gonna start walking soon.”
“Fine, walk.”

Low and behold, by the time they begin to drive the next day, her red undershirt is now gone as well.

The altercation outside of the convenience store happens and then the three speed away. I think this is my second favorite scene in the entire movie because it is the first time we get to really see Gordy. It is the first time he breaks through his goofy exterior and breaks down, and it’s the first time Martine engages him.  It’s the first time she can really see that everyone has shit they are dealing with and perhaps she isn’t alone in being alone. 

Close ya mouth! You'll catch flies!

And then the cops pull them over and they watch as their friend gets handcuffed and taken away. 

You know what made my heart soar? They waited for him. They had enough faith in this stranger that they only knew for two days to wait for him. I would’ve never waited—in fact I would never have the courage to take the journey in the first place.

We then cut to Brett and May finding out they are having a baby, and I’m ecstatic. Here is this man who has been in and out of jail since he was a child and he finally has something to live for. He finally has something to be good for, and he is so excited. I sincerely didn’t know what his reaction would be, but I find nothing sexier than a man who is so excited to be a dad—a good dad. 

But it’s sad, and May has a miscarriage and it is blamed on the fact that she has had an abortion. Brett can’t deal with it and he blames her. I hate that. I sincerely hate that aspect of this movie. I don’t care if it’s true or not, I don’t like it. He has a right to be upset but he does not have a right to make her feel badly for her past decisions. It’s not an easy choice to make—so he took something she most likely thinks about every day of her life and threw it right back in her face. No.

Now for the part of manslaughter. We find out that Brett was in an argument with May, a passionate one, and what may have seemed like him hurting her was seen by an outsider. The man tries to pull him off of May, Brett hits him, and the man happens to hit his head on a fire hydrant and die upon impact.

Martine loses it. This is my favorite scene in the whole movie and Kristen at her finest.

Are you preggers? You're absolutely glowing

“That was an accident. It was an accident.”
“No accidents.”
“What did May do after that?”
“May? I only saw May one time after that.”
“One time! Why! I would’ve waited. If somebody had loved me like that I would’ve waited and waited. You had a fight. It was an accident. I would’ve waited for years and years. She’s cold.”

And so she sits and cries. She cries because Brett actually left someone that loved him, and Martine has been left by someone she loves. It’s the opposite for her, and here she is still waiting for her father to just fucking call her phone—to care—to do something. All she wants is to be loved and to have someone wonder where she is or how she is doing--and here Brett is, someone who had it all and he willingly walked away from it all.

Although this is my favorite scene as far as Kristen’s acting goes, I hate this idea. I hate it. Why is that?

I have mentioned my friend Lizzie several times before on this blog. Lizzie once had a male friend and for this sake we shall call him Peter. Peter and Lizzie had gone on several dates, but nothing ever romantically transpired between them so they opted to stay good friends. One night they were walking home from a bar with a couple of friends on campus. A boy runs up to Peter and asks him for his wallet. Peter tells him to get lost. The boy punches Peter in the head. Peter falls to the ground.

Dead upon impact. 20 fucking years old. 

Imagine being that parent? Getting that call that your son was walking home, got hit in the head, and now he’s dead? Unforgivable, no matter what.  An accident doesn’t remedy a situation and jail doesn’t bring him to life. There is no right answer to this, but this was a situation that I partially lived through and I just felt like this movie romanticized it. Many of you will disagree with me, but I hope you can understand where I am coming from when I say—the situation being an accident doesn’t make it better and it is not an ample justification. A dead man/father (kid) is a dead man/father (kid). 

The only redeeming quality about this, for me, was his owning it. Brett owned it, and May even said it, “my husband put himself in jail.” I sighed a big sigh of relief when I heard that because he was taking ENTIRE responsibility for his wrongdoings and he understood why they were so wrong. He wasn’t hopeless. He wasn’t heartless. He gets it. He understands. Thank baby Jesus for that. 

Martine and Gordy are left alone and he asks why she trusted Brett.

“I trust sad people.”
“I’m sad.”
“Do you think I shouldn’t trust him?”
“I think you should love him. He’s as good as anyone else. He’s fucked everything up.”

I think we all know we are no longer talking about Brett.  Then my favorite line of the entire movie is said,

“I’ve never felt a part of anything here, I’ve always been apart from everything.”

A part. Apart. Those words mean EVERYTHING to us as human beings. No one wants to be apart. Everyone wants to be a part. What a play on words. Ugh, so fucking beautiful, seriously. 

Gordy and Martine finally have an honest conversation, and the next morning she wakes up and has his shirt on.

This movie warms my heart.

All layers (excluding pants, but let’s be serious) were shed. Nothing that was a part of her in the beginning is there any more. She has shed her secrets, her insecurities, her faults and her fears—and there she is--with a boy who cares about her. 

When the two of them are sitting at breakfast all cute and shit and you cannot help but smile. #LoveFTW!

Brett explains his postcard and his request to his ex-wife. I’m a sucker for a good love story so I was flying high when the kids wouldn’t take no for an answer. Here’s what I love. Brett brought Martine and Gordy to a point where they had no choice but to be honest with each other and most importantly themselves.  People who feel alone are together in their aloneness, and once you realize that—you aren’t so alone.

They returned the favor. They get into that car and start searching and when we come up empty handed and I want to gut May. But then? Then Martine spots a bunch of yellow squares flapping in the wind and we find all of the yellow handkerchiefs hanging around her houseboat like a sail. And they embrace—all four of them—and in that moment there is nothing but love.

oh my gosh, William's face. STOP.

Sappy ending but a great one-- they were a part of something not apart from everything.

The plotline of this movie could’ve been entirely trite: three lost souls on a road trip searching for something real, one more lost than the next one. But it wasn’t. The actors who played these characters entirely redeemed a story that could’ve otherwise been less than lackluster. 

Gordy and Martine 4eva.

Eddie Redmayne was a real surprise for me. I read that he went to Eton and was a veteran of Shakespeare. His accent is fucking FLAWLESS. FLAWLESS. I know a couple of other British actors whose native tongue sometimes peaks through. Eddie was on the money with every freaking line. He possessed the spunk and charisma needed for this role all the while being able to emit the proper emotion when necessary. It was genuine and came from a real place.

William Hurt? What is there to say? He’s phenomenal. He carries the movie, obviously, seeing as he is the main character. I love his voice. His inflections. His mannerisms. His calming aura. His sense of knowing; I love everything about him. 


But Kristen. I love Martine. I think she did a very good job with that accent. I’m not 100% on it, but it’s rather charming. She is very authentic in this movie and very aware of what she is playing. Her sense of longing for love is so very apparent, and yet she is open to what she is experiencing. Her growth is visible but more importantly believable. She isn’t perfect at the end—but she is perfect in her imperfections. She’s aware and she doesn’t feel as alone, and at the end of the day that’s all we can ask for. People. Someone to care.

Roger Ebert put it best in his review of The Yellow Handkerchief,
Stewart is, quite simply, a wonderful actress.”

You can't not smile looking at this.

Well now I think that makes KStew better than you.

[A/N: To @Buff_82, @BellasMummy86, @Cindelro, @CheerySarcasm, @CalliopeBlabs, @FeelGoodEachDay, @Just2cusmile, @KSpice75, @quiet_soliloquy, and @theurbanwhisk: you ladies made this past weekend fantastic. Baby showers, sangria, bagels, more sangria, prosecco, vodka (lots), and karaoke—my word—there is no better life than this one.  
Now for the movie: thoughts on TYH? Favorite parts? Favorite lines? Parts you didn’t like? Overall feelings in general? Let’s discuss. I am no longer away so I can RESPOND to you guys again! Yeehaw! I will see you here Friday, as per usual, so have a kick ass week!
Oh, and one more thing.  Sometimes we feel as if we are apart from everything and it sucks. Always know that you are a part of THIS, right here, and you can never be alone in that.]


  1. I can't read your whole review yet because I have yet to see the movie in its entirety... but I just have to say... we are sole mates. Not only do we both share a love for Stew... but I am also DEATHLY afraid of thunderstorms! Brontophobia it's called. Totally irrational, but it just cannot be helped.

    That is all for now.

    I've got to go home and watch TYH....

  2. CC, great post. I agree. The movie is awesome and it really brings out a side of Kristen we don't usually see just because she gets to play a freaking BALLERINA! But in all seriousness, the movie is somewhat slow-moving and contrived (at parts) and I felt that the entire things was built upon the characters since there was no big shebang...that says a lot for the life that Kristen, Eddie, William, etc brought to their roles. I admire that Kristen continues to pick roles where her character is flawed, confused, alone, etc. Flash forward and we come to realize we just can't spell "a part" right. NO SPACE NO SPACE. It is "a part"! #wordsaredeep. Anyways, great review. I happen to really appreciate all the gifs you threw in here. What's next?! I know we said we're saving Adventureland but OMGz THAT MOVIE! I need it in mah life.


  3. @Elle

    HOLY CRAP! THERE'S A NAME!!!! I feel so legitimized now. I'm certain my friends will be thanking you for that.

  4. ladybug (dizzy.ladybug@hotmail.com)August 24, 2010 at 2:31 PM

    I just love the way you are able to say everything I think about this movies but am unable to translate into writing. I love you for that and I love that there are other people that see things the way I do!

    (Over the sappiness now...)

    I watched this movie for the 2nd time this weekend because I wanted to have it fresh in my mind for this discussion.

    I do not get people that say the movie is slow, maybe it's because it's more of a character driven story, if you don't get invested in the characters you will not get this, I however got really invested. This casting just does it for me, I believe them, each and everyone of them. And in the end I just really want them to get the sappy ending they deserve!

    Can I just say I fell in love with Eddie in this movie? He is SO great. I didn't know he was British...(God they must have something in the water, I am packing my bags and catching the next plane. I have to get myself on that island!)

    And BallerinaStew+AccentStew FTW!

  5. @ladybug

    okay seriously with you on that. There really is no plot of the movie, in retrospect, but it's not about that. Maybe that's significant enough in itself--we are always searching for MORE when really we can't just enjoy the journey of the movie. it's all in the characters and I think they got the casting right.

    as for moving across the pond-- i'm with you. WHEN DO WE LEAVE.

  6. Yeah, it made me feel legit knowing there was a name for it, too

  7. well, during my high school years I used to feel an outsider, like I wasn't a part of anything. But with time you understand that you weren't the only one that felt like that.
    As human beings, as individuals, we're always gonna feel apart. That's what we are. The thing is we have to learn how to avoid the feeling, that's why we fall in love and we live in group, to cut off the distance between us, to fill the emptiness, the loneliness. Because, at the end, we came to this world alone and we're gonna leave it the same way. Meanwhile we just have to resist.

    I love this kind of movies, small ones, with a message to send, but with a point if view and a simple way to say it.

    I've got to say that I always felt apart from american culture in general and celebrities in particular. But yesterday I felt a part of something, even though it was very little. But a smart person (you) told me something really inteligent: "it’s the small things in life that matter."

    So now I don't care, I'm proud of feeling like this...

    You're awesome CC!


  8. ladybug (dizzy.ladybug@hotmail.com)August 24, 2010 at 2:56 PM


    Well I'm already across the pond, I just have to get myself across the puddle up North! But you can join me anytime. ;)

    So close, yet so far away...

  9. Gordy is sofa king cute. I was just so in love with him throughout this whole movie because he's just the sweetest, most adorable guy. And if it weren't for all the TYH interviews, I would never know he's British. I kept thinking that as I watched it. So yeah, Eddie's pretty much amazing in my book.

    I really felt the conflict when the whole manslaughter deal came about. Because there's that part that's like Martine, screaming at me "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" But there's also another, more aware part of me, the part of me that can't put up with the thought of someone losing their life, that reminds me "It's not okay." And it's not. And that's what's so conflicting about it. Because we see it from Brett's point of view, we're made to feel more sympathetic than we would if it were from the point of view of the man who was killed, or one of his family members. I think that plays a role in the movie, because one of the main things about the movie is that everyone perceives things that happen differently. Martine sees it as an accident because she wasn't even there, she's a romantic character. She believes in heroes and knights in shining armor, and all the things a lonely 15 year old wants out of life. She wants to see Brett as the mysterious man who has a good heart, but made a mistake. What she doesn't realize is that the mistake he made isn't just some romantic fairy tale that can be redeemed. It's real freaking life, and someone really lost their life because of this man. And let me tell you something. Prison scares the holy living shit out of me. I once had a dream I was getting locked up, and I was just screaming and crying because, for one, I didn't do it. For two, the idea of spending however many years locked somewhere, while the rest of the world around you keeps moving by, never knowing what's changing around you, and just being stuck with no opportunity to move forward, scares me to freaking death. I'd probably end up dying of some sort of anxiety or panic attack, and I mean that seriously because that shit is serious, because I am a paranoid freak as it is, not to mention I think way too much, and a few other aspects of my personality, and I guarantee you I'd be sending myself over the edge on a daily basis. But Brett, he knows and he's aware of exactly what he did, and it weighs him down everyday. So yeah they perceive the whole thing in such different ways. But I think the fact that Martine has so much faith in him, through all of her nativity, I think it helps him in a way.

    I loved Kristen as Martine. I loved that she was really aware that Martine isn't especially mature. She's really naive, and Kristen showed that. I love that you can see everything she feels in her eyes. There's no guard up. There's just vulnerability, and so much hope and longing. It's a beautiful thing.

    I loved the ending of this movie. I was so happy. I finally got the whole "yellow handkerchief" thing at the end. It was so beautiful. I love that all the characters finally found what they're looking for. It's kind of amazing how much you can learn about yourself in just a few moments, and from people you don't even know.

    I would definitely watch this movie again in a heartbeat. It's a really great movie, and so worth it. I'm so glad I finally got to watch it because I've been wanting to for a while. And yeah, I guess I have you to thank for that. So thanks. <3

  10. CC! Your movie reviews make me smile. You always break down the film and really give your thoughts. I completely appreciate that. Unfortunately, I was not able to watch TYH because Netflix doesn't have it available [wtf?] - so I am a little behind, but will be watching it as soon as it's available to me.
    It sounds like you REALLY enjoyed your vacation =)I cannot wait to head back to the Midwest for my "vacation" to visit my family.
    Anywho, enjoy your week!!

  11. So I love the bit where Edward jumps on Bella's truck and looks all hot and sexy and....
    OH WAIT!! That was LAST WEEK'S film!!
    Because I haven't seen this yet. Thanks for NOTHING Iris (jk I love you)
    So....I'll be back eventually but I just wanted to comment anyway.
    And last week, I was number 3. SO CLOSE!! Congratulations JWink22. You STOLE my painting. jk again, I have a weird sense of humour. Sorry.


  12. O bb, I love Kristen and I flove you, and your reviews, BUT (you knew that was coming ;^)), it is so abundantly clear even from your two wee gifs that Kristen has not had any ballet training whatsoever and that there was no consultant on the movie to help her fake it. I'm sorry, but you can tell by a million things she does that she doesn't know how to hold a single ballet position. There is so much more to it than standing on tiptoe and sticking a leg on a railing. Or was that the point, maybe??? I haven't seen the movie. Maybe she is supposed to be illustrating fakeness. Because I would argue that if you wanted to show that you had never had any ballet training, you would stand and move and flap your arms the way Kristen does.

    Anyway, I'm saying all this only to protect you out in the bigger world. I want you to love Kristen, but not have any misconceptions about ballet.

  13. oh amy...ever helpful in the quest for the comments to reach 100


  14. Iris.
    I am nothing if not dedicated to the cause.

  15. @Anonymous

    Perhaps you overlooked the fact that I was commending her flexibility in reference to mine and not her ballerina (or lack there of, in your opinion) skillZ. I think she was dancing because she liked to. Not all of us were born to be great dancers. She isn't trying to be Margot Fonteyn, she is just having a little fun on the side of the road.

    My comments were in reference to myself. I can't dance.

    Juilliard isn't for everyone. I can appreciate whatever it was she was doing even if it wasn't up to Swan Lake's par ;)

  16. @Angelica,

    I am glad you understood where I was coming from in reference to the whole Brett thing. It's sad, but she wanted to believe in his love with May so she obviously overlooked the fact that someone died--a human. It's hard to see it from the other side, but it can be done and I mean it is what it is.

    It's a movie, I accept that, but it was the only part that made me scrunch my face a little and wonder.

    Anyhow, as always, I appreciate your contribution!

  17. Fantastic post! TYH was amazing. And KStew totally nailed the part of Martine. I really loved that movie. Yes, sappy ending but a good one...like you said!

  18. I WON, I WON! I brought the post up on my iPod touch and could barely see the number. It looked like a "4" and I gasped (because I made sure to look whenever I posted.) Then I zoomed in and saw JWink22 and screamed at my brother, "OMG, I WON!!!!!!!!!" He was like, "won what?" lol. Oh Happy Day! This is so exciting. I cannot wait to have a JHiggs original...and that fact that it is so dear to everyone's heart just makes it more special. I love you, and I love this blog!!!!!! And I love you JHiggs for this wonderful painting. You are so very talented!

    ***Amy-sorry for stealing it...hope there's no hard feelings between us ;-)

    TYH-I never noticed how she constantly shed layers in her clothing. Very observant CC! I would have never caught onto that. Makes complete sense, and I love that concept.

    -Like you said, I'm not sold 100% either on Kristen's accent. But I did love her little country twang. I am from Tennessee, so it seemed a little overdone.

    -Eddie did an amazing job as Gordy! I saw a reviewer that said he didn't fit Gordy's character. Uhhhhh weirdo...go away.

    -One of my fav parts was when Martine said to Brett, "I could live with you. You could take care of me." Broke my heart into pieces. It just shows how desperately she wants to be a part of a family.

    -All around great movie. One of Kristen's finest!

    ***Sidenote-CC, did you get to watch the footjob "scene" in Twilight yet??? ;-)

    My twitter is JessWink22 and email is zjaw48@goldmail.etsu.edu whenever you need to contact me.

  19. First, let me fangirl your blog. I found you last week through your money shot pap pic of TomStu and Rob's purse (why can't the world just leave TomStu and Rob's purse alone???) Because that was so hilarious and due to the fact that my in laws love to get my husband and I completely loaded, I spent my whole "Hangover Sunday" catching up on all that you've had to say. Thanks so much for giving me a place to go with my inappropriate girl crush on a 20 year old. I just have to declare that I am majorly, totally butt crazy in love with...KSIBTU.

    Onto TYH. THE moment for me is from early in the film when Gordy shares those first pictures with Martine. Without that shared moment the WIN of the final connection would not have been believable. The fact that he is so in need of a connection that he returns with the pictures coupled with the fact that she is willing to look (whether it is due to vanity, further proof of his craziness, whatever) beyond his freakish exterior and recognizes the artist within him? Man, I hope everyone has a moment like that in their lives. Oh, and I thought that Maria Bello was a dead woman too - so happy that I was wrong about that one!!! :)

    Again, thanks - you completely rock.

  20. i heart this movie so much!!!it's amazing to see this kind of collaboration between old and young super talented actors. with poem-like dialogs this movie is full of winnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Good review, CC. I love this movie. I just got a copy and I adore it.
    I really loved the whole cast, but esoecially Eddie. My first time seeing him and he is brilliant.
    And of course, Stewie was better than me.

  22. CC, another great review. I especially love your past review on The Cake Eaters.

    I love Kristen in this movie. She's so beautiful. I read from somewhere that she did take a few ballet lessons for this movie. I do not know much about ballet but I sometimes watch ballet performances in local civil centres of my ctiy. To me, Kristen's ballet postures are good enough.

    CC, thanks for pointing out the clothes shedding. I would never notice it by myself. I always love those subtle little things which embody meaningful messages. This is the beauty of movie.

    Kristen seldom plays a weak or vulnerable character. It's interesting to see that in TYH.


  23. I hunted the DVD down at Blockbuster this summer. Was so excited to see it for a 2nd time. My mom and sister loved it. I can't wait to see it again :)

    I get what you are saying about Brett (and wow powerful using a personal story, yet again). Accidents happen but that doesn't mean we don't have to try to right the wrong. There was a lot of hurt and walls up in this movie but I was really pleased at the way they found resolve in some way.

    Kristen & Eddie = such cuteness. I love their interviews together. Poor guy having to put up with Twilight talk that always follows Kristen.

    The weekend was amazing, thought of you all traveling home or hard at work while I was hungover in bed. muhahaha xoxo

  24. I don’t know if it’s because I had an overly emotional day before I sat down to watch this movie but it really touched me deeper than I think it would have otherwise. It truly is a journey of lost souls trying so desperately to find something to hold onto. It's so beautiful that these three individuals from completely different paths of life found one another & beyond doubt found something in themselves through each others eyes that they were unable to see before their journey together. They were there for & believed in each other when no one else did.

    Unfortunately I was also close to a situation where one punch led to sudden impact death and it really doesn’t matter who’s side of the situation you are on. Your words ring oh so true; “A dead man/father (kid) is a dead man/father (kid).”

    The way Eddie delivers the line "I've never felt a part of anything here, I've always been apart from everything!" KILLED me! Seriously. Hasn't everyone felt that at some point; to some degree? It kicked me in the gut & took my breath away. It was definitely my favorite line in the movie… & my favorite scene. I’m very thankful that KSIBTU is around to be a part of.

    I think that this movie was cast brilliantly. Eddie played Gordy just right, I believed he WAS Gordy & the accent was flawless. I am definitely a fan of this boy. William was perfect for the role of Brett; he made me feel safe. I understood Martine's ability to trust him from the start.

    MartineStew is truly something to behold. I am perpetually rewarded through the movie choices this girl makes. Throughout the movie I wanted so badly for her to find that connection she craved. I LOVED the way her character danced around. When they were in the old torn up house and she did a hand stand against the wall?!? I used to do that ALL THE TIME! I was constantly looking for walls so I could go upside down. I also danced for 8 years of my life & think that she looked a great deal more naturally graceful than I ever did. Which is why KSIBTM.

  25. I am not going to attempt to review this movie, because let's face it - WHO could put it more eloquently than you? I mean really, NO ONE.
    I just want to say two things. One, that I loved this movie - one of my fav. Stewy roles. And two, I had told you I had only seen KS in panic room before the Twilight business, and I suppose I allowed my impression of Kristen to be tainted a bit by the characterization of Bella. What I mean to say is that I kinda sorta thought she was a bit clumsy and uncoordinated. Not that that's a bad thing - that's ME, just that I assumed she was that way. TOMboyish and what not. But when she did the handstand and then the splits against the wall, holy hell. Ask Iris - my mouth dropped. Girlfriend's got skills. She must have done ballet as a kid. She was graceful and flawless in that she mindlessly (or made it look so) went into simple ballet stances, and tiny twirls. It was perfect, and just what a dancer would have done. I was impressed to say the least.
    I leave you with this - I was apart form my family this weekend, but I was able to be a part of another family that is fucking awesome. (I know so poetic.) Aaaaaaand wide shoulders and tiny tapered waist FTW. <3 U.

  26. My dearest CC,

    This movie is one of my favorites. I loved everything about it and it kind of holds a special place in my heart. And all the yellow handkerchiefs at the end? That almost spurred an idea for my final photography assignment. Then I was too lazy to follow through.

    Anyway, I drug my two best friends with me to see TYH at an Indie theater in Atlanta. I was so nervous b/c, well, I didn't want them to pay $12 for a ticket and them not like the movie. I was so happy at the end when they said they liked it. The next day was the day those two best friends and I were nearly killed in a car accident. You know every single detail of the accident and how shitty it was. But it was in those few hours and days after my wreck that I realized how lucky I was. Not only to be alive, but to have the love and support from all of my friends and family. Seriously. The number of people that showed up in the ER was astonishing. Even though you know people love you, sometimes you don't realize just how much until it's almost taken away from you.

    It broke my heart when Martine left saying her dad wouldn't even realize she was gone. Can you imagine? I don't respond to a text from my parents in five minutes and they automatically think I'm in a ditch somewhere! My parents walk into the ER while I'm strapped to a stretcher in braces, covered in cuts and bruises and they break down. In horror, in relief, in love. It's so hard to imagine them ever NOT noticing if I were to just skip out of town for a few days. But it's easy to see how that would affect the way you love, if it's all you know. I love the way that Martine starts to shed parts of her old self through her clothing as her ability to love and be loved is restored.

    It's a beautiful story. Eddie, William and Kristen were all brilliant. And for me, it wasn't about how the story ended. It was all about the journey. The whole time, it was about the journey.

    Thanks for another awesome review!! Love it. Love you. And so happy the package of paintings finally made it to NY!!!

    <3 JHiggs

    p.s. Literally LOLed when I saw your Toronto storm picture. You crack me up.

  27. For once I'm not going to be a total smart arse and insulting. Shocker right?!
    I loved this film, it's touching and just flows along nicely.
    KStew is brilliant and wonderful in it, and super flexible!
    And holla to Eddie, my fellow countryman.

    It's not easy for me to watch scenes about miscarriage, it being something I've experienced personally, but sometimes a good film has to hurt you a little bit. Kind of like a good fic :)

    This summer has brought me many new films, some I'd never have watched if not for your prompting. So for that I thank you.


    All my love <3

  28. I loved this movie, Kristen is so good in it, very different from any other characters. In this one she was vulnerable, impulsive and desperate for love.
    I am amazed how I love all of Kristen's movies (except for Undertow but I don't count it), I think I have seen them all.

  29. Almost a week late to the post, but the last couple of days had been crazy. Between my starting EP (OMG!), Kristen filming in my country and Mockingjay realese I hadn't have much time to watch TYH.

    I loved the movie!!! The acting, the story, the music, the landscape, I loved everything about it.

    I wrote down my thought while I was reading your review: ^.^

    At first I thought Brett'd physically abused May (that's when I feared for Martine because she was alone with him AND Gordy who's beyond weird.) then I thought that maybe he had killed a guy that had tried to rape her or something like that.

    Brett's reaction to the abortion made me RAGE. What a hypocrite!

    Dude, William Hurt's face at the end made me cry, he's a terrific actor.

    I wouldn't know how spot on the accents were, so I'll take your word in it.

    I'm a sucker for HEA so I loved the ending, and it made me go all "AWWWWW"
