Friday, July 30, 2010

Georgia, Texas & one Kick-ass Giveaway

Things are boring right now, I’m not gonna lie. It’s hard to go without the pretty for so long:

I think this is my fav shoot ever. IDK.

But it’s for the best considering she’s about to take on a role that is so beloved and so coveted.  Perhaps she will come out of the woodwork soon. I was thinking about it, and I may just pass out over the costumes. I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle it.

Anyhow, it’s Friday! Fridays are now dedicated to giveaways and movie announcements for Movie Mondays! 

I didn’t want to use a movie that wasn’t upbeat this week because of In the Land of Women last week. Then I realized that Kristen chooses pretty serious roles so I need to get over myself and keep going with my favorite Kristen movies. I think I may be saving Adventureland for last because it’s my favorite and because I am a product of the 80’s.  Don’t worry, Twilight is coming as well, but I may need like 15 weeks to post all of my thoughts on THAT genius. 

Last night I was contemplating what we would watch this weekend. I asked a couple of people and got an overwhelming response that mostly said the same thing. Enter KStew playing a girl named Georgia:


The Cake Eaters.

I have seen this movie about three times and I think it is freaking brilliant, and it is extremely tragic in its own way.  So that is your assignment this weekend! Watch The Cake Eaters and come back Monday to discuss!

Now I have a story to tell all of you. A few weeks back I was hanging out with my brother. I was putting stuff away in my closet and he was lounging in my room.

“Can I use your computer?” He asked. He is 15 and checks his Facebook incessantly. Kids these days *as I run to check twitter *. 
“Sure.” I answered.
“What’s your password?”

So I give it to him thinking, why is my computer locked?
I go back to tending to my closet, but I see him focusing intensely and clicking away. Perhaps someone ‘liked’ something he didn’t. I finish what I was doing and close the door before sitting down on the bed.

“So.” He says to me.
“So.” I say back.
“I know you like her, but this is excessive, no?”

He lifts my computer off of his lap and hands it to me. I look at the screen and all of my Kristen shit is out in the open. I have zip files from the Eclipse premiere (and other events) that contain thousands of pictures. Sure, I use them for the blog, but there are thousands of pictures within these files that I download. I have files for each of the posts I do!

example of a KSIBTU folder.

I also happen to think that Rob is fucking beautiful, and a good friend knows I can’t turn down #WFERob so I have some of those stowed away as well. In addition to that, I have files compiled that I use for posts with pictures that I make Buff photoshop like this:

Out of context, this is kind of weird. In context, this is really weird.

why would any normal human being have this on their comp?

Inner beauty. DUH.

And he is staring at me begging for an answer but I don’t know what to say. Sure he knows I love Kristen and MFH, but it’s a weird position to be in. What was I supposed to say? Sorry I have all of these pictures of Kristen and Rob on my computer because I write a blog that you’re too young to know about? I love KStew and I think she’s better than you? I felt like a teenager who just got caught staring at Jenna Jameson, and I was the adult in the situation!

“I saw all of the porn on your computer once.” I blurt out—like THAT was the right thing to say at the time. WORD.VOMIT. Folks, I’m a grown ass girl. Saying shit like that is like—what in the hell was going on in my head?!

I googled duct tape to put a pic here of someone with their mouth covered and found this instead. It was too good not to post.

“WHAT?!” He shrieks.

“Yeah. Finger painting, J?”
Why on earth did I say that? But it’s true! I went to use his MacBook and I saw a little button that said ‘finger painting’. Guess what? It was NOT THE KIDS ACTIVITY THAT I THOUGHT IT WAS (unless kids are painting vaginas these days, which I'm prettttty sure they're not). 

“Shut up CC! You’re the one with Debbie Does Dallas on your computer.”


DOUBLE WHAMMY. Allow me to explain. When I was a freshman in college, my roommate said she had never seen porn before. I was taken aback. Clearly she didn’t hang out with boys who were sick fucks. I watched Pamela Anderson & Tommy Lee’s freaky alien wedding porn video on vacation with my boy friends once. No shame.

Anyhow, my other roommate’s boyfriend insisted we show her porn. He decided to start from the basics of DDD. That is gross porn, if you can call it that. Those girls give a WHOLE new meaning to bush.  So yeah, it was in my iTunes.

Two years ago I was in Vermont in February (like I am every winter) with my entire family. My brother is listening to music on the couch and all of the sudden it turns into moans.  My dad’s head snaps in that direction. My brother was in 8th grade so I’m sure he had sneaked a peak at a titty magazine or gone to pornhub BUT STILL!

I fucking DIVE across the living room and slam the computer shut.

“In my room, now.” My father barks before getting up.

I had to explain why my brother was watching porn on my computer to my overly protective and conservative father. It was awesome. 

My dad.

So now we’re back to present day and I’m trying to find the words to explain this.  I realized I UNF for KStew wasn’t going to cut it this time.

 “I like Kristen. I like Rob. I have some zip files. Yeah.”

He shrugged it off and stared at my screen.

“You know,” he said tilting his head to the side, “she’s kind of hot,” he paused, “yeah, I’d definitely do her.”

Weird, I would too.

And just like that my dirty little secret of zip files was forgotten because my brother would “definitely do” KStew.  Also, now I remember why I lock my computer. Imagine if he had seen my fanfic bookmarks!?

Now we are at the giveaway part. I am more excited for this part than you are. I believe that every person on the face of the earth should have a JHiggs original, let it be this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or whatever yours will look like! If you win, you will get to pick whatever picture you would like Jamie to paint for you—and I can guarantee it will be the most incredible thing you’ve ever seen in your life.

To enter this giveaway you simply have to answer this question:

Has anyone ever seen your ficfile/bookmarks? Also, where do you hide your Stewy porn? Under your mattress or in a nice comfy zip file? Do you have a facepalm moment when someone you didn't want to know saw IT?

REMEMBER TO LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS AND/OR TWITTER NAME IF YOU HAVE ONE. You can submit as long as you live on planet earth. Winner will be selected by and announced on Monday.

Yup, I got Ruth in this post. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Good luck my lovely people, and have a wondrous weekend!

[A/N: I wanna hear your secrets! Make sure you leave a way to contact you in your comment, and don’t forget to watch The Cake Eaters! For my international readers: if you cannot find it in your local video store, on iTunes or Netflix it may or may not be (is) on a website that rhymes with schmootube. Have a great weekend ladies, I love you lots!]


  1. CC-

    I keep my porn in hard copy form hidden on my bookcase. And no one has seen my fanfic bookmarks... although since my hard drive crashed, I've had to reconstruct all of it via my lovely on-line friends like you!! Not sure what I would say if someone did see it... I've already had to stop talking about my professional crush since people look at me weird when I go on and on and on about the amazingness of Stew. They just don't get IT.

    Have a good weekend,

    L (@ellelala)

  2. No, no one has ever seen my stash. I'm sorta like NinjaStew in that way. I know how to keep my shit hidden. I feel that if they don't get IT then they're not good enough to see IT. lol Awesome contest & party it up since its Friday
    Hearts-Tiffany (@tiffany3105)

  3. CC - I just wrote a huge ass comment and it got deleted. So let me try this again. I love your family stories...they crack me up endlessly! Nothing wrong with having a bit of an obsession but it's always difficult to explain to people who don't get IT. husband works on computers in the Air Force, so when my laptop needs a fixin', he's my Go to Guy. Recently he had to reload my laptop and I asked if he was able to transfer all of my bookmarks, because they were kind of important. He said, 'Oh, you mean the ones like The Perv Pack Smut Shack, The Training School Saga, The Dominant and The Submissive? Those bookmarks?" with a devilish smirk.
    "Uh yep, those would be the ones." Facepalm.
    I save all of my KStew porn on my iTouch. I currently have nearly 1000 TwitPics and such saved of her in all her beautifulness and YFH [your future husband] with his Finger & Jaw Porn. Also in my night stand, I have every single magazine cover they've graced, and even the ones where they were just interviewed but not on the cover. My husband doesn't understand, so I always tell him to shut up and stare at Jennifer Aniston's leg some more.

    I've never seen The Cake Eaters, but currently have it on Netflix Instant Streaming, so I'll be watching this weekend and looking forward to the discussion on Monday.

    I live a little south of Atlanta, and if I hadn't just had leg surgery again yesterday, I would've been trekking my way up to Chickamauga, Georgia to try to catch a glimpse of Rob's gorgeous face. But I'll just continue to live vicariously through everyone else's Twitter updates.

    To reach me, I'm on Twitter: HinkleBelle or you can email me at


  4. Destiny ( 30, 2010 at 12:52 PM

    I Hide it all in a file that says.. NAKED ROBERT PATTINSON. Its there because I live with all boys and there obviously not going to go into that file ;) One time I was on FanFiction reading a story... right when it was on a sex part my dad comes up behind me and says: "WTF are you reading? Why does it say Cock?!? Your too young to be reading this!" So I say: "It didn't say that!" (As a I scroll to the bottom of the page to hide it) You don't have you glasses on it said dock! Edward and Bella are hanging out on a dock!" He just stares at me and walks aways huffing and puffing. From then on I lock my door when I read FanFiction stories :) Also My brother (also 15) Came into my room while I was looking at pics of Kstew... Well he says this: "What are you a lesbian? You have like 1,000,000 photos of that girl!" Well that made my dad come in and say: "Well shes hot... Is that the kristie girl?" I say: "NO!!!! Her name is KRISTEN STEWART!" My brother says to my dad: "Ewww you think shes hott? Shes like really ugly." I say: "No shes not you buttface! Go away or ill punch you in your balls!" He runs out of the room while my dad is scrolling through my pics and says: "If she wasent so young I would totally bang her." My jaw drops to the floor and I just push him out while im speechless.... Haha that was a messed up day :)
    - Destiny

  5. CC

    I keep all my kstew files on my comp, in a pretty little folder. I don't let anyone near my mac & it's password protected. Though one day my friend & I were at Barnes & Noble "studying", she was but I was on twitter & saving kstew pics. My friend said she would be right back & I didn't notice that she had & was now standing behind me. Then she said "why the hell are you saving her pictures??" I froze for a second, then I said "you wouldn't understand, you're a kstew hater" & then she proceeded in telling me why kstew is good & blah blah blah. I tuned her out at this point. & also my older brother saw my fanfic. He asked to see my phone to see if I had a # he needed & I said yeah bc I was busy. Then came the "WTF are you reading?!" I snatched my phone out of his hand and closed out the ff tab. I was so red! He kept staring, waiting for an answer so I said, "some people write really awesome stories using B&Es characters. They're really good. Totally different from Twilight." He kept staring & said yeah, ok, whatever" & left. Now I don't let him near my BB, once was enough. *phew* if my friend had seen that, well she just wouldn't get it. She doesn't get the amazingness that is KStew. Her loss lol

    I hope you have a great weekend.

    ♥ I
    Twitter: @ivanastew

  6. I really try to hide my KStew porn from my family and non-twi-friends. I make thousands of folders. i don't want them to think i'm totally obsessed (i think i am a krisbian though)
    but for some reason, my dad never looks at my pictures. seriously. NEVER. I guess I'm just lucky hahaha

    Twitter: @Luiza112

  7. hahhaahah this post was meant for me right now. I'm working at a kids camp right now in San Diego, and each night I sneak on my computer to get my Kstew update. Thank goodness it isn't premiere time or I'd be missing out on too much. But I just realized it was friday this morning (lack of sleep and mass of children makes you lose track of time) and I was like OMG KSTIBU has a new post. But I'm in an office now...with a mass of people...and I'm just wondering if they're wondering what in the world I'm doing online right now hahaha.
    So in answer to the giveaway question, I don't think anyone has seen my bookmarks, but I feel like and I feel so creepy every time I open a tab on my safari and all my kstew tabs show up as shortcuts. It's just my roommate and I at my house so no one really sees my computer. But they do wonder why I know so much about Kristen Stewart.
    I'm so glad I get IT. I just wish everyone else would :)

  8. ladybug ( 30, 2010 at 1:33 PM

    I rarely allow anyone to touch my laptop but my boyfriend works in computers and recently decided I needed a disk cleanse...

    Let's just say that I quietly saved everything into an external hard drive before he could get a glimpse of it! (And I actually had to Google "how to save bookmarks"..)

    I mean he knows I'm a fan, but let's just leave it at that... ; )

    PS: Already seen "The Cake Eaters"...Loved the story! Had minor problems with some details...

  9. CC this post cracked me up, I loved it!

    That is the exact same reason why I locked my computer. The last thing I need is my brother or my mother to come across with all my favorite fics that are downloaded in my computer. Luckily nobody's ever seen my R&K folder with hundreds of pictures, gifs, manips... it's all very well hidden, I think.
    I keep some magazines cut-outs and the Flaunt magazine I won in a locked drawer with all the important documents. Priorities.

    The only thing that happened to me was that some of my friends got a glimpse of my gmail inbox where I had at least 15 unread update alerts. So now they all now I read Twilight fanfiction (kill me now...) but from the looks I got I'm sure they don't know most of it is just smut.

    I've seen The Cake Eaters and I'm looking forward to watching it again.

    My twitter: @agus_ap

  10. I have a shit load of Kristen Stewart pics. I have a ton of files on my computer, but all proof of my obsession of her is in my iPod touch - I would die if I lost it! Only one person is aware of my mad love for Kristen - my brother, but it's not too bad since he totally want to make love to her (My brother is very old fashioned) meaning instead of calling her hot, he says she is very attractive. He is 21. What 21 year old talks like that? I don't know but he does. No one has seen that I'm a fanfiction lover either. I don't keep bookmarks since I have an account were I add stories to my favorites. I also write Fanfiction. Edward and Bella all the way! I'm also working on a Rob and Kristen fic :)
    My email:
    My Twitter: Kstewrocksme

  11. Okay, you want the truth? Back in the day, when I was a little wilder, I actually starred in a little porn called ... baha not so much, I am so full of shit. Pick your jaw back up off the ground, and stop planning my intervention. My computer is touched by no one, except you - you have touched it, and it was sooo good. It's password protected and I have carefully constructed a labyrinth of folders within folders to hide my more ... er ... questionable manips. The treasure trove would be found in my KSIBTU folder- which to the naked eye doesn’t mean much. You know, for those who don't get IT. Then there is of course the family photo manips I have made of you, me, and Rob, marked "my hopes and dreams, a.k.a Cynirobuff"; but those are never to see the light of day. So... yeah, I'll leave you with this: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?? (probs the closest thing to a porno I've seen in a long time. bahahaha)

  12. luckily nobody has seen any of the StewPorn in my computer. I label all my documents something random like Bio homework. Then, nobody has any reason to go on a snooping expedition.
    Now. All my Stewie magazines are out in the open. I have stacks and stacks just laying around and i have no shame in that. I really don't care at all if people know Im obsessed. Its who I am lolol.

    Sadly enough, my mother of all people went snooping on my computer and found my fics. She proceeded to read The Office. Face Palm when she confronted me and nearly began to tell me some story of her and dad banging in his office. Horrible experience.

    Twitter: @krystalmejia24

  13. I know exactly what you mean with having to explain the StewPorn on your computer. My sisters mocks me for it. Seriously, she got angry and insulted 'this Bella chick' and I screamed. I had the upper hand though, if you mess with Kristen you mess with me.
    But yeah, I have a lock on my computer as well. Don't want nobody finding the hidden folder on my computer.. god.. it's like.. HUGEE..
    Anyways.. Loved the story about your father! LOL And the ducktape baby. Wow. LOL
    oh and I love the artwork! Seriously! Compliments to the maker of them!!
    Twitter: @TeamStewy
    Thanks for making these awesome blogs that brighten up my day :)
    Now off to watch the Cake eaters!

  14. I saw the Pam & Tommy vid the night of Senior Prom. Good times.

    As we share the laptop, T is well aware of my KStew guilty pleasure. Currently the wallpaper is a screen shot from Eclipse, B&E in the snow during the fight. Sigh, I miss Winter, but I digress. He got outted recently tho, not me. He opened up the laptop in front of his nephew P who saw the pic. The Convo went something like this P -"Uhhhhh you know that's from Twilight right?" T - "Michelle did it, we share the laptop" P "Suuuuuure she did. Might want to get your own laptop Uncle T". HAHAHA Love that kid.

    When I got a new HD all my internet bookmarks were lost :( so right now it's pretty much a KStew party up in there. I need to organize asap.

    Can't wait to watch Cake Eaters on Shmootube. xo

  15. Cynirobuff. Splendid.
    Keeping mouths full since 2010.

  16. I've postponed watching the Cake Eaters for too long, I guess this is the perfect time to finally watch it!

    No one's seen my fic bookmarks, but there are people who know about them. As for the StewPorn, well... I think it's very well hidden for most of my friends don't get IT and I really don't want to explain.


  17. I have a Sony Reader, and while on a the longest bus ride ever to Memphis to visit my grandpa, that reader saved me from developing cabin fever.

    Anywhoo, my archive of smutty fanfic is ridiculously HUGE, and about 75% of it is on my reader for when i'm out and about. Well my 20 year old brother decided to sneak a peek at it while I was sleeping(nosey bastard), and he came across "Master of the Universe", where I was in the middle of chapter 50 (flogger...that's all I'm gonna say). he waited until i woke up to ask me what the fuck I was into, and if I had some dog collars, whips, and chains hidden in my bedroom.

    just when i thought it couldn't get any worse, he apparently looked through some of the other titles, and told me that he turned it off after he came across "The 12 Days of Dickopotamus".

    needless to say, it was an even longer bus ride.

    as for my kstew/fingers pics and stuff, i keep them on my laptop, where no one knows the password. but if i have to let them use it, which is pretty rare, i have all my sites bookmarked and my pics/manips in a hidden folder inside another folder.

    my twitter: qtwiddaboot
    my email:

  18. I've got a shitton of Twi-related pics, porn, ff and other items of questionable nature on my computer -- and I swear it's not password protected, nor is it particularly well hidden. My computer doesn't do a whole lot of traveling outside of this apartment, and E. is entirely too well-versed with my obsession. I could hide the "Twilight" folder on my desktop, I suppose, but he'd have no ammunition on me when I'm being a cranky bitch. Now I MAY have to consider changing things up soon, simply because A, my precocious three-year-old, clicked on something and said, "Mama...Edward...Again?"

  19. I try to keep my stuff locked down, but I'm constantly under the stress of being a paranoid freak. Let me tell you a story now.

    When I was a young girl, in about 5th or 6th grade, I was obsessed with Teen Titans. My then BFF, introduced me to fanfiction. So of course I start reading it because fanfiction is the shit, and this was the coolest thing to me. One day, as I'm sitting on the computer, I'm reading a perfectly innocent fic (as far as I know) and my mother comes up behind me. I had no idea she was there. She then proceeds to start freaking out on me talking about "This is NOT the kind of stuff you should be reading!" And so on and so forth. She even threatened to put parental restrictions on the computer. I started freaking out and crying. I guess she mistook it for porn or something. Not that I would know, considering I had just scrolled up and started at the top, where as she was reading somewhere in the middle. I never did find out what happened.
    But ever since then, I've been seriously paranoid when it comes to people being anywhere near me when I'm on the computer, especially if I'm reading fanfiction. It literally took me years, and a love of Twilight to bring me back to fanfiction, and since I know the best way to get away with things is to tell everything upfront, I had to tell my mom that I was reading it so she would get off my back when I sit around for hours staring at the screen, sometimes laughing and crying. And I had to explain what it was so she wouldn't question it, and remind her of how upset she made me that last time, which explains to her why I'm always so paranoid about it. Lucky for me, I'm a freaking fantastic daughter, and she's always trusted me and given me plenty of freedom. But I'm still obsessively paranoid. I could handle them seeing the pictures, the gifs, etc. But the one thing I hope no one ever sees is the fanfic. I think I would die.
    That being said, I use a computer that is used by other people. Since I play the Sims, my page is allowed administrator privileges. So I made sure to add a password to my page, and make sure that my documents are visible only from my page. I also did this on the other computer I use. The only thing that concerns me, is that anyone who knows me could figure my password out if they look at the hint. So I'm constantly waiting for the day when I end up screwed over.
    Since no one has seen IT, that I know of, I do have facepalm moments when I'm forced to explain the awesomeness of Stew, or when I talk about her, and my friends faces are, to quote a great fic, "about fifty shades of what-the-fuck". So yeah, my friends suck. They just don't get IT. Which is why I spend all my time online with people who get IT, rather than with them.

    Twitter: @musiclikelove

  20. I'm very fortunate that I'm an only child and therefore do not have to worry about sibblings uncovering my stash. So all of my Stew photos are tucked safely into a folder on my desktop and I can rest pretty easy with the fact that they will never be searched by anyone.

    UNTIL I meet a guy. Thats like, my biggest fear because now that I have this professional job and I'm meeting and flirting with all kinds of professional men, its like - what happens if I started dating one of them. I feel like Jimmy Fallon in Fever Pitch. How long can you keep all the fanfic, thousands of images, the blog, the twitter, a secret? The Edward pillowcase my mom bought me after my horrible breakup at xmas will seriously need to be tucked into the linen closet.

    As for porn stash, THAT is hidden in a folder so deeply burried in my program files that sometimes I forget where it is but that is in the unlikely event my parents feel the need to use my laptop. I would never want them to stumble on THAT. Or those risky vacay photos with the ex that might be too hot to destroy.

    Love your post as per usual! And for the giveaway:
    @takemetobliss (twitter) (email)

  21. Ahhhhh, that made me laugh so hard!!! :)

    You know this already, but my family is all painfully aware of my healthy obsession with Kristen, Rob and fanfic (OK, only hubs is aware of the fanfic part, but even your best little kid friend is involved in the K/R love around here-- I'm raising her right, no?). All of my Stewy Porn magazines are in the cabinet of my nightstand and I'm happy to page through with anyone who cares to wear gloves so they don't smudge the pictures. My fanfic treasury is on my iPad and laptop, without lock or password. I would be totally fine if my hubby read something that inspired him; I may or may not actually leave things around for him to peek at on purpose. The only other person who has actually seen some of the fanfic is my mother who opened a minimized screen on my computer during one of my breaks reading CW&IA and I don't think she got too far before I snapped the laptop shut, but she did need to scoop her jaw off the floor. I'm betting she'll ask first next time.

    Just yesterday I was looking through my folder of pictures on my laptop. I discovered I have a handful of pics of your best little kid friend, none of my hubby and tons (one hundred thousand, perhaps?) of Stewy and Jawporn. Splendid priorities if I do say so myself. My iPad has a different ratio: My fave pic of the kid, my fave pic of Kristen and my fave pic of Rob. Apparently I'm all about equality on my iPad, but that could change at any moment. Js.

    @JolieJessa DUH


    I have no porn but my stew folder is under 'Stewart Jaymes' on my computer, none of my friends are as into Kristen as I am so had no clue of her middle name, I thought i was being clever! But my best friend was searching for I think our holiday pictures and was like ooh who's Stuart as i was like urm no idea (not having a clue who it was) and she was like urgh are ALL of these Kristen? and i just said yeah, and in some of them she's smiling (trying to humor the situ), told you shes awesome, and she just said i hate her and closed the folder. She clearly doesnt get it, but to avoid the kstew hate, my pics now live on a memory stick out of reach of anyone bar me :)

  23. My brother is the one who administrates all of the computers in the house or something like that, so I think that he has seen everything my computer hides.
    I just store my Kstew, Rob whatever in my computer, I have no shame of it.

    twitter: @samubiscomb

    if you wanna know my secrets: @samubiscomb

    love you CC! Made a drawing for you today ;)

  24. Well I am a 35 year old mother of two (ages 5 and 7). I don't even try to hide my love of Kristen. I have all the magazines that she is in (that I could get my hands on) and most of my bookmarks are Kristen fan sites. My husband thinks I am crazy and my kids just go along for the ride. Bless their hearts because of me they know just about everything publically known about Kristen. My 7 year old asks me if I can go a day without mentioning her....uh NO. So I am a proud 35 year old Kristen Stewart fan who constantly tries to recruit others to the fandom.

  25. I think it's very difficult to find my kstew porn because I have my files in a folder that then goes to another folder and then another and another .. I think I'm the only one able to decipher ... And yes, there are 1085759303 Kstew photos and videos and ringtones (yes I have the Lapush ringtone) and everything related to twilight and kstew and even photos of me posing with Elle.. yes i know, i have no cure.
    twitter: @alecita09

  26. Great choice with The Cake Eaters, one of my favourite Kristen movies!

    I keep my pictures and videos of Kristen in a file that says 'Badass & Sparkly' (it may or may not include photos of a certain deliciously handsome british male, because let's face it - a computer without his face somewhere on it is just stupid). It's around 700 pictures. I also may have saved a couple of pictures with funny as shit lines attached as well, since they manage to crack me up everytime.

    As far as fanfic goes, I only just started reading it. Late to the party? I know. I've been all like "Why would I read Twilight fanfic when I didn't even really like Twilight all that much?". But I caved a couple of weeks ago and my first thought was "Nobody told me these where erotic novels." shortly followed by my second thought which was "How do I subscribe to these pieces of heaven?"

    Twitter: @KajsaBylund

  27. This isn't too embarassing becasue I'm pretty careful. ^^
    Anyway, today my mother & I were in a supermarket carpark, & I saw a Mini Cooper - I love those cars so much. So I said "Y'know, Kristen (yep, apparently I am now on a first name basis with her) has one of those in green'. My mum asked if it was a new one, and I replied 'Yeah, but she says she stands out too much in it, so she has a shitty old car too".

    This kind of stuff comes out of my mouth a lot, far too much to be easily explained to people who don't get IT.

    My brother frequently manages to creep up on me while I'm reading FF, so much so that, now, he just looks at me like he's emabarassed to know me.

    I'm sure I'll rack up some mortifying stories over time. ^^


  28. CC-

    New fanfic alert! I friend of mine (and very likely a reader of your blog) is trying her hand at fanfic. It just started, but I like where she's starting out and see some interesting possibilities for the story. Plus, she's woven in some interesting aspects from real life interviews. You can read it here: No clue how to make that clickable in this forum.

    Anywho, drink, read & be merry!


  29. Fan Fiction is my secret...the only person who knows is my husband and the only reason he knows is because we live together! I tried to keep it from him as long as possible but I couldn't keep coming up with believable excuses for why I was staying up until 2 a.m. on the computer! I finally had to break down and tell him that I was obsessively reading Twilight fan fiction. However, I only told him after making him promise me to not make fun of me...which he keeps for the MOST part :)

    As usual CC, another hilarious post - seriously GF, you always bring the funny and the laughter and it is MUCH appreciated!


  30. CC,

    So excited about these giveaways. The pics look AMAZING!

    I've got my KStew, Rob, Twilight pics on about 4 different computers. My personal laptop, my work laptop, my work desktop computer, and even some on my brother's computer (I'm sure he really appreciates that). Let's me honest, my brother has already accepted my obsession, so it comes as no surprise to him.

    My work computer has my greatest stash, and it's organized into folders. There is a "Kristen" folder, a "Rob" folder, a "Kristen & Rob" folder (which is my fav ;-)), a "Kristen Elle photoshoot" folder...yeah, you get the point.

    No embarrassing stories of anyone seeing the "stash" yet. My brother is probably the only one that knows of the great depths of my pics though. However, my boyfriend knows a little (he knows how often I make a trip to Barnes & Noble to try and hunt down a "Rob/Kristen/Twilight" related magazine).

  31. I'm so excited that this weeks movie is The Cake Eaters. GeorgiaStew FTW!

    I keep all my K&R files on my laptop - password protected. No one ever uses it, so it's pretty safe there... luckily. I have serious privacy issues.

    Those paintings are fiercely beautiful!

  32. No one has ever seen bookmarks but, my roommates/close friends are already asking themselves if I'm sane - considering that I have all of Kristen's magazines (except from the 'Dazed and Confused' one that I'm still looking for) on shelves + her movies + if she makes a TV appearance I HAVE to watch it, no matter what the hour + of course, the number of times I stay up all night for any event even if I have to work or go to class in the morning. As you can see, they are completely aware of so, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't surprise any of them if they discover the amount of 'Stewy porn' I have saved.

    I watched 'The Cake Eaters' yesterday night, so I can't wait and I'm ready for tomorrow's post :)

    F, @ItsFtastic.

  33. This made me laugh SO loudly. :) My personal computer bit the dust a couple of years ago, and I kind of sort of have just been using my work computer for everything. There is an EMBARRASSING number of Kristen/Rob-related pics on my WORK computer, buried deep in my "personal" folder (then neatly organized OCDstyles by Twilight/NM/Eclipse/Other Films).

    Recently, I found out I was getting upgraded to a new computer and was ecstatic until I realized that the IT guys would be transferring all of my files. There was no time/warning to dump the photos - and all of my personal photos of people I actually like, know - onto an external hard drive (which I should have done ages ago). If they noticed, they didn't say anything ... but I know for a fact it was my personal photos that made the transfer process last a couple of hours. Oooops.

    I don't know if I'll be able to see The Cake Eaters in time to join the fun tomorrow, but I will at least watch and try to catch up later in the week! :)

    Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS on getting your diploma! So official. As my friend going after her PHD in physics said ... nothing says "serious investment of tens of thousands of dollars" like a piece of paper, right? ;)

  34. i can totally understand your feeling CC... last year i have accidentally sent my cousin 1 of my many Kstew porn on my phone -_-' and she like "dude! why r u sending me Kstew pic???" and i was like"O.o!!!!!"

  35. unfortunately, i hadn't access to the internet for the last two weeks because of vacations. so i'm a littlie late. hmpf. and i ahve to keep up reading your last posts xD. for now i skipped the ITLOW . i wanna see the movie first (:

    i don't have a funny story like you. but i do have a lot of picz of K&R and even T on my pc...if s.o. would find them i'd just say it's for a video or for my Abitur presentation xD. yes, i DID a presenation about the 'phenomenon twilight saga'. haha.

    ok...keeping up :)
