Friday, July 9, 2010

This is more climactic than the end of BD: Eclipse Discussion P2

Welcome back for part 2 of this fuckery! I loved all of your comments on the last post. I responded to pretty much every single one of you. Let’s continue doing that because some of the things you guys said made me double over in laughter. When last we spoke, we left off after Edward and Jacob have the most anticlimactic brawl over Jacob kissing Bella against her will.

The next scene was Rosalie. I really think Nikki Reed did a good job. I think her wig was infinitely less fucked up than last time. I also think that her back-story was great.  I loved the vindictive bitch in her that wanted to avenge her death and lay down the hurt on the fiancĂ© that raped her and left her for dead--amazing. I also loved that she was finally honest. 

Nikki Rosalie: I envy you Bella.

It's a bit odd that they didn't mention that she was pissed that Edward didn't lust after her. But then again, this movie is only targeted at those who read, so I guess it doesn't really matter in retrospect since we all knew the back-story. Bottom line is I sincerely enjoyed it, and I think Nikki did a really good job. [please send hate mail somewhere else. thank you.]

I went to prom with my class Valedictorian. He was my bff. His smartness
did not project onto me.

Graduation happens and Anna gives a speech. I loved it. HOW TRUE  was it? Everyone wants you to do stuff after high school and it's like woah, fall back, let me live a little!  Also, when Charlie stood up and started clapping? Ugh. Please. This is why I'm #TeamCharlie

NOW. Let's briefly talk about the party. I am not a Muse fan. Are we still friends? I hope so. I never fancied them… perhaps because Stephanie thanked them in her books… I have issues. Anyhow, I really did like Neutron Star Collision. Perhaps because it had a very Killers-esque sound. So…WTF?! THAT IS WHERE YOU PUT THE SONG?! A brief snippet at the graduation party!? It should've been at the end of the movie where Edward and Jacob just duke it out for Bella's love and the one who lives gets to marry her. That way there is a climax to the story, death, andddd the song gets proper recognition. No cigar. That being said, I still want to attend that party. It looked bitchin’. Can Alice be my RL friend? I would adore that. 

REAL movie complaint number 3: Bella wasn't even pissed Jake showed up. In the book she was a tad more annoyed. In the movie? She smiled. UHMMMMMM….right…. 

Something I wrote that made me chuckle was I noted how willing Edward was to let Jacob fight. Bella was up in arms; she 'loves' Jacob and doesn't want him to get hurt. But Edward? No. Why? Well he is so OBVIOUSLY hoping that Jacob is that 'life lost' that Carlisle was mentioning. DUH! #SneakyEdward #StupidLamb #KillJacob

V.FORMATION. do u believe me yet?

So then the fight training happens. Lots of people have shit all over this scene. I actually liked it. I like when you can put a visual to a part of the book that you always wanted to see. Perhaps Mr. Pattinson's sweatpants could've been a bit better… okay a lot better… but I mean--did You SEE New Moon? Did you SEE that suit? Yeah, I'll take sweatpants that have scrunchie bottoms and/or are tucked in.


Regardless, It was so very clear that Alice and Jasper were the best part of that. How fucking cute. HOW.CUTE. 

I must say though, when Jacob Wolf walked up next to Bella, P turned to me and said, "Jesus christmas CC, what is she standing next to? A fucking bus!?" For a non-reader, the wolves are ridonk. Oh wait! For a reader they are ridonk… but the best thing about it all? There is always room/time/money for improvement. 

I liked the training and I LOVED Jasper backstory. Jackson as a southern gentlemen? Too.good. Did you SEE when he spoke out of the corner of his mouth? Swoon… and I’m no Team Jasper/Jackson. Never has tickled my fancy before, but I got a glimmer into the appeal of it all. He stole the entire training scene, easily. 

Remember when I mentioned how I did not like how Bella just threw out her post-graduation-vamp-plan out of nowhere? Enter scenario two where Jacob, while holding Bella, just says "Oh well I passed up alpha male. I was supposed to be chief… so there's THAT." I'm not a book purist, but it just seemed so… out of place? I don't know. Those were Edward's beans to spill, in my opinion. It was just so weird and nonchalant, but that was my last issue with randomly dropping lines. 

i laugh just looking at this.

Arguably one of the best scenes in the movie is the sex talk. One dislike about this? In the beginning of this scene Charlie says he likes "the sister" and Bella says "Alice". UH… Alice is her best friend. Charlie, you should know her name. The failed development of A/B is kind of a bust… but there just wasn't time. 

Anyhow, no one cared because Charlie and Bella are cinematic brilliance. I never had the talk with my dad… in fact… I never had the talk with my mom. I never really needed a talk because I was a whore. NOT! I just knew what was up, as I suspect many of you did as well.

I feel like Kristen brought a bit of herself to that scene specifically, and it was so funny. SO. FUNNY. When Bella said that Edward is "old fashioned" and Charlie said “is that code for…” I wrote ‘well that's code for A PUSSY’. Glad we clarified that.

Now it's time for the proposal scene. In homage to Twilight, the first thing Bella says when entering the room is "there's a bed." I would be lying if I didn't tell you that as she said that, P said "bow-chicka-bow-ow"… oh P… how naive.  

i suppose the look of disgust on his face says it all.

Enter leg hitch.

A lot of you died in this scene. It was good. It wasn't GREAT, but for Twilight it was good. For me, the camera was just a little jumpy once they actually started getting into it. JUST STAY STILL FOR TWO SECONDS AND LET ME WATCH HER GO AFTTER HIS VIRTUE! I told this to someone and they said, "psh! who cares? she got those buttons undone in the blink of an eye." WELL SAID. Bella knows what's up. When Edward rejected her, P turned to me and said "they don't bone!?" I nodded no. He turned to my brother and said, "They don't fucking bone. Fuck this movie." Once again, welcome to Twilight.

I want to skip all of Edward's proposal words because they non-importantly are greatly overshadowed by the leap. THE.LEAP. You girls know what I'm talking about. THE LEAP! She says yes to that offensive ring (P was in SHOCK over it) and leaps off of the bed into his arms. 

I read somewhere that people were pissed they didn't hop on the good foot and do the bad thing after she said yes. Uh… I mean I've never been proposed to (thank baby Jesus that your sanctity of marriage is still, in fact, holy), but I'm pretty sure that fucking is not the first thing you do once someone finally puts a ring on it. Am I wrong? I don’t think I am. So suck it, haters. The leap was everything I ever wanted. It was the biggest aw moment. It was happiness. It was so fucking normal and it was such a relief.

Fast forward to tent scene. It was funny. It was good. It lived up to expectations. I thought Taylor did a good job. I laughed my ass off when he said they couldn't be friends. I thought Rob did a really good job as well. They got on very well in that scene and I was really glad because it was really important to a lot of you. What did irk me? The transition from the tent scene to the snow. HOLY EYEBALLS, I didn't need to see anyway! 

oh well that's the look of a confident girl if i've ever seen one!

Fast-forward through hyphenating last names and we arrive at the J/B kiss. It was long. Can I tell you my personal experience with the Culmination of Lies? The first time I was shocked at its length--and the issue is that…it's a good kiss. HATE ME ALL YOU WANT TEAM EDWARD, BUT NO ONE HATES JACOB MORE THAN I DO. Admit it: out of context, it was a good kiss, but perhaps a bit lengthy. It was the longest kiss in the history of the Saga times ten. It was so long that I was squeezing the hands of the girls next to me saying WHEN WILL IT END. 20 seconds in I released their hands and pulled my hair out. Ask any of them—this is a true story. People were squirming in their seats. Why did no one who saw the movie early mention that it was thirty seconds long? GROSS. OVERSIGHT.

The second time I was on my a-game. I grabbed @BellasMommy86 phone and made @Theurbanwhisk time it… bc there’s an app for that! I didn't believe the time we got so I did it again. 

threw up a lil in my mouth

Yeah, no, it was long. It was full of lies… but it wasn't that bad. Seriously. And what kind of girl would Bella be if the only guy she ever kissed was the guy she married. SEE? THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST IN A CHASTITY BELT BOOK! 

What was a bit annoying is that Edward totes didn't care. CARE! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, CARE! This whole scenario really pisses me off. Bella just gives it out. Jacob is selfish and a coward. Edward doesn't care. None of it makes any logical sense, but attempting logic could cause a headache. Did the movie do a good job of showing that Jacob was being a whiny bitch and that Bella kissed him so he didn't go and try to kill himself? I seriously still can’t tell. To the untrained eye, it’s hard to tell that Jacob was mindfucking Bella. It’s okay, my eyes are trained and I have a knack for spotting lies. Non-issue. So bask in it, Team Jacob, because your spot is about to be blown up.

albino salamanders. 

Enter battle scene. I dug it. Loved when the wolves just jumped out. Clapped a little. But let's head back to the mountain. Some like Bryce as Victoria, some don't. I'm most likely in the not-the-biggest-fan-but-don't-hate pile. I wasn't attached to Rachelle. What happened to Rachelle was not Bryce's fault, but I don't think she was AS menacing. On a RL note, I think Bryce is the shit. I think she is beautiful-- I have a thing for gingers. Also, Xavier was great. His line of "You're dead" is perhaps one of the best executions of the movie. Brilliant. Putting that aside, I had an epiphany when Edward turns to him and says, "Think about it. You're from Forks." Did that make you think of anything? Well it did for me. 


Clueless. That movie was a staple of my upbringing. When I don’t stop at a stop sign I STILL say “I totally paused!” as if it is ample justification for breaking the law. At one point Tai (Brittany Murphy) turns to Cher (Alicia Silverstone) and says, "You're a virgin who can't drive." THAT WAS THE BEST INSULT OF MY YOUTH. I was like OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!! …. OH yes she DID! So when Edward was like "Think about it. You're from FORKS" it was like OH SNAP Riley! Victoria is using your ass!... and then I related it back to a movie that was made in ’95. 

Question: Why did the vampires shatter like porcelain dolls? Granite does not shatter. Do you have a granite countertop? If you drop something on it, the thing being DROPPED shatters, not the granite. That shit is HARD. You can cut on it! You can put hot pans on it! It's solid! So why are heads shattering like hollow porcelain dolls? And when their heads were ripped off I expected to see a robot interior full of wires. Did any of you feel that way? And why did the Styrofoam carcass of Victoria look like Styrofoam? Oh right, because Summit is cheap.

Shining Bella moment: SLICING THAT ARM. You go girl, you go. For someone who is afraid of blood, you certainly fooled us! The slow trickle down her arm? Yes.

Now for Jacob breaking. I kind of liked the way they changed it in the script. I like that they were all there to see Leah fuck up. The cut-to naked Jacob on the ground in pain?… nah, I’m not touching that. He’s a BABY. 

What if Bella says F-U to the Cullens in BD and joins Jane! #DakotaStew4eva

The Voltouri are the shit. Dakota FTW, ya know? She's fucking awesome.

Now. Now is where I don't know if we're going to be friends. I give Jacob a hard time. I give Taylor a little less of a hard time, but I kind of loved this scene--and I'll tell you why in a moment. What was SUPER LAME AND GOES ON MY LIST OF DISLIKES was the failure to write/use the freaking Eclipse line. Uh, hello? IT'S WHY THIS MOVIE IS CALLED ECLIPSE, like come on!! 

please note Jacob's wet hair... AGAIN.

It’s okay though because the scene totally redeemed itself at the end.

B: Until my heart stops beating.
J: Maybe even then.

OH COME ON. TELL ME THE SAP IN YOU DIDN'T LOVE THAT?! It didn't? Well I did. In that moment I felt bad for Jacob, and I felt really bad for Team Jacob. Their loss is just so final in that moment, and you don’t want J/B to lose one another because they really were great friends. So here it goes…

Dearest Team Jacob,
As of right now, we are at an impasse.

Then we go back to the meadow and Bella gives a speech. I’m not sold on that proclamation. Did she want a slow clap at the end? 

That being said, Rob can smile at me like that any day, and Kristen can totes tackle me down. Their banter was adorable and I liked the Charlie line. I'm so happy that they included that. Bella’s playful nature with that truly made the ending enjoyable before he put that excuse of a ring on. 

E: Let's rub foreheads instead of kissing so I don't try to take your virtue
B: Mkay

So. When I initially wrote this, this was the end of the chronological movie discussion for me. I sent this piece to Iris and Buff to read. When it was returned to me, Buff had noted this:

Dear Buff, Sorry I suck. You should know this already. Hearts, me.

SEE? This is why I am a failure at life. HOW DID I FORGET THAT!? WHAT A FUCKING FAIIIILLLLLL! What so Bella is the only floozy? She's the only hormone crazy, sex craving, NORMAL teenager? THE FUCK!? Please. PLEASE. That scene should've been in the movie for two reasons. The first is it demonstrated that Bella actually DOES want to become a vampire and isn't doing it just to get laid. Although her speech attempted to convince us of that, I couldn't focus on the words because I kept thinking that someone was going to start a slow clap. The second reason is that i WANTED TO SEE EDWARD TRY TO GET IT! The entire movie, every time Bella went for it I would say "get it girl". Serio, I did. For ONCE I wanted to be able to say "get it Edward!", but guess what? I couldn't. For SHAME, Melissa, for shame. [Also, I kind of miss that there wasn't as much banter between the two as there was in the book. It would've added for a TAD more normalcy]

So there you have it. I broke down every single freaking piece of the movie with my thoughts. Overall the movie was great. Sure it had minor flaws, but what movie doesn't?

Answer: Twilight

Bahah, Twilight. I loved Twilight. Here is a chart explaining the movies IMO:

I had to call P to ask him how to make bar graphs in Excel. #WIN

See? Twilight will always take the cake for me. I could watch that movie over and over and over and over (with commentary, obvs).  I attribute it to Cathy, but many of you disagree with me. Let's agree to disagree, shall we? #Cathy4Eva.

Slade did a great job. For all of the drama that surrounded his being the director, I think he did wonderful work. I actually liked the close ups on the faces (Kristen), some of the moments that included shaky cameras, but most of all the landscape shots. The movie was beautiful, seriously. If you look at the individual stills, the scenery was absolutely gorgeous. Kristen's face is freaking flawless and this movie showed that gf can handle close ups like WOAH. 

I thought Rob was eons better than last movie… because he finally had the chance to be. He finally didn't have to brood the entire time. He was able to talk above a whisper. He was able to be as normal as a horny one million year old vampire could be. Well done.

mmm yeahhhh.... not so attracted to Edward as much as I am Rob

There are a lot of flaws within the script of these movies, which is what makes them so hated by many. That's where the brilliance of Kristen's acting comes into play. Whereas for another actress a trite and cheese filled line may make you want to scream, I believe Kristen as Bella. Movie Bella isn't trying to be something she is not. She owns her decisions. This can be entirely attributed to the fact that Kristen Stewart plays Isabella Swan. This is why book Bella < movie Bella. Kristen always makes the movies that much better. It's why KSIBTU. I loved her in this film. I loved the movie. I can't wait for BD. I can't wait to hear what you guys thought. As I sign off, I think I will let RP take the reigns on why KSIBTU (at the 1:02 mark):

Why yes, yes she is.

awww Belllaaaaa

Because she brought Bella Swan back to the screen in the best possible way, KStew is better than you.

Oh… and one more thing… about that impasse:

Dear Team Jacob,

[A/N: Must start with a HUGE thanks to @Buff_82 & lisa, @BellasMommy86 & Erica and Ali, @Just2CUSmile, @JolieJessa, @Cindelro & sister & friend, @theurbanwhisk and @quiet_soliloquy for the most enjoyable midnight movie experience in my entire lifetime. Thank you for the best NY week ever. I sincerely love all of you ladies. NOW: WHAT DID YOU THINK THE SECOND HALF OF THE MOVIE?! I interacted with nearly every single one of you who responded last post, and I will absolutely do that again. Let's honor The Lynchpin because she kicked ass. Let me hear your thoughts ladies! I love ya more than Jacob loves babies.]


  1. "The leap was everything I ever wanted. It was the biggest aw moment. It was happiness. It was so fucking normal and it was such a relief."

    Agreed - the leap made me feel giddy. So damn cute.

  2. Rosalie wasn't in love with Edward. She was mad because he wasn't interested in her and she was so vain it bothered her.

  3. I totes just went on the computer at work to read this when I really should not have - but, as always, it was SO worth it! omg CC - V FORMATION! I will now always imagine Carlisle all stressed in every scene that they're not, trying to get them to arrange themselves properly. The never-ending LIES kiss - did you feel it had passion? Good kiss, better with someone else [read: Robward], but I didn't feel any chemistry at. all. Maybe that's just me. And we agree to disagree on the sweats ;) Have a fantastic rest of your Friday!

  4. So you just made my morning because I didn't have to wait all day for this post :) thankkk yyoouuu!
    Alright, so I loved Jessica's speech. It pointed out how much Bella is sacrificing and that she won't have a second chance if she become a vampire, it's that or nothing. It was nice having that pointed out in a subtle way, especially for the non-readers (those idiots)
    I think you're totes right about the V formation, hahaha. An I absolutely LOVED Jasper and Alice...why can't Edward and Bella be that playful? Maybe they'll be like that in Breaking Dawn :)
    Loved the Leap, hated the long kiss, and the Clueless reference cracked me up. Oh how I love that movie.
    I also wish they showed the part at the end where Edward says we'll do it your way, but oh well :(

    And I may be the only one with you on thinking Twilight is the favorite so far. That one I can watch over and over, I just love it. I like Catherine Hardwick and I just like the simpler lower budget feel to it. Not that it's done cheaply, but the fact they did everything on location and such, I just like the feel of it. You can tell it was filmed when the majority of the cast were nobodies and it was just a movie that was fresh on the I making any sense?
    Oh well :)
    But I think for me Eclipse just might be at a tie with Twilight for my favorite. I was just so happy to see Edward not be so moody and be able to be lighthearted.

    Awesome Post! Go TeamLynchpin. :)

    On a sidenote...I saw the WTTR trailer yesterday and almost cried. I CAN't wait for it to come out. and I also can't wait for a post about it when it does come out :)

  5. #1-THE LEAP-ummm yeah, I think my heart exploded the first time I saw that!!! I could go back and watch Eclipse 5 more times just for that scene. Those 10 seconds after she said yes was one of the best parts of the movie for me!

    #2-I have to agree with you, the J/B kiss was a decent kiss. Too long though...God, my friend who sat beside me (who's a diehard Edward fan like myself) was DYING during this scene!!! She couldn't take it. It was pretty hilarous! After they stopped kissing, and Jacob went in for another one I was like, "OKAYYYYY, we can stop now!!!!!!"

    #3-During the scene where Edward kills Victoria by biting her neck, once her head fell to the ground, ppl in our theater starting cracking up. My friend looked at me like, "What in the HELL are they laughing at?!?!" Then I started laughing at her facial expression when she said that...then commence our giggle fit. We could not stop laughing!

    I guess since these vamps are supposed to be made of marble, it makes since why they shatter....

    #4-did you see Edward's face during that last meadow scene??? where he looks at her like he's gonna cry after she makes her little speech...yeah, I DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ***After watching the movie that first night, my friend made the comment after it was over saying, "It was soo different than the book." Now, it's been a good while since I have read Eclipse, so I went back and skimmed thru some parts. After looking thru it, I think they just combined some parts. Unfortunate, but hey what can you do?

    Yesterday I read the last meadow scene in the book, and HOLY HELL why did they not include the "I LOVE YOU, I WANT YOU NOW!"????????????? I totally forgot about that scene!

    Dear DS,
    you better include that in the deleted/extended scenes if you know what's good for you!" ~hearts,JWink

    All in all, I loved the movie! But like you said, Twilight will always have a special place in my heart. It is where I fell in love with the series. I'm surprised my DVD still actually works I've watched it so many times. lol

    Great review! Can't wait for the Breaking Dawn one ;-)

  6. Luuuuved Eclipse. I watched it 2 times.
    Everybody laughed when Edward was proposing the first time I saw it.
    Yesterday, when Bella and Edward are about to get laid, there were 2 boys who where like: 'Oh, niiiiice.' These boys where with 2 girls who before that part took a bathroom break. When they came back, one of the boys told them 'You missed the porn part.' LAUGHED MY BRAINS OUT.

    Next to me there was a girl that was totally Team Jacob. She just WOULDN'T.STOP.TALKING. I wished I hadn't offered myself to reserve hers and her friends seat. Next to that girl, was another girl, who was totally-anti team jacob. Everytime Jacob appeared, like me, she would make barfing noises. Everytime Jacob said 'I love you Bella' 'I'm better than you for her' like me, she would say, 'GIVE IT A FUCKING REST MAN, SHE LOVES EDWARD. YOU ARE TRYING TO MAKE HER AND YOURSELF BELIEVE SOMETHING THAT YOU KNOW WILL NEVER HAPPEN. YOU JUST WON'T ADMIT IT!'

    CC, big fan of yours. Love your blog. It makes me laugh, like, alot. Everytime I'm feeling I go to your blog and re-read posts or whatever, because it cheers me up. I love that twisted sense of humour of yours. I wish I had the same, but I guess that that is what makes you one of a kind.
    I. FLUV. YOU.

    TWIT- @NMCMelocoton

  7. When the fight scene ended, everybody stood up and clapped at Edward. Literally. We all screamed because he was THE BOMB.

  8. CC-

    Still haven't seen the movie. Does this mean I fail? Still thinking of your future husband's hotness. Seriously. Hot. Ness. *sigh* Be jealous because I'm scheduled for yet another day in the orange groves in about a 2 weeks!


  9. So so so so glad you commented on the leap. It was perfection and I totes melted at it, even moreso than the make-out sesh. *le swoon*

    OK - I am a big hater of the scrunchie ankle pants but in my complaining I failed to mention that Eclipseward's clothes are a billion times better than NewMoonward's because he looked like an old man. #tweedfail. I want the bouffant and peacoat back, dammit. j/s

    And I will forever love you for being brave enough to say the Bella/Jacob scene when he says "maybe even after that" before she leaves his room was so tender, it made me sniffle every time I saw it because it truly was so sweet and you could feel the pain. And the pain of Team Jacob's hearts as they were stomped on. (OK that was mean, but you get it.)

    Love you and your Eclipse epicness!!!

    xo ~DD

  10. Ok, you convince me... I watched last week and as a fan I loved it, as a normal person I hated it... the script is awful awful awful! You can tell how hard the actors try to pull it off...
    but they show me all the scenes that I wanted to see...
    Twilight was by far the best one, you know why? because they didn't try to be a fucking franchise, they just put all their energies and heart on it, that's why TIBTE (Twilight Is Better Than Eclipse)

  11. Oh fuck. You went there. You went Clueless. The bane of my adolescent existence. The most searing insult EVAH... Virgins who can't drive should just kill themselves. NOW. The late, great Brittany Murphy singing a completely different melody to Jeremy Sisto's Elton ( El-uhn, as Tai pronounces it): "rollin with my ho-oh-mieesss"? Makes me weep just a little bit. Serio rocks my world.

    About Eclipse: Well, I've said it already: you've crawled into my brain thru my eyeballs and I agree with everything.

    Oh, and also, like you:

    Love you, CC. I'm your Bitch for life. xx

  12. Well done! I can't believe I missed the first part of your review *runs of to read it*

  13. I absolutely HATED that they left out horny Eddie at the end. But to be honest, The leg hitch, with all it's shaky camera's and shots on the wrong places at the wrong time, was fucking hawwtt! It was waaayyy to short in comparison to the nearly 30 seconds of lies, but dear lord..
    R+K brought themselves to the scene ;) Seriously, they were grinding their hips together like their lives depended on it! Felt like I was watching FF come to life. (I may be exaggerating a bit now..) ....
    but then it stopped.. and you know.. The theater got a case of blue balls.
    But you are soo right, the leap makes you want to hug the person next to you and smile like a baffoon (no Idea what this looks like.. just liked the word :) (and Yes I googled this)) I actually did this.
    It wasn't pretty.
    And BD will be another case of blue balls. You know Ed is going to reject horny B another thousand times before he finally caves and gives here his flower (yes, quoting Friends now. I'm so original)

    So in conclusion, (dear lord how long till I stop) I agreed with everything you said and basically copy pasted this into a comment which you now have spent too much time on reading :)
    That's why, KStewIsBetterThanMe :)

    ps, I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your blogs, I read them every time and laugh my ass off, I actually have a couple of them bookmarked just to have a laugh when I'm feeling like it :) First time commenting, and I think after reading this you see why.. I tend to ramble ;)

  14. I'm so with you on the "I love you. I want you. Right now." fail. It should have been in there for the reasons you pointed out.

    And you're so right about Kristen as Bella. I loved her in this film as well. I had the chance to go to L.A. to cover the Eclipse press junkets for It was an incredible experience, and I loved getting to ask Kristen questions. I could tell just how much she cares about his character. Here's the piece I wrote on her -

    And in case you're wondering, she's even more gorgeous in person. KSIBTU - I'm a believer.

    This whole discussion had me cracking up. Thank you for sharing!

  15. Epic post. I'm going again tonight; can't wait. Definitely instituting an official "Tribe Legends Bathroom Break."

    "They don't bone?!?!" I almost spit out my lunch. Perfect reaction.

    #TeamCharlieForever - the look on his face when they called Bella's name ... I got teary-eyed. Billy Burke, well done. As with ALL of the human characters, Movie Charlie >>> Book Charlie.

    And Alice/Jasper? SO CUTE. If time were not an issue (and let's be real, this fandom totally would go see 3+ hour movies), it would be so nice to see more of the Cullens interacting. They have great family chemistry.

    OR DS could, you know, edit the Jacob/Bella kiss down to about 5 seconds and feature a Confederate Jasper slow-mo soldier walk. You know, whatever.

    Actually, they should have added that saved time elsewhere ... to your point, it should have been spent for the end meadow scene where Edward actually breaks and tries to get naughty. It's hot AND it shows that he can be normal. And hetero.

    Do you get the sense that Kristen wasn't crazy about the Jacob/Bella storyline? Not sure if she just didn't like that aspect of the book or if she didn't like the way they protrayed it in the movie, but I felt like you could tell in interviews that it didn't sit quire right with her. She played it off in a kind of funny way as "kissing Taylor," but I wonder if it was more that A.) the kiss was crazy-long, and that would have been weird to do over and over and B.) she thinks it's out of character for Bella. ESPECIALLY since they played down the manipulative side of Jacob throughout the movie. Girlfriend is not heartless or callous towards Edward like that. And if I remember right, she was much more remorseful about it in the book.

    It just shows Bella in an unflattering light, because while I kind of wanted to slap the shit out of her in the book for being such a gullible pushover, I thought her motivations at least were clear. They weren't in the movie, and it just contributes to the frustration of how they show Bella's relationship with Edward. In my humble opinion, it's never been developed enough in any of the movies, as much as I like them, and as much as their chemistry makes the scenes they do have memorable.

    It especially stands out in a movie where Edward's overprotectiveness/jealousy/possessiveness is overemphasized while Jacob's manipulation is de-emphasized. Argh.

    Whew. But it's okay. We all know how it ends. ;) CUE FEATHERS AND A MANGLED HEADBOARD.

    Thanks as always for the amusements ... happy weekend. :)


  16. of course i had to laugh again when you said V FORMATION! it's so true. now i picture the cullens in v formation in my head lol!
    i thought the j/b kiss was really looong. i said out loud:"SPLIT UP ALREADY. WE GET IT"
    i guess the speech at the end was some sort of an introduction to BD, but i thought it was kinda moving. I liked it.

  17. SO true, so true. Eclipse was a beautiful film... wayyyy better than New Moon, but... Twilight is STILL my favorite. What can I say? For one, it was the one that started it all. Second, it was simple; it wasn't a multi-million dollar franchise, whose sole purpose is to SELL itself to the public. I feel that the Twilight saga has no heart - even though I actually think Rob and Kristen ARE the heart and soul of the series, and they bring their A game to their performance . But dude... the scripts are SO BAD, and the sellout of Team Jacob and Team Edward is a turn off. It also doesn't help that Summit is cheap, and that they cannot upgrade to higher levels, given that they HAVE THE MONEY to do so! It's frustrating.
    At this point, I really don't know what to think of Breaking Dawn. There is a slim chance that it will be an improvement, but given that Melissa will pen the script, I will expect the worse. Eclipse was the best book of the series, and it was still chopped. Edward was robbed, and Bella was cheated off of some key scenes. Jacob was overly exposed (literally), and it felt rushed. I understand a movie can only fit so much, and that's why I think Eclipse was good. I honestly wish Melissa and Stephanie would change some of the crap written for Edward and Bella in BD. I hate watching Edward fade into broodiness once again! I guess we will wait and see.
    Thanks again for your hilarious review! I enjoyed reading it, and sharing so many of your thoughts about it!!
    PS: I love your blog, BTW.

  18. I agree with most of what you said except the Bella/Jacob kiss. It was long, YES...but also- wasn't hot. It was mouth rape. He raped her mouth, it was just gross and awkward.

    Love the blog!

  19. EPIC CC. Just as I knew it would be. I think Eclipse is my fave now, only b/c the memory of seeing with you and the Fiercely Fabulous KSTIBTU crew cannot be topped.

  20. CC, thanks for another GREAT post. I agree with everything you said. I actually already Twitter-talked with you about this ;) but, personally, my two biggest movie annoyances were little things that would have added to the much bigger picture, so in a way they are nuances and when I complain about them I sound like an annoying Twilight fan...which I am soooo not. Haha.

    One is that I was annoyed that Melissa frickin' Rosenberg didn't include Bella leaving her window open after Edward takes the cables out of her car (I always admitted this was mildly NOT cool of Edward)...the deliberation, and then the motion to open it which was clearly an unspoken understanding of the fact that Bella chooses Edward over Jacob...ALWAYS.

    The second big one for me was the part at the end. It was Edward's turn to turn the tables on Bella and I just can't seem to wrap my mind around why they cut it out when it's very clear that it was the scene in which the reader/audience can see that Bella's desire to become a vampire runs much deeper than just wanting to bone Edward. Whatta #fail on MR's part. Huge epic fail. You already covered it real well. I prefer that for ten seconds than ten seconds of him shoving that ring on her finger - better do that AFTER you tell Charlie. You never know what will really push that man over the edge. The kicker is, ALL those things would have taken a total run time of...what?...20 more seconds if that? It kills me slowly that she cuts out parts that have significance.

    Character-wise there are a couple things I wish Eclipse had done better. I have to second your comment on the Alice/Bella relationship not being fully developed. It has definitely been suffering the consequences of the conversion to a two hour film. It just simply can't be fit in and that makes me sad. I wish MR had played up the part about Bella being "kidnapped" by Alice (by orders from Edward, Alice getting the Porsche, etc). I didn't need a lot of it but I wish it had been in there somehow, and don't ask me how that scene would have meshed because I don't know, but certainly it would have helped A/B. That scene had humor if nothing else.

    Sometimes I get sad Esme doesn't have a couple more lines or maternal moments because I know they're in the book. That is another minor relationship development fail. Her and Bella have a companionship I don't see in the movie. This movie was the chance to let Esme say her two lines every thirty minutes, "Bella, we'll never let anything hurt you. You're part of the family." Uhm, nopeskies. Didn't happen.

    Other than that I really liked Eclipse best of all. You liked Twilight better, I liked Eclipse better. I guess we both agree on New Moon. I think noticeable improvements were made in E and, like you said, it bodes well for BD as much as I am nervous as shit about the outcome of that plotline. It's all relative.

    Thanks for a fantastic discussion.


  21. Amazing CC - I'm right there with you on Part 2. My only thought about the 29.2 seconds... there will be exactly 29.2 less seconds of that crap in BD.

    and yes, it still kills me that the "I love you. I want you. RIGHT NOW!" got left out of the movie. Such a difference from the first meadow scene where seriously... how could Bella NOT rip that vamp's clothes off and have her way with his sparkly... member?

    Did you notice in the stills from that first meadow shot that R's hand is wrapped around the inside of K's thigh? Every time I see that shot I'm a bit jealous. Then I remember... KStew is better than me.


  22. The first Twilight will always be my first love. The first time I laid eyes on the Cullens I swooned. It was as if they walked out of the pages of the book. It was perfection! Edward was beautiful! Even Jackson had that early Justin Timberlake look. Damn, the looks are just fading with each movie except for Bella(and she is the one who is suppose to be ageing!) I miss CH, she made Twilight feel intimate. Thank God for the Robsten chemistry it is the only real saving grace besides Billy Burke. Eclipse was my favorite book but definitely not my favorite movie. I am not anxious for Breaking Dawn. Imprinting on a baby always seemed nasty to me. Why SM? Why? It should have ended with Jacob yearning for Bella, his one true unattainable love. Sorry I had to add the Breaking Dawn part because it really bugs me.

  23. Great breakdown of good/bad in Eclipse. I enjoyed the movie, but like you, I feel that Twilight is still my top choice. It’s no surprise because the first book is my favourite. Twilight is all about Edward and Bella, and that’s what had drawn me into the books in the first place. There were annoying things about the Twilight movie, but it was Kristen and Rob’s sizzling chemistry that sold me on the movie. I would still be mesmerized if R/K re-did Twilight as a stage play. Although, the other books/movies are entertaining and have plenty of E/B goodies, I don’t feel a continuous euphoric connection to them because there are other side stories happening. Does that make sense? I can watch Twilight on DVD with hardly any fast-forwarding. With New Moon, I skip chapters. Eclipse will probably be FF over the Jacob scenes. I like Taylor, but I will never get Jacob. I didn’t notice that the J/B kiss was long because I didn’t feel any emotion either way. Overall, there were many great things about Eclipse and hopefully it will continue in BD.

  24. I'm in love with whoever posted this video. It's all the best E/B moments in Eclipse

    2:17=OMG, I'm DEAD!

    The "leap" in slow mo...butterflies!

  25. I am tots with you on twilight being my fav. I think eclipse follows b/c the tone / mood was similar at times (all of the blue colors and what not). Would really like a female director for bd but hopefully we will get the culmination of the best of all four. I like the way you think!

  26. I fucking love this post! As always, CC, it's brilliance.

    I do have to tell you, though, that I read an interview with the costume designer of Eclipse and she said that the karate pants that Edward wears in the training scene was Rob's choosing (believe he brought them to set). She didn't like them and actually altered them to a better fit. Imagine? They were actually worse? And he wanted to wear them?! She said she never thought Summit would go for it, but they did, so the karate pants stayed. Haha! Gotta love Rob!

    Onto the camera:
    I love hand-held camera work, but yes, I must agree that some of the shots were a bit too shaky even for my taste. But it doesn't take away from the fact that I thought David Slade did an amazing job telling the story through the lens. His establishing frames where breathtaking. And the extreme close-ups?! Can we just take a moment to obsess over the extreme close-ups of our girl. Okay, and drool. I don't know if this has anything to do with Javier Aguirresarobe's insanely awesome cinematography -- fucking WIN on the lighting! -- but Kristen's already flawless skin, and perfection of a face was even more incredible than ever. She looked like a porcelain doll the entire time. I could hardly tell she was wearing a wig at times, due to the choice of shots and lighting. Good job David & Javier on keeping our eyes on her eyes the whole time.

    I have a few complaints from book to script, but won't go into it b/c it angers me. I also have a few complaints about the transitions from scene to scene, but will keep it to myself b/c most of it was covered in your post! Thank you for going through it all, CC. Awesome!

    Even through it's flaws I totally enjoyed Eclipse, and I too, have seen it 4 times. And I am not embarrassed to admit that I will see it a 5th time tomorrow night. Twilight is still my favorite, though. Can't tell you how many times I've seen it. Lost count. But I can't get enough of Kristen in those close-ups, so Eclipse will have all my money by the end of its theatrical run.

    Stew is def so much fucking better than all of us!

  27. omggg I just saw "The Leap" again on a youtube video. It's more adorable than I remembered.
    Oh I'm just giddy on the inside :)

  28. OMG CC I <3 you! Probably more than I should!

    Your opinions are just so funny and just brutally true. Sorry if this sounds all weird, I'm like half asleep as I write this. I just got home from NYC watching Eclipse in IMAX. Don't ask why this Jersey girl went all the way to NYC to see Eclipse in IMAX, but it may have something to do with a lack of a license and NY has convient public transportation.

    Anyway I just basically wanted to point out that my biggest problems with the movies is that they don't have the time to show the little stuff from the books. It's the very small things that made me fall in love with Edward, they just don't have the time to put in the movies. Like in Eclipse when Bella was on the phone with her mom and Edward was playing with her hair. I can't remember which one, I think it was Eclipse, but Bella couldn't sleep and Edward said "Do you want me to sing to you? I'll sing all night if you want me to" But these are just minor things that they just can't put in the films. That's how come I'm so adamant about people reading the books, it's very important to knowing who Edward is and how deep his love for Bella is.

    OMG I thought I was the only one who laughed at Edward's "You're from Forks" line. I don't think it was meant to be like how Rob said it. Rob says it basically like this, "You're from Forks you idiot. Why would anyone want anything to do with you?" It's sorta like when someone goes to another state and tries to pick up the accent, and someone says, "You're from Delaware, why are speaking with a drawl?"

    And P's comment about how they don't bone, cracked me up too. I feel bad for people in the theater who haven't read the books, because it seriously seems like they are about to knock boots in that scene, then Edward goes and cock blocks Bella before she can even show him the goods. My mother on the other hand applauds that. After we saw the film I asked her Team Edward or Team Jacob(Lies) and I may or may not have threatened her by saying that if she chose Jacob that I was moving out and I would no longer be her daughter. She proceeded to say that Edward had good morals. I burst out laughing. Good morals. BUWAHAHAHAHA!

    As for the fuckery scene. I refer to the 2nd Jacob and Bella kiss as "the fuckery" I also didn't think that it came across to the audience as what it was supposed to be. Which is Jacob tricking Bella, claiming he's gonna go and get himself killed (I could only wish). In fact the scene makes Bella seem like a slut. I've heard that in theaters people have shouted out things like slut or whore after Bella asked Jacob to kiss her.

    Random thing Seth is Edward's BFF (Best furry friend) yet they didn't show that in the film! I wish they kept the first/nose bump they did in the book!

    Also I wish they had kept the convo that Bella and Jacob had when Bella goes and visits him after the battle and he's all healing and stuff. Jacob says that he can't fight and Eclipse. I always thought that was a very important line. He also spews some crap about in a world where supernatural doesn't exist that he and Bella would be together. Pssh, we all know Vampires are REAL! And if they weren't Edward and Bella would find each other because THEIR LOVE IS THAT STRONG!

    I wish at the end of the credit they showed Jacob getting the wedding invitation and leaving like how the book ended. It would have been a nice transistion into Breaking Dawn. And plus anything with Jacob in pain makes me LAUGH and puts a huge smile on my face!

    And just like you I wish they had kept the scene at the end where Edward tried to get into Bella's pants!

    Okay I'm done rambling. Gosh you must think I'm crazy. I usually don't ramble like this, but I'm tired and I got work in the morning. I can't wait until your next blog!


  30. Did someone time the leg hitch scene? It would make me feel a whole lot better if it was even a nano second longer than that 29.2 seconds of torture.
    What I don't like about MR is how she completely downplays the love E & B share. You get that from the book how deeply they love each other and the intensity, but in the script, it just doesn't come across. They should have reversed Edward's reaction from the forced kiss to the "epic" mountain kiss. Your fiancee,love of your life, just kissed a stinkin wolf for 29.2 seconds, and that's how you react?

  31. I loved your review, both parts! Too many comments to put up here (becuase then wouldn't it be my own review?) but I agree with you on many many points. I was DYING to see all the Bella/Charlie scenes, especially because my question to Kristen got used at the Eclipse Convention (What secenes between Bella and Charlie are your favorite) and Kristen mentioned the Missing Persons scene and the Virginity Scene. LOVED both of those scenes.#TeamCharlie

    I also agree that the movie majorly failed at developing the relationship between Alice and Bella. "Don't you love me?" I sooo missed the scene where Alice begs Bella to let her do their wedding.

    My first time seeing Eclipse my hubby starting talking right at the Leg Hitch and I will never ever forgive him for it. Ever.

    BTW. I totally said "I totally paused." last night when I was DDing. Gotta love Clueless.

    Anyway, I loved Eclipse. It was great, so many well done parts. major complaint is the lack of original dialouge in the movie! Melissa!!!! What the hell was she thinking. It's like she lost her copy of Eclipse and was trying to write the script from memory. Shame....

    And lastly, I have to agree with you...TWILIGHT IS THE BEST MOVIE. Besides my serious sentimental love for the movie, it was just more irght on in so many way (minus the special effects).

    But of course, each of the Twilight movies were lightyears better because Kristen is in them. KSIBTU!!!

  32. Late to the party but at least I got to read both posts together…yea I’m such a loser.

    Love the pic of you and Buff. Think you ladies can hold your own in the beauty department. Self deprecating much??? We’re onto you now :)

    V formation…laughed so hard I snorted…A LOT

    FLOVE the leap! I have one ? for DS though. Why not use the tighter shot of the embrace at the end of it? The still of that was…no words. With the two together… yep the whole theater would have been hugging each other.

    Now I agree with the lot about the end, BUT the first meadow scene almost made up for it. Why??? Because while some were missing Edward’s strut onto the scene, they missed out on Bella’s strut out! The first time I saw it I was like come on Edward/Rob say it…say it out loud!
    “Damn I hate when you leave, but God I love to watch you go!”
    You know he was thinking it…character wise and all. Somethin sexy about a man admiring his women…or maybe I’m just weird like that. So between the 1st meadow and a good delivery of the “I want to” line I felt you got that Edward’s hormones weren’t just a frozen popsicle.

    Eclipse is def a favorite (minus 29.2 sec). Oh and the note from Edward to Jacob with the invite at the end I sure hope they’re saving for BD cause if that don’t affect your mush meter don’t know what will…just sayin.

    BTW…our KSIBTU shirts got many a stare @ the midnight show. While all the teanies were sporting their team Ed/Jake no one could figure out what team we were on. One finally drew the short straw & came up and asked. We looked at each other and in unison said team Stewart unequivocally…the look we got was priceless!

    CC…you work it like a KStew/Bella strut! Both better than me on way too many counts…

    <3 lots and lots!

  33. My wife pointed me over here. I'm laughing my butt off. Yes, I'm a bonafide XY adherent, and a Twilight fan (Team Edward don'tcha know). ;-) Don't shoot me for my guerrilla raid on this bastion of feminine power.

    I wanted to make an observation. They redesigned the characters for the movie. Bella was less emotional. Edward was, if anything, more passive than in the books (expect for when they handed off Bella's emotional issues to him), and Jacob became the "Sob, sob, sob! Why won't that awful horrible Edward give Bella to Jacob like he's supposed to" Guy.

    However there was one major thing that surprised me. After I finished Eclipse the book, I felt bad for Edward. Given what being in love means among vampires, he was totally committed to Bella no matter what she did to him, or no matter what she did with the Dog. She could have f**ked Jacob right in front of him that night in the tent and he'd still have been compelled to love her and forgive her. I wanted him to have the option to drop her right on her two-timing dog obsessed butt. A human man would have called a time-out the first time she bolted to La Push.

    That's how I felt at the end of the book. After the movie? I didn't feel that way at all. It shocked me, considering how much I despise Jacob. (My wife is no Jacob fan...and sometimes she has to rein me in. "Don't make me defend the Dog. You know how I hate that!")

    I had to think that over a bit before I came up with the reason. What follows is a copy and paste of an excerpt from a review that I posted elsewhere on the web...(see next post)


  34. In the end I guess it's about respect. The book Bella seemed to have almost no respect for her relationship with Edward until she was forced to the wall. Movie Bella, lacking book Bella's easily manipulated character, and out-of-character gullibility, where Jacob Black was concerned....didn't.

    In the book, when Bella agreed with Jacob that he was the natural course her life would have taken, as opposed to the actual fact that in a world without Edward she'd have been a bloody smear on Tyler Crowley's fender before "Mr. Natural Course" ever met her, she was for all intents and purposes romantically brain dead. The closest Jacob would have gotten to being in a romance with her would have been as a pallbearer at her funeral. And she sat there lapping it all up and not defending Edward or her relationship with him. Then she went home and cried on him about it all night.

    Disrespect much?

    All that was out in the movie. Hence, no desire to see Edward take Bella back out to that cliff and drop her off of it.

    On the whole I liked the movie, when I expected to hate it to death. But I'm with CC on one point, for sure. For my viewing enjoyment, Twilight the movie is still the best of the three so far.


  35. *******BEGIN PASTE*******

    It's worth noting that, while we didn't like the second kiss, and missed the "Truce over." line, the reconfigured canon of the movie really tied things up using that kiss. In the tent that night Edward admitted that Bella still might change her mind. He still wasn't certain of her feelings for him. Yet, in the morning, after Bella came back, Edward said that she loved Jacob. She responded that she loved him more. Any other man would have blown her off with a "Yeah, right...then why was your tongue in his mouth?" Edward just said, "I know." And he said it with confidence. What happened between the night before and that moment to give him that confidence in Bella's heart? The kiss. Jacob kissed her, with Edward reading his mind. I can only surmise that Edward stacked what Jacob got from Bella up against what he himself got from Bella, and was satisfied as to who Bella was more committed to. (grins) He read her lips.

    I said before that I left the theater lacking the ambivalence toward Bella that I'd had at the end of the book. I now think that there were a host of reasons why. A major one would have been the way the Rob, Kristen, and Taylor played their roles. Another would have been that, if anything the triangle was played down, instead of played up. All the interviews led me to believe that Bella would be even more torn and confused than she was in the book. That simply wasn't true. She didn't seem confused at any point.

    Taylor and Kristen tried, but the sexual chemistry wasn't there. They worked emotionally as friends, but not as frustrated lovers.

    Unlike book Bella, this Bella wasn't easily manipulated by Jacob.

    Anytime that Jacob hit on her, Bella appeared to be more embarrassed for him than by him. Love just didn't seem to enter into it for her. Not romantic love. Not lust. Not anything. It's like having a friend whom you love who keeps throwing themselves at you, and you don't want to hurt their feelings. It was sad, and a little pathetic. Whereas in the book it was pushy, obnoxious, and arrogant.

    Other things from the book that we didn't miss, that contributed to the overall rehabilitation of Bella into someone actually worthy of eternity with Edward were, 1) No "fat little babies with Jacob" fantasy. 2) No "I'm the natural course" speech from Jacob with Bella lapping up every word while not defending Edward or her relationship with him. 3) No extended "I'm in love with Jacob and his soul mate" soliloquy from Bella. 4) No night of tears. The night of tears was so over the top it was insulting to Edward.

    Those four items in the book left you wondering if Bella actually knew who she was in love with, what love really was, and why she wasn't with the dog. They made it feel like the author arbitrarily had Bella choose Edward when she really wanted Bella with Jacob. Their absence went a long way toward cleaning up Bella's image. I mean, who the hell wants eternity (or even one mortal lifetime) with a woman who's in love with another man, to any degree whatsoever, however slight?

    ********END PASTE********


  36. twilight blue ballsJuly 12, 2010 at 11:29 PM

    I just got the ab work out that the wolfies needed reading your blog. You need to publish this epic piece. Then we need to get it to Kristen. I bet my ass that she would be dropping F bombs laughing.

    The iphone screen shot on the 29.2 pic slayed me.

    Keep em coming, I need my ab workout.

  37. Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.

    - Johnson
