Friday, August 27, 2010

An Adventure For Today & A Killer Giveaway

Happy Friday ladies! Fancy seeing you here.  

Did you know that IRL I hate cats? And that I'm also
deathly allergic to them?

First I would like to start off with some news. I had a relatively bad day yesterday. I won’t bore you with the details, but what I will say is as I sat with an ailing friend wanting to cry, I got word that my cousin’s wife was in labor. My cousins are like siblings to me so it was like my brother was finally having his baby that was due last week. At 11:26pm my (no, I’m not possessive at all) beautiful baby girl came into this world. This is a lesson that when life knocks you down, breaks your shin, shoots you in the heart and leaves you there for dead—it can totally redeem itself. #BabiesFTW! I love infants. They can’t talk, they are squishy, so fat, and have mounds of rolls I want to kiss.  ALL THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE.

This week is the beginning of the end and it makes me very sad. That being said I’m also elated. Does that make sense? I NEVER MAKE SENSE. Why start now?

This week we will watch and discuss part 1 of my favorite Kristen movie of all time.



I’ve seen this movie about 4 bagillion times. That’s larger than a million and a billion. It’s larger than googol, which is 1.0 × 10100 for those who didn’t know. I’m certain that means I’ve been watching this movie for my entire lifetime, including that time spent ripening in utero (<-was that too much?). It also means that I will be watching it long after I am 6 feet under. That’s cool with me as well. If you’re gonna be dead, it’s not a bad way to spend eternity. 

The point being—this movie is my KStewBible. This is the one. THE ONE. This movie, believe it or not, has my favorite Kristen Stewart acting moment of all time.


Con't lose something you never had.

I lost it a LONG time ago, but I am for serious when I tell you that. 

Why two parts?
Why the eff not!? This movie is everything that’s good about life. It’s everything that is relatable. It is perfectly developed characters that you can insert yourself into at any point and remember how utterly shitty it was to be that age.  It’s the freaking eighties. It’s terrible fashion and embarrassing hair. It’s every picture we hide. It is purrrrrrfection.

Now it’s time for Friday Story Time.

Last week a friend of mine was in town with his new girlfriend. We shall call him K and his new shiny girlfriend J, even though her name starts with a K as well.

He was very nervous to introduce her to E and myself because we run a tight ship. My group of friends have been friends since diapers. K’s previous girlfriend turned out to be certifiable. Guess what? I called that shit four freaking years ago. In July, the ex went psycho on his ass and he dropped her like a ton of bricks. 


Good riddance.

K and J met at school because they are both currently seeking their PhD in psychology. I showed up to E’s late [because I’m going to be late for my own funeral] and there she sat on the couch. She got up to say hello. She is tall. Not freakishly tall but definitely tall. Blond. Tan. Buxom.

Nice work, K!
We got to chatting. I often asked her questions that would seem as if I was just including her in conversation but I was really secretly prying for info. Preservation people; you’ve got to look out for your own kind.

Then we somehow get onto the topic of our Freebie 5, and I’ll be honest—I brought it up. E and I were discussing who would we geek out with. She said Michael Cera. I very rudely scoffed at her, and not because I don't like Michael Cera (I know all of Superbad by heart and I pray to the Arrested Development Movie Gods every night), but because I thought my choice was better. 

“Who would you pick Princess Perfect CC the Greatest?” She asked.
“First of all, thank you for using my proper first name, and secondly Jesse Eisenberg.”
“Who?” K asked.
“Jesse Eisenberg.” I said, “You know… from Adventureland?”
K shook his head, “What movie?”
“You’ve seen that movie,” J interjected, “You know, the one about the theme park? Kristen Stewart is in it. She is fucking awesome.”


is that big enough?

I flat lined. I pressed pause on my current real life and hit rewind.

“You’ve seen that movie. You know, the one about the theme park? Kristen Stewart is in it. She is fucking awesome.”

Wait a sec…. that didn’t come out of my mouth for once!

I was blinking too much—like TOO much. My head was shaking back and forth. I was in awe.

Did she secretly UNF for KStew?

My palms became sweaty. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing straight up. I needed to shove tissues beneath my underarms. I was having an existential KStew possible-real-life-friend-fan meltdown. 

NONE of my every day friends UNF for KStew. In fact, many are the antithesis of that notion. They are idiots. But here was my chance. I didn’t know how to approach her. I didn’t know where she stood on the KStew Fan-O-Meter. 

For example, when you see this, do your eyes go like this (o_O) ?

“You like Kristen Stewart?” I asked with a shaky voice.

This could make or break our relationship. If she said ‘no’ then I was going to have to murder her in front of her new boyfriend, my best friend, on E’s white couch in her fancy living room. If she said she’s ‘okay’ then I was going to have to pretend like all of my dreams weren’t just crushed. If she said ‘Yes! Totally!’ I was going to have to dive across the pretty coffee table and make out with my best friend’s girlfriend. 

These were my only options.

“I think she’s awesome. She just…” she paused—I KNOW THAT PAUSE—THAT KSTEW-BAFFLES-ME-AND-RENDERS-ME-SPEECHLESS PAUSE, “She marches to her own beat. I appreciate that. And she doesn’t hate women, you know? She doesn’t disrespect my gender and she doesn’t talk badly about other girls. She makes me proud to be what I am,” she corrected herself, “who I am.”

Be.My.Girlfriend. P who?!
“Do you like her?” She offered up to me.

‘Like her? I flove her. I secretly write a blog about how I think she’s better than any other human being on the face of the earth. I have zip files containing thousands of pictures of her. I now lock my computer because my brother found my porn. My KStew porn. I have a stash of magazines that people can only touch if they are wearing white gloves and all of their hair is neatly tucked away in a hairnet. I also have every movie she’s ever been in. Do I like her? ….pause…. Do you enjoy breathing air? Answer me THAT.’

No but seriously.

“She crushes hard on KStew.I'm certain she would leave her boyfriend of a million years for her in a heartbeat.” E said before I could answer, “We went to see The Runaways, which by the way, did you see that?” She posed to J.

“The day it came out.” She chuckled.


“Anyhow, CC was practically vibrating she was so excited.” E said with a smirk.

Interesting terminology.

“Fuck you.” I smacked her, “You loved that movie.”

“I did.” She answered. 

“Yeah. I think she’s all sorts of awesome.” I said a little too enthusiastically, “and she’s fucking beautiful.”

Uhmmmm yeah. I need a moment.

“Tell me about it.” J said.

That was a rhetorical question, but truth be told I was SO ready to tell her about it. As I went to, K cut us off and started talking about some psychological babble that I couldn’t understand because I, unlike E, am not enrolled in med school, and I am also not a PhD student in psychology.

I zoned out. I dreamed of running through meadows with J unf'ing for KStew as one. 

“Hey!” K said snapping his fingers in front of my face, “I said we have to run. We have to drive back to Philly.” 

“Oh!” I said standing up, “right.”

We stood up and walked to the front door where we exchanged pleasantries, well wishes, and hugged before watching them walk away.

“Sorry there wasn’t more time for you to talk about Twilight or something.” K said jokingly as he walked down the front stairs with J, “ ‘I love Jacob more’ ‘no I love Jacob more’.”

I will bible this when I tell you that she raised her hand from her side and smacked him upside the head, “Are you fucking serious? she paused, “Team Jacob? Really K? Jacob can suck my left tit.”

We are getting married in Vermont in a week. I will love her forever.

CC + J forevsies


On that note, let’s give something away! These giveaways get better and better and better. This week’s picture is [very appropriately] from the Adventureland premiere. 

This quote is from the Allure interview.

It is full of so much win, and it is the second to last JHiggs original we will be giving away as summer sadly comes to an end.

To enter please answer the following question that allowed me to find out that J was a KStew fan:

Who would you geek out with? Also, what is the weather like where you are?

My answer: Jesse, duh, and it's SO SEXY OUT TODAY! Sunny, breezy, not humid, and the perfect temperature--finally.


LOVED this Sundance outfit.

I wish you all the most wonderful weekend. Enter this freaking giveaway and for the love of KStew, WATCH ADVENTURELAND! See you lovely people on Monday!

[A/N: If you have never seen Adventureland then I don’t even understand you. If you need a refresher then you may or may not be able to (you can) find it on a website that rhymes with schmootube.]

To my Paradisiacal Pillars: 

Read my lips when I say I am because you areThank you will simply never be enough.



    It is, to put it in 80's terms, RAD as FUCK.


  2. Just in time! Tomorrow Adventureland will be on HBO in my country! WOOOT!

    I can't never ever get tired of that movie.

  3. I would totally geek out with Kieran Culkin. He's so adorable. And right now it's fucking hot here, being the middle of summer and very humid.

    PS: I'm so glad you have found someone who adores Kristen. That was a very hilarious story.

    twitter: @defintelydone

  4. Yay! Adventureland! Love it. So. Much. Brings to mind slap bracelets and dayglo for some reason.

    OK, on to your questions. Weather? Hot. As. Fuck. Seriously. I am not kidding. Yesterday it was 106 degrees and I was required to work outside. Today it is, blessedly, in the upper 80's and I can go outside without melting. Excellent.

    Geek out? Um... well, there are too many. I would geek out with Anton Yelchin or Michael Cera (and shut it about that, CC). They are both cheek-pinching adorable!


  5. I am UNFing so incredibly hard right now! I'm also appreciating the fact that no one else is home because this post had me laughing in a weird way. Like seriously, sounds I did not know I could make. Also, I may or may not have yelled UNF when I saw this week's giveaway.

    I'd geek out with Martin Starr. I'm sure you will (I'll be mad if you don't) gush about him on monday after everyone's seen the movie, but I have talk about him now. Apart from Badass, he MAKES that movie. Yes, I love Jesse in it, too, but man, oh, man PipeJoel is so EPIC in it that I can't even. Every damn fuckawesome line in Adventureland, apart from some of Kristen's (the virgin-talk, anyone?), is his. I actually have one of them as my signature on hotmail: "I'm an atheist. I mean, more of a pragmatic nihilist I guess, or an existential pagan, if you will." Please marry me.

    Aaaanywhoo... The weather is good in Stockholm. It's been a fairly sunny day and it seems to be ending with a clear sky.

    I totally UNF for you and your blog. I Flove it. And I flove the word flove. And I use it daily now. Even though I speak swedish. It confuses my friends. Which is another reason to do it.


  6. I would totally geek out with Michael Cera.

    I live in South America, and its supposed to be Winter right now, but outside is really hot. Like put a skirt and a tank top hot.

    Twitter: @samubiscomb

  7. Omg, I can just imagine how amazing it would be to actually meet a fellow KStew fan out of the blue, but, alas, the only ones I've met have been through YOU. No matter. What an amazing experience to meet another girl who just gets IT. She's a keeper.
    I love this week's giveaway. I want to win it so fucking bad. I keep losing. This is becoming a pattern. Regardless, I will win this week because I will watch Adventureland. I watched it on the flight to NYC in June as a matter of fact. It's a movie I love to watch over and over. Luckily, it's the KStew movie my hubby likes the best, too. Interestingly, he finds her the most attractive EVER in this movie. Clearly he appreciates natural, genuine beauty in the purest sense. She is lovely. And ngl I always roar with laughter watching Adventureland. I may just forego the wedding tomorrow night in favor of watching Adventureland whilst enjoying some mary jane treats. Js
    Michael Cera's personality makes him attractive, but I'd have to agree with you I prefer Jesse Eisenberg. Neither make my Freebie 5, but that's because I'm a dummy. But if I had to choose I'd say Jesse. Hey, you and I can have a threesome with him, how 'bout that? Yeah, that'd definitely work for me.
    Congrats to you on the new addition to your family. Sweet baby. Much much love. The timely arrival of that precious baby is a reminder to keep hope and love in your heart always. I know you do. I do, too.
    The weather here? Well, it is a glorious day with a bright blue sky, slight breeze rustling the tree leaves, the recent heat clouds have all disappeared and, since I'm inside with the air conditioning blasting, it's a pleasant day here in the Valley. Thank goddess. All that's missing is YOU. Xoxo

  8. I'm guessing this means J got the stamp of approval? Admit it - it's mostly for selfish reasons, isn't it? You're just hoping you can eventually steal her away so you two can frolic in the woods (YES LIKE BELLA AND EDWARD IN NEW MOON. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO) and talk about how awesome KStew is.

    Or am I just projecting my own wishes on to you?



    I have no idea who I'd love to geek out with. I think that changes quite often and right now I can't think of anyone. Except maybe one of the guys from "Fan Boys", like either Cancer-Guy, or the one with glasses who ends up with the girl who played Sarah Marshall in that movie where they all go to Hawaii and stuff.

    I'm great with celebrity names, can you tell?

    And WHAT? Second-to-last giveaway? I'm going to miss these epic paintings so much. Even if I never win one, I've loved seeing what they all are because they're so pretty and awesome and epic and amazing and UNF-for-KStew-y and pretty. Oh, and epic.

    And BABIES. I've seen a buttload of babies today. It must have been a sign. Or something. I don't know what I'm talking about, ignore me.

    Great post - I am very much looking forward to the Adventureland commentary, and I'll be watching it this weekend.

  9. I would so geek out with Michael Cera, I don't care if a lot of people don't like him, I flove him. I saw Scott Pilgrim and fell in love. I think Mother Nature is on her period. It was cold this morning and early afternoon, but now it's sunny and warm. But, I can't complain, at least it's not 105 and muggy.

    Speaking of Adventureland... I just watched (Kind of) it with a Kristen fanboy. A RL FANBOY. I was so excited. It was awesome, he was commenting on how amazing and gorgeous she is. But, the thing is, my sister isn't a huge Kristen fan, so she said she was hungry (the little whiny beeotch), so he took her to eat. Leaving me by myself. So I stole his Pirate Radio DVD and popped it in. (Oh yeah... TomStu fanboy as well, I may steal him from my sister)

    Can't wait for the commentary post!

    Twitter is @KStewsShoes

  10. MICHAEL CERA <3 <3 he's got to be my top secret geek crush for Juno, but v. closely followed by Martin Starr, for his performance in Adventureland, which is my favourite Kristen movie ever, but when his character Joel is high and puts on one of the hats on the game to knock the hats off the mannequins, i fell in love a little bit with him then to be honest! And my third and final guy I'd geek out with would be Jesse Eisenburg, again for Adventureland.

    Super excited for your breakdown of Adventureland.


    oh and the weather in Cambridge, England is sunny yet windy.

  11. ladybug ( 27, 2010 at 3:34 PM

    Do I like this movie? I like breathing air?!

    I am going to be kicked out of the comments section because this is going to be a testament, but this movie right here started my very healthy obsession with Kristen.

    I watched Adventureland with the boyfriend one weekend,. He loved it (I'm keeping him), I LOVED it!! I loved it so much I was babbling about it on the train to my best friend at 7am in the morning. I was going about how this girl was so great in the movie, and how I kinda got why people were obsessed with the Twilight movies (I had never seen them), because she was SO great!!
    My friend goes really quietly: "I've seen the movies...and read the books. I kinda loved them..." Then she tells me she his really excited because they are launching some kind of preview trailer. And I'm like: "Trailers have previews?!" o_O

    Long story short, one month later I had read all the Twilight books, seen both of the movies, and was eagerly anticipating Eclipse.
    I "YouTubed" every Kristen interview in existence and that was it for me. I was inexplicably and irrevocably in love with her. I watched almost all of her movies, I searched high and low to find international magazines. And well now I'm here!!


    Geek out (didn't even know that existed): Jesse Eisenberg. Without the shadow of a doubt. I was so excited to find out he is going to be on the Facebook movie ("The Social Network") it's not even funny!

    Weather in Lisbon: hot during the day, like in I arrive at work at 8am and I already need another shower. Very pleasant at night, nice breeze and all.

  12. I wish I had a RL friend that would UNF for Kristen like I do. Sadly, most of my friends don't get IT.

    I'd totally geek out with Rupert Grint. What can I say, I love redheads and freckles!

    Today was sunny but a bit windy. Probably almost 90 degrees. Can't wait for fall to come, summer is just not my thing...


  13. FOUND THE BURGER! It's for the cat.

    A. If not Kristen, then Rob. He can demonstrate on a #IUNK4KStew pillow how horses REALLY nuzzle, then we'll both giggle, putting all our fingers to our mouths (Exhibit A:, cross our legs in weird ways (Exhibit B:, and drool when Adventureland comes on (Exhibit C:

    ... or that weird guy that stapled a pic of K to his body. (Exhibit D: Probably would print out as many pics of her as I could then just stand back, watching in apt fascination

    As for the weather right now? Humid... with a chance of rain (you know what that means CC) ;)


  14. Ha! thats perfect, I dont know if I would be able to contain my glee if the same thing happened to me. I would probably have actually tackled her! I love meeting people who get IT.

    Ah! Adventureland is one of my all time fav movies ever. Satin lives!

    As for geeking out, Conan O'Brien! StringdanceFTW!
    Weather..Finally Nice! Sunshine but not to hot, not to cold, breezy.

    Jessica (

  15. My very first KSIBTU post to read, I feel like I lost my virtual blog virginity. And it was AWESOME. I LOL'd irl and everything.
    Also, I am jealous of your new found Kstew fan irl... I have yet to find mine.

    I would geek out with Jesse Eisenberg, because he is sexy and intelligent and we could talk for hours... in bed.. what?

    But if I could choose a fictional character, I'd geek out with Chuck (Zachary Levi)

    twitter: @rkdaily

  16. Ok, I might get fired as fiance for saying this. Well, not this part, but a later part. I would geek out with Rob. And only Rob (in terms of freebies). No one else even comes close to the list. (Also keeping in mind I flove Rob and Kris together so I keep that $hit to myself. Um, except on this blog I guess). Anyway, I don't get a freebie bc the second my fiance found out I was going to meet Rob, he took it away. AS IF. AS IF a million things. Dood, there is so much wrong with all of that I don't know where to begin.
    Anyway, I am not supposed to tell anyone about that, so there's no harm in putting it on a blog, right?
    So that's that. Since I might lose my fiance over this post, I'm hoping I can at least have a piece of KStew to keep me warm at night.
    Right now, it's beautifully sunny and 81 degrees. Perfect. Just like Stewy.

  17. Adam Brody as Seth or Michael Cera as Nick in Nick and Norah <3
    I recorded Adventureland last week and have been saving it for this very moment!!!
    The weather in London is dark. A bit wet and windy and apparently 15 degrees celcius.
    And you were wrong before. I am because YOU are.

  18. My fictional character would have to be Tom's character, Carl, in Pirate Radio/The Boat That Rocked. I seriously doubt that will ever change.

    Epic post as always!

    Weather is 95, but with the humidity is feels like 105 outside. I'm in need of some cloud cover here to provide shade!


  19. Love this movie so much. Game Games Games. The music is AMAZING. Plus the REAL Adventureland is not too far from where I grew up.
    I'd pick Adam Brody as Seth or Shia LeBeouf who I crushed on when he was an Even Steven. Still might be crushing.
    I pass you Honest Kids & Oreos in the hopes for a lovely weekend. xo

  20. Ugh, that Sundance outfit!! I've tried to make a picture in that outfit work several times. Never does. Bummer. But the Adventureland premiere look? That was one of my favorites ever. That dress on her clearly defines why KSTBTMe. Clearly.

    I think I'm just as sad about it being the 2nd to last giveaway as everyone else. What ever will I do with my time when I'm NOT painting pictures of KStew??? The other day my friend said, "You probably know the exact dimensions of her face by now, don't you?" Hahaha! Anyway, I'm sad to see the giveaways go. The final one will have to be epic. I have an idea.

    Now...who would I geek out over...? It's actually a very close tie between Michael Cera and Jesse Eisenberg. MC b/c of Arrested Development. We've talked about this. And Paulie Bleeker? Please. AND Nick and Norah!!! Flove that movie!! And JE b/c well, he's just so perfectly awkward. And you know, they filmed Zombieland in the Atl. Hmm...I wonder if they're filming #2 in Atlanta...come for a visit?

    As for the weather. It's Atlanta in August. I haven't actually been outside since I got to work this morning, but I can tell it's hot. And last night? There was a crazy storm. You would've died. I however just went back to sleep.

    Love you. Always and foreverrrrr!!


  21. I love that story. I can literally see the slow-mo action as you learned of the mutual KStew admiration. I love when that happens.

    So it seems our geeked-out options are limited to Michael and Jesse? I'm interested in neither. Adam Brody used to really do it for me, but not so much anymore. Penn Badgley is ok in theory, but the whole Blake Lively thing ruined whatever stock he had. So Ima have to go with Tom Sturridge. And not because he's BFF with Fingers (*rolls eyes*) but because he wears those ridiculous sweaters really well. And I find him charming. So there.

    Wish me luck. I want to win and hang that shit proudly next to my other embarrassing artwork.

  22. Adam Brody, and I wouldn't just geek out with him...maybe role play geek?

    At the moment it's cold (Australian cold = 13°C)

    This weekend I shall watch Adventureland for the enfinity-th (word? no) time, can't wait!

  23. CC, whatever is going on on my Friday, this is the highlight of the day. I am not sure who I would geek out with, but is Kstew an option? Seriously she is the only celebrity I would really like to meet. My husband thinks she is really pretty, especially when we watched Adventureland together.
    I'm in Canada, and where I live is currently sunny and on the 70's so is nice enough

  24. I'd geek out with Joseph Gordon Levitt. 500 days of summer, holyfreakingmoley, he broke my heart...

    the weather is very mercurial here...bitter (BITTER) cold at night through till noon, and now it's sweating hot! oh canada...

    Adventureland is one of my favourite movies of all much good music, and sooo much kristen gold!!! However, when it came out in spring '09 uni exams were on and the only person I could get to come to the movies with me was a friend of mine who is a perez reader and sworn stew-hater (UNFRIEND)..who mocked me ruthlessly for practically drooling at the screen and sighing this little satisfied sigh at every cute em/james moment (ie, the whole movie.

    congrats on the new addition to the family CC!

    ~champion lurker :)

  25. I will always and forever geek out with Adam Brody. Amy may have said it first but I will fight her. (I like to fight with Amy.)
    I am so excited about Adventureland. I've been waiting all summer for this one! It's def my fave KStew movie and one of my faves of all time. I am looking forward to sitting down and watching it this weekend. It's my reward.

  26. I freaking WISH I could meet another person who loves Stew as much as I do. Like for realio. I hate when I want to be soo excited about something and all I can do is gush to my friends who have the decency to at least pretend that I'm not making them contemplate suicide. I am jealous of you right now.

    Anyway...ADVENTURELAND IS ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME. It is. I'm so pathetically obsessed with that movie, I could watch it every single day for the rest of my life, and be perfectly content. I was just thinking about watching this earlier today, and lucky for me, your lovely post here gave me the nice little kick in the rear that will ensure that I see this movie again SOON.

    I would geek out with Jesse Eisenberg. That was exactly what I was thinking when I first read about the "geek out" convo. He's amazing. End of story.
    The weather where I live? Fucking ridiculous. The last several days have been somewhere between 110 and 120 degrees. FML. That's southern California though, I guess. (I wasn't even born here! Why should I have to suffer?!) <--- ignore that last mini rant.

    THANK YOU SO EFFING MUCH. Because I am so looking forward to watching this movie again. . .and again. . .and again. . .where was I? Oh yes. I'm even more looking forward to the discussion. I will be back here for that, guaranteed.

    twitter: @musiclikelove (or just click on my name)

  27. BAHAHAH TOTALLy Jesse. He's the only geek I would make out with....did I just say that. Thank you much! This made me laugh hard!

    I wish I could find another real life Kstew luver like myself. I'm trying to get my bff from work to convert and she loves the Runaways. I'm just trying to make her love the Stew more.

  28. I am kinda too obsessed with Adventureland. Like when it was in theatres I pretty much wrote on FB that I would go with anyone who wanted to go multiple times (and I did). I watch it at least once a week IF not more. It is GENIUS. For my birthday this year, I had an 80's party which I turned my basement into Razzmatazz 2 for Tuesdays. I actually attacked a man in a store once because he had a Games Games Games tshirt on and I just needed to share in the love of the movie. I was really disapointed when he told me his wife found that shirt at a second hand store and he just wore it for the sake of wearing it. *facepalm*

    So naturally I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on the movie!!

    I would geek out with Jimmy Fallon. I FLOVE him. I have since I was in high school and he hosted the MTV Movie Awards with Kristen Dunst and I was all 'WHO IS THIS GUY?'. And I'm praying for the love of the golden child that I can snag tix to see him when I'm in NYC in October.

    The weather here is lovely but cooling off - September is in the air.


  29. Haha I loved your story! Adventureland is an awesome movie:)
    I guess I'd geek out with Aaron Johnson from Kick-Ass:P lol

    Twitter: @Cyndi_tweets

  30. Yeah, it's Adventureland's turn now~~ It's my favourite Kristen's movie so far. Kristen is AWESOME in it.

    CC, you're lucky to find a friend who loves Kristen as you do. I want to share IT with my friends too but you know, Kristen is not popular in my country... :(

    One day, I had an urge to get my feeling out of my chest and sort of wanted to introduce IT to I wrote a 5000-word article in my blog titled "Why I love Kristen Stewart". I made my ponits precise, otherwise it might over 10000 words. Want to share my article with you but I wrote it in my native language.

    Yet it's still a pleasure to gush over the awesomeness of Kristen with you guys in the cyber world. ^^

    Monica from Asia

  31. This post was just beyond awesome. None of my friends appreciate the awesomeness that is Kstew, but one day I hope they get it.

    My geek out choice is my newly found love, James Franco. AMAZING. All year my friend (who goes to NYU) would tell me how she sat next to or saw James Franco at starbucks (p.s. I want her life) But I never knew who she was talking about until I saw Tristan and Isolde last week. I have found my new celebrity crush. And then I saw Eat. Pray. Love. of which his beautiful body was in.
    ANNNNNND he's rumored to possibly be in Break Dawn! :D so excited

    The weather if freaking hot here. I live in Las Vegas. Enough said.


  32. Dude Amy, you said you'd apologize to ME if I punched YOU in the face. I could totally take you. You're going down. I fight dirty. #itshotinhell

  33. There are my beauties...fighting over the men we geek over! yesss. *popping popcorn to munch on while Amy, Cindy and Kim get ready to rumble over TomStu, who, remember, is going to be my lurking partner in crime while I snap vid of the #Cynibuff union. with llamas..*...

    So many things: ADVENTURELAND? Come the fuck on. LOVE THIS MOVIE. This movie cemented my worship of the Goddess known as Kristen Stewart. Can't wait to hear the break down on Monday.

    Who do I lose my shit for? Michael Cera (yes) Thomas Sturridge (esp circa Pirate Radio, fuck yeah) Joseph Gordon Levitt (10 things I hate about you, 500 days of Summer)...There are more. But I want to move onto the next point.

    JHigg's newest picture: Oh I want it. BAD. Talented girl, beautiful soul, that Jamie, but fikken-A, that picture is off the chain!

    J-the IRL KSew lovah? She's a keeper. I hope K stays with her forevah. I have had the fortune of meeting in real life people who love The Stew, and one or two of them actually sound like J (including the request of sucking her left tit..and I may have said that a few times in my life, in defending our girl...) There is nothing like meeting a kindred KStew lover, because a.) it's rare and b.) you begin to question all of your decisions and motivations and choices on partners, because, let's face it. You want to marry and have babies with this fellow KStew unf'er. It is earth-shattering to say the least.

    Hugs to you, my beloved.

  34. I can't believe nobody has chosen Eddie Redmayne. He is full of so much win in TYH. Everytime i hear him as gordy i lose my shit. Eddie has such a unique hotness to him. must be a british thing?

    twitter: @krystalmejia24

  35. The number of times I've seen Adventureland may just rival yours! I'm jealous that you found someone of shares your Kristen crush. I have yet to besides my sister.

    I would geek out with Tom Sturridge. For sure. I just watched Pirate Radio and boy is he fine. I also feel better completely crushing over him than Rob since he isn't dating Her Holiness.

    At my place, it has finally cooled down. Mid seventies, sunny, low-humidty.

    I am already crushing on the lastest Jhiggs drawing. I flove (courtesy of CC) that quote.


  36. I knew that Adventureland premiere pic was coming! I was at work when I read this but I still couldn't help the "daaaaayum, girl!" that escaped my mouth.

    lol @ your inner monologue when wondering how much to reveal about your love for Kristen... I think we can relate :)

    Like many others, I'd want to geek out with JGL. And the weather here is 70 and sunny. :)

    twitter: @c_shell_

  37. I would geek out with Ellen Page she just seems so down to earth and like she wouldnt take crap from anyone and we all need someone like that in our life (maybe I like her so much because she reminds me of KStew even though they are probab;y complete opposites haha). Right now the weather is super HOT for northern MN!! Another awesome post CC; you're freaking awesome!!
    twitter: @KaseylovesForks

  38. CC! Hiiiiii. Great blog, as usual. I wouldn't expect anything less =P
    Weather sucks. It's hot, humid, and thunderstorms every single afternoon. It's idiotic. I hate the South. I'm a Northerner and this heat is killing me. I live in my A/C usually.
    Who would I geek out with? That would defo be Zachary Quinto. Something about Spock gets me going. My husband thinks I'm a freak. haha. The eyebrows, the ears, Quinto's skinny legs. I loveeeee it.
    Anywho, since I won the first contest of the summer, if I happen to win again, choose another random number =)
    Enjoy your weekend

  39. @cindelro bahahahahahaha. I love the artwork on your walls. ;)

  40. I’m SO glad it’s Adventureland time!!! WOOOO!!!! I fucking love this movie SOOOO very much! Definitely in my top 3 favorite KStew movies. Plus Ryan Reynolds has held a special place in my heart since “Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place”. Congats on your IRL-KStew-fan friend find. You better tell K to never let her go… I TRULY wish I could bond over her holiness with someone IRL!

    As always JHiggs painting is a major WIN!

    As for who I’d geek out with…

    Did you ever watch Get Real? I was so sad when it got cancelled, it was on for WAY too short a run… 4 episodes I think? But Jesse fucking KILLED in it! Love that boy… I also flove so very much, Joseph Gordon Levitt… *sigh*

    But if I have to choose, I’d pick Kieran Culkin; Igby Goes Down FTMFW!

    The weather here is so fantastic today. 11 cool degrees Celsius, a nice change from the 30 degrees it was just 2 days ago. I’m looking very forward to winter & snow.

  41. YESYESYESYESYESYES I FLOVE ADVENTURELAND! It's one of my favorites movies ever. Can't wait to read your review!

    I made my brother watch it a few weeks ago (perfect excuse to see it again) hoping it would crack him and admit he likes her. So when it ended I asked him what he thought and he said "Hmm, it's okay." WHAT??? just okay? He's seen all the Twilight movies with me (NM and Eclipse on opening night), read all the books but he doesn't like Kristen! I was SO tempted to ask him if he was gay or something. Ugh.

    I love the 80's but I'm so happy I was only a baby back then. Babies always look cute in pictures, no matter what they're wearing... Oh, that reminds me, congrats auntie! She's gorgeous. =)

    I'm so happy you met another KStew unfer. K has our blessing to marry the girl.
    I made friends with a few fellow argentinean Kstew fans yesterday while we were waiting to see if we could see her at the airport (that was crazy, things got a little intense... I hope we didn't scare her :/).

    I'm with you on Jesse over Cera. I loved him in Juno and Nick & Nora's playlist but Jesse was AMAZING in Zombieland and I flove zombies.

    After reading the comments it's really hard to pick just one guy to geek out with because I love them all. Rob, TomStu, JGL, Franco, Fallon, Adam Brody...

    The weather is lovely in Buenos Aires today. Sunny, not breezy nor humid, 60 degrees winter day.

  42. joseph gordon levitt...uuuuuuuuuuu...i flove you!!!
    Adventureland? u reviewing Adventureland???? holly motherfvcker!!!! bring it on CC(fist pump)!!!

  43. Totally would geek out with Jesse Eisenberg. He looks like the type of guy that is up for anything at anytime.

    Weather in Houston, muggy, humid and rainy. All in all a really yucky day to have to be outside in...


  44. Hey CC, ophelia2010 here.....

    I have to tell you -I read all 43 of the comments posted here, hoping against hope one of them was going to be from none other than 'J' herself! Alas, it was not to be - but HOW COOL would that have been? Or perhaps, slightly awkward?


    My selection would have to be my very own BBQingman, because not only does he have amazing geek powers, but he also loves Adventureland and KStew as much as I do- so its a match made in heaven really (*cue the Awwwwwwwwws here*).

    Weather report? Beautifully bright and sunny with fabulous blue skies, but still a little chilly for my taste....bring on the Aussie summer!!!
    Love ya!
