Tuesday, July 20, 2010

KSIBTU Revamped & Other Summer Happenings

Hello everybody! I’m going to be very up front with you. This post won’t tell you why KSIBTU. This post is strictly to chitchat and tell you what’s in store for the next couple of weeks. 

Allow me to start by saying that the overwhelming majority of you did very well with the site being shut down. I only got a couple of emails and a couple of tweets. That means all of you have very good reading comprehension. Fantastic. Not only are you the funniest fans in all of FandomLand, but I can also say with great conviction the smartest.

So….this blog looks a bit different, no?


You are the first to see the brandy new look of KSIBTU. We live in a vain world, and everyone needs a nip or tuck every once in a while, no? It was time to change. KStew hasn’t had Twilight hair in a while, and now she has OTR hair. I love OTR hair so we must embrace it. The navigation bar is now located at the top of the page. I love it there. Archives will be up sometime within the near future.

This renovation took longer than initially planned because our initial look was not cellphone friendly. That doesn't work for me. This must look the same (relatively) on a cellphone as it does a computer and it didn't. Plus none of the text was visible via cellphone, so that was an issue. But via computer? It was beautiful. Initially the blog looked like this:


Unfortunately it had too many issues so it was trimmed down to the gem it is now.

That being said, we look pretty now, right!? [those are my childhood insecurities rearing their ugly head as I chant *tell me we’re pretty, tell me we’re pretty * Affirmation is everything]

I rocked (and continue to rock) the SHIT out of this game. NO black rings here.

We think we are beautiful and we owe that entirely to our puppet master, and resident blog beautification genius, Buff. She is a gift from the heavens above who has been photoshopping my crazy ideas for pictures and providing beautiful backgrounds for us since inception. When she is not helping me out, she is a wonderful photographer and has the most beautiful babies.

I take Buff with me wherever I go. Like here, at Mt. Hood

This new layout is Buff’s third baby. She worked so hard on this, and the first layout didn't even work. In the 11th hour she conjured up this new masterpiece. She deserves all the accolades in the world for this gorgeousness. Because of that, I wrote her a poem. [Reminder: I went to school for science.  I suck at writing. Especially poetry. Thank you for your understanding.]

For Buff-

You sent me an email one fateful day,
Now you are here at KSIBTU to stay.
You said, “oh hey your stuff is pretty bad. Can I help you with it?”
You saved all my readers from looking at my shit.
To say I appreciate you would be the understatement of the century,
But that’s okay because you agreed to marry me!
I suppose this is going to be an issue with your husband and P,
But who cares? I’ll run down the aisle screaming “weeee!”
In conclusion I need to say,
Thank you for the [free] work you do for this silly blog every single day.
You are my most favorite person of all,
I’ll see you for our wedding this fall.

Cynically Convivial


Seriously though, thank you so much Buff. Words could never express my gratitude.

Now for the meat and potatoes of this. Summer is upon us. Kristen is filming in Canada. Canada is freaking beautiful. That being said, her sightings could be few and far in between. That would mean that there is no fodder for KSIBTU if we don’t have KStew… right?


KStew is ALWAYS better than you, even when you don't see her every day! For those of you that reside in the US, the first way to curb this drought is to go and buy The Runaways RIGHT FREAKING NOW!!!!!! It's now on sale. I am going to snatch that thing up tonight, and I cannot wait!

Second of all, sometimes we need to get back to our roots, and that’s what we will be doing for the remainder of the summer. 


no, no! Not THOSE roots!

Allow me to explain. KStew is better than you because she is a brilliant actress. This summer may be a little slow so we here at KSIBTU will fill our void with movies! Kristen movies!

Here’s how it’s going to work.  Each Friday I will pick a Kristen movie that I’m going to watch over the weekend. Then each Monday we will discuss it (enter Movie Mondays)! We’ve only gotten to talk about New Moon, The Runaways, and Eclipse. That’s not good enough for me. Some of Kristen’s finest performances have yet to be discussed between us.

After reading all of your hilarious opinions on Eclipse, I knew we had to do this. Plus, this is a good way to ignore the inevitable influx of shitty gossip. We love Kristen. We love her acting. Let’s love her movies together. It’s all about love here at KSIBTU. And believe it or not, there are movies I haven’t seen of hers like In the Land of Women and The Messengers. (I believe those are the only two.)

In addition to that, I said I would have presents. I don’t tell fibs, so we will. Do you guys remember JHiggs? I received this in the mail back in March:

so fucking talented

Well, Jamie has offered to do you guys a big one. You see she’s been busy again with pieces like this:

And this:
Me: I saw her first.

And I realized that maybe you guys would want that too! 

Here’s how this is going to work. Every Friday, after I pick the movie of the weekend, I will then ask a question (that most likely pertains to nothing), and if you leave a comment you’re in the drawing. A drawing for what? Well that’s the best part. In the event that you win, you will get to pick what picture Jamie paints for you. 


In the event that KStew does emerge (beyond a fan picture from a bowling alley), I will obvs blog as usual, but this is just a little something fun to do on the side—to get us through these times. (Like it’s the Great Depression or something)

So, welcome to our new look, and our new summer schedule. This Friday (July 23) I will pick a movie, but giveaways will not start the until following Friday (July 30). Next Monday (July 26) we will discuss whatever movie I chose this Friday, although I haven’t chosen YET... so many options....

So here’s a recap of what I just said:

Fridays: Movie will be chosen, and then I’ll ask a question such as “if you knew the world was ending tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d do?” All you do is answer to win a chance to get your own KSIBTU painting.

Mondays: Winner will be announced and movie will be discussed until the upcoming Friday.

Have you guys ever read some of the comments during movie reviews? I’ve never laughed so hard in my life. Please continue to bring your funny.  Please continue to stop by.

If you do those things, I promise to continue to love you forever.

just 'case she's so pretty.


Leave your favorite KStew movies (that we haven't talked about) in the comments section below so I can see what you guys would want to discuss! See you guys Friday!!


  1. In the Land of Movie or Adventureland would be nice. they're both good movies.

    I love the new banner and can't wait for the contest!!!


  2. oh sorry : In the land of women*. lol

  3. Congrats on the new baby! She's sooo purty. Buff - you did an amazing job!! CC - the Movie Mondays idea rocks my world. One of my recent favorites is Adventureland. Jesse Eisenberg is so great and Kristen is perfect in the role. The end gets me every. single. time. So excited to play! :) Oh!! on my way momentarily to go pick up my copy of The Runaways. So frickin' excited. MWAH! xo ~DD

  4. Awesome layout! *claps* for Buff for helping make this amazing new look!

    Fav KStew Movies-

    *Speak (because she seriously makes me feel so proud with that role, it makes me tear up...for real, don't judge...lol).

    *In the Land of Women-it was the first KStew movie I ever saw (I saw it pre-Twilight). And for some reason I always remembered the "blonde girl" from the movie

    *Cake Eaters-because she pretty much knocked that role out of the park!

    I really wanna see Welcome to the Rileys because it looks pretty freaking fantastic!!!

  5. Adventureland and Into The Wild are my two favorite Kristen movies. (:

  6. In The Land of Women, and Adventureland...just 'cause that would be loads of fun to discuss with you :) Also, why not throw in a PS section about Kristen in Jumper? lol

    Love you CC and Buff. You guys did a great job. Love the Movie Monday idea!

  7. I just saw In The Land of Women this weekend. OMG it was so freaking good. Great story, Adam Brody is witty at the right times. Kristen is hot as fuck. This movie really showcases her acting. The Twilight movies DO NOT AT ALL. well New Moon she did a pretty good job.... anyways. I vote on that one. I saved it on my DVR and EVERYTHING. and the BF is going out of town this weekend so I'll actually be able to watch it without interuption. :-)

    Awesome blog by the way. I stumbled across it last week and was instantly addicted.

  8. i absolutely love Adventureland!! have you seen Speak, she's so good in it!! and what about The Cake Eaters? oh my gosh!!! if some says after watching that movie that our girl can't act, then they can go and jump off the bridge as far as i'm concerned, she's BRILLIANT in it.

    can't wait for Movie Mondays, yay, this is going to be so much fun!

  9. Wow, sure looks preeeetttty in here!!! LOVING the new banner! I heart OTR hair.

    Favorite KStew movie... Do I have to pick just one??? That's too hard, I love all her work, 'cause she's better than me and all that jazz..

    Well I first saw her in Panic Room many moons ago, which is when I initially got my soft spot for her, being as I've got the 'betes and her character did, we bonded from the start.

    I must say she was pretty brilliant in Speak.
    But I truely do love all her movies... though I've never seen Catch That Kid, Zathura or The Messengers so maybe one of those is my favorite and I just don't know it.

    Can't wait for Friday!!!

  10. This blog layout is the shiznit. It's hawt. It's another reason why KSTEW IS BETTER THAN U. Would Angelina have a banner like that? No Fing way. Nice job to the KSIBTU crew!

    For movies, I think we need to go back to Panic Room. And then the Cake Eaters. I'm also scared of aliens, so I'd read about The Messengers but I can't watch it *sadspice*.

    Oh, and I think we'll have a couple KStew sightings....I have my suspicions.

  11. Adventureland!!! and TYH!
    and I have to watch Speak, In The Land of Women and The Cake Eaters.. so our Movie Mondays will be awesome motivation for me to find these movies and watch them finally.

    New look is lovely! Buff U are our Goddess! <3

  12. I flooooooove the new design! Gorgesity. And I think we need to do Adventureland. I feel like you discussed it before, but prolly just in passing, as it wasn't on your list. So excited to spend the summer with you! You always make me laugh. :)

  13. CyniBuff-copyright Evalola80 July 2010 <3

  14. Adventureland and Fierce People! Fierce People is super weird but awesome!

  15. I just finished watching Adventureland ( loan from local library). It is a great movie ( funny and meaningful). Kstew's acting is wonderful, especially near the ending. You will love it. Her acting style is so natural like breathing.

  16. Haven't seen this one mentioned yet so just have to throw out there that I loved Kristen in The Messengers! John Corbett is in it too, who I also love. Into the Wild is a great movie as well, even though K doesn't have the biggest part she's great, and we get to hear her lovely singing voice!!

  17. No one suggest a classic yet - Twilight of course (she is so good in it ) and I also like In the land of women


  18. CC I love the new layout girl. I come here everyday to see what you have to say next, I always find myself agree with you :)Also You never fail to make me laugh my head off with your funny pictures and your funny thoughts, I have made sure never to be eating or drinking while I read you post, there have been way to mkae time I have spat either my drink or some food out of my mouth because I am laughing so hard. Anyway I think you are awesome and I look forward to reading the rest of your pots. :)

  19. Ok I made way to many spelling mistakes in that last post lol. Lets try this again.

    CC I love the new layout girl. I come here everyday to see what you have to say next, I always find myself agree with you :) Also You never fail to make me laugh my head off with your funny pictures and your funny thoughts, I have made sure never to be eating or drinking while I read you posts, there have been way to many times I have spat either my drink or some food out of my mouth because I am laughing so hard. Anyway I think you are awesome and I look forward to reading the rest of your posts. :)

  20. Off the topic. The Runaways is in store today. Support Kristen, pick up the DVD.

  21. Love the new look!!! I have to say that Adventureland and the Messengers are two of my favorites. I am so excited that we will have something to get us through the drought!

  22. the site looks awesome..i flove it..love u cc for everything u do

  23. CC! The new layout looks amazing! Love it! Much thanks to Buff.

    Okay, so I think that we definitely need to discuss Fierce People real soon. Kristen is awesome in this. She has such instinct. And Anton Yelchin is too damn good! The entire cast is perfect, and the story is originally creative. Fierce People is great all around.

    The other film that really needs to be watched by everyone, and discussed, is The Safety of Objects. It's not the greatest film (I had a few issues story-wise: it lacked), but it definitely is a great performance from Kristen, who was only 9 yrs old when they shot it. Out of all the kids who are in that movie, her performance is best by far. Not just saying this b/c it's Kristen, and I'm biased, but you could already tell that she was going to do incredible work in future projects. An untrained child actor who was nearly as good as her established co-stars. Her scenes with Timothy Olyphant are the best of the entire movie. And I love the way the director used her androgynous look (as a child) with the telling of that particular part of the story. Oh, and this is the first time we hear Kristen sing in a film. Into the Wild was not her first time singing in a movie.

    If it's not obvious, I'm kinda obsessed. In a so not creepy way. You know how it is, CC?! In the best kind of (true Kristen fan) way, that has nothing to do with the fact that she's Bella Swan. I own every single one of her movies; even the ridiculous Jumper, What Just Happened and Undertow, where she barely has any screen-time. Especially in Jumper! I won't talk about her little bit of screen-time in Into the Wild b/c every second is amazing! As is that entire movie itself.

    Anyway, please discuss anyone you want, I've seen them all. And I'm so up for having Movie Mondays!

    Ooh, can we totally discuss Cutlass too?!

  24. CC-

    Love the new look! This pic made me think of your proposal to buff: http://fckyeahpets.tumblr.com/post/833694164.

    Also, movies! Fierce People (Fuck! Kill! Fuck! Kill!), Speak, Cutlass (short film), The Cake Eaters, Adventureland, and The Yellow Handkerchief (it leaked) are my choices for films. Although Zathura would be hilarious to cover as well.


  25. Wow, the layout looks pretty rad...I'm totally diggin' the daisies because that is my next tattoo idea =) And of course with Kris and her OTR hair, it makes this look even more gorgeous.
    Hmm, KStew movies we haven't discussed? What about 'The Safety of Obects?' I've only watched it once, but I'd need to watch it again...have you seen it?
    I can't wait to spend the rest of the summer discussing movies and seeing what the winners choose to get painted!

  26. I love Adventureland. I could watch that movie everyday, and I wish I had that soundtrack! And Speak will break your heart. It brings back memories for me, and Kristen in that movie was amazing. Unfortunately I haven't seen as many of her movies as I would like, but I have seen some.
    I would say In The Land of Women, but after the comments that Adam Brody made about Kristen, I don't think I could stand to watch that movie again because he's in it.
    The only other movies I've been able to see her in so far besides the Twilight's are Catch That Kid, Zathura, The Messengers, and half of The Panic Room. So yeah...but I would say Adventureland is a must.

  27. How could I possibly pick a KStew movie... I love them all. Adventureland, In the Land of Women, Into the Wild... but for now I think Panic Room would be a great place to start. BB was only 11 and she rocked the shit out of the movie. And she uttered her greatest movie quote ever... "GET THE FUCK OUT"

  28. I'm seeing lots of Adventureland. Loveeeee that movie!!!! Haven't ever seen The messengers because I'm chicken shit. Also love Speak anddd Panic Room! Decisions decisions....

  29. Love the new blog design. You both did a great job with it :)
    As for movies... my personal favs of hers are Adventureland, Cake Eaters, and Speak. Can't wait to see what ya'll have to say about them! There are a few of her movies I have not seen, so those weeks I will have to be on the ball with my Netflix account ;) Oh yeah, and I second whoever said we need to discuss Cutlass... cause that was a great mini-movie and the first place we see our favorite couple to yacht, DakotaStew!

  30. soooo, can I enter this contest? Because I need an original JHiggs print, seriously. I fove you hard, but you know that. Again, the poem ... *kisses you all over your beautiful face* ... loved it. So happy everyone is liking the background, makes me feel like a proud, proud mama... or nanny really because this is in truth your baby - but I love playing with it (that's what Jacob said,BAHAHAH). But I digress, I am truly glad I could participate in this cause, because it is, as you know, important. ;) numberKSIBTU, and because I just thought of it and it made me chuckle: WWMD ---> NMBI

  31. new style looks awesome. thx @Buff ^^
    great choices of the pictures. #blondStew rocks the house .. or this site.

  32. CC, new layout is absolutely beautiful! Thank you, Buff! I have no idea how long it must have taken you to do all this magic but it looks so much more special and super cool now. I would read CC’s posts on the back of the cupboard box, but now this beautiful page/site/blog looks as cool as CC’s humour and wit. You, guys, rock!
    The movies idea is just brilliant. CC, I hope you are having as much fun with this blog and people who you met from doing this thing, as I (as a reader) do reading it.

  33. CC it looks amazing, congratulations!
    I have to confess that I have seen almost all her movies (except Welcome to the Rileys and the Yellow Handkerchief) and I am so excited that we will be talking about them every Monday.

    My favourite are: Speak and Fierce People. I think Fierce People is amazing, such a different movie and great casting

  34. Kristen is fantastic in Speak. That was a powerful movie, and everyone I have recommended it to has come back and commented on what a great actress she is. I am always amazed at how she is able to convey such a range of emotions with just her expressions. It is a rare talent that I haven't seen in many actresses. The camera loves her, and she has the ability to make the audience empathize with her character.
    She was also wonderful in Adventureland, which was another great movie.

  35. i can log in again(floveeeee)!.CC you know how panic i am when i can't log in the other day T_T!!!!!but now you back with super awesome background(buff we flove you), suddenly everything is fine in this world lol!!!and about my fav movie of her fierceness...that must be Adventureland!!! so many quotable quote in there my all time fav "we are doing the job of petadic moron" or something like that lol!

  36. WOW. I'm loving the new layout, and this new idea! I missed your posts.

    'Into the Wild' made me watch all of her movies and made me become a fan of hers (this sounds so cheesy, I'm fully aware of it). I adore 'Adventureland' and 'Speak' for so many different reasons. And, her performance in 'The Cake Eaters' left me speechless.

    Can't wait for Friday's post, have a great week!
    - F.

  37. I almost had a coronary when it appeared to be invite only over the past few days. Aah the explaination. Thank God I checked back. You are the Chelsea Handler of the Twi-world. Damn funny girl.

    My vote is for Adventureland to start. It's unbelievable that she was 17 making this. I guess that is why KSIBTU

  38. Ok I'm commenting, because why the fuck not, and quite honestly, I wouldn't mind an original Jamie print either?! No, really, for srsly, don't put me in the running, some lucky fan should get Jamie's amazing art. I'll just hound her and go see her in person for my own. :)

    Favorite KStew movie...tsk tsk, that is like choosing my favorite kind of cheese: impossible. But since we've already discussed The Runaways and will discuss again WTTR when it's in wider release..I say Adventureland, Cake Eaters, In the Land of Women...oh crud and The Yellow Handkerchief?

    As I told you and Goddess Buff privately and on Twitter: You girls are my goddesses and I am so honored to know you and count you in my group of girls. The new layout is PHENOM. Flove it. Flove you. FLOVE On.

  39. Wow - I am speechless! The layout is absolutely stunning! I have been dying at work all day in anticipation of finally getting to see it and it was well worth the wait!

    Buff - you are incredible!

    I cannot wait to hear what you think of In the Land of Women. A co-worker and I were discussing it tonight, she also loves Kristen, and we both agreed its a very powerful movie and Kristen's performance is golden. It was the first Kristen movie that I ever saw and even at the time when I knew nothing about her, I was UNF'ing all over the place in the theatre.

    Good job CC! KStew may be better than you - but not by very much! <3

  40. definitely think we'll have to discuss Adventureland ... that was one of her best movies, and definitely Fierce People i download it last week and is now one of my favorite movies.
    i FLOVE that we do this *Movie mondays or friday...whatever, beside in my country it's not summer is winter and what better idea than see a kstew movie with a hot chocolate in my hands?? hahah i totally sound like a grandma but yes its the best idea ever!

    ps: i love the new background its awesome and ab the paint? i always say that i want that on a t-shirt!!!

    ps2: i totally agree with Twi Blueballs you are a Chelsea Handler of the Twi-world (and i love Chelsea Handler ! of course and u too!)

  41. Love Adventureland. I agree that Panic Room would be a good start. I love that movie. I saw it originally in the theater and never saw Kristen in anything again until Twilight. Was I surprised when I looked her up and realized she was in PR.I have to admit, the first time I saw it I thought Jodie had a son until she called her Sarah, lol. But Kristen and Jodie were great, the whole cast was and it was great fun to watch. Edge of your seat stuff. Layout looks good. I'm grateful for this place b/c it's filled with love and positivity for us Kristen fans.

  42. Love the new layout!Favorite movies of Kristen are Speak, In the Land of Women and The Runaways.I miss Kristen so much this would be a good distraction, great job KSIBTU!!!

  43. In the Land of women would be good. Just because It's not talked about alot. BUT, I do love adventureland.

    Can't wait for movie mondays!

  44. I really loved The Cake Eaters. and Speak. but my top favorite KStew movie HAS to be The Runaways. I know you've talked about it, but still. Its just amazing.

  45. I just saw The Runaways (I got the last friggen one in TOWN!) Definitely one of my new fav of KStew's. Speak is one of my top Kstew favs. Too many to chose from. Into The Wild made me bawl. I bet you cried too.

    All of the Hollywood Video stores shut down! I FREAKED THE EFF OUT! How the hell was I going to watch all of Kstew's awesomeness? I went to that damned store and bought every flippin' movie that she was in that I could find.

    My mom thinks i'm crazy now. I forced her to buy me TR 'cause i'm poor. I literally used my guilt trip super-powers and Martial Arts skills on her.

    Later she asked why I wanted it so bad, I said 'because it gets awesome reviews'. She says 'wait isn't that the girl from Twilight', I sighed a 'yes'. Mom says 'now I see why you wanted it'. I bitch-faced her. She doesn't get 'IT'. And I think secretly she is obsessed too.

    I think you should just play eeny minny miney moe to chose. And please for love of all that's holy please don't take that as me liking J-Beaver. We all played that damn game before his parents forgot to put a glove on it.

    :) Chy3

  46. j'adore 'fierce people' beaucoup! i mean i love pretty much everything i've seen her in like the runaways, adventureland, the yellow hanky, into the wild, cutlass, the cake eaters, speak but fierce people was the very first movie that i've discovered kristen through, way before all the twilight shenanigan hit the fan. that movie i think is quite different from everything she's done. it truly captured her innocence and sort of the natural transition of a girl coming of age. from that movie i always thought she's going to be someone big in the future (twilight or not). it was really only a matter of time, then a few years later, bam! now here we are.

    oh and p.s. i'm liking this revamped look. def giving credit where credit is due. props girls!


  47. WOW I think I found my people!

    Adventureland! I could definitely watch that movie at least once a week. It's just not that Kristen is amazing (she always is), but the entire cast is great and I LOVE the script. So that would be my favorite.

    But I also loved the Cake Eaters, In The Land of Women and The Yellow Handkerchief.

    I'm FINALLY watching The Runaways this weekend and I can't wait!
