Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New York Rounds & ... Vikings?

Today is a big day. Tonight Eclipse is released across America. New Moon broke records on opening night, will Eclipse? I hope so. I hated New Moon. Right now many members of the KSIBTU Crew are ascending on NY for this big release. Is it ironic that Kristen is in New York at the same time? Yes, unfortunately, it is. We didn't hang out yesterday because I was busy [*repeats that in my head*].

I decided I would start with Letterman so we can just move on from there. I like Letterman. I know a lot of you don't, but I do. I grew up watching Letterman. His demographic is crotchety old men, which is my dad… and my mom… and consequently me. Last time Kristen was on Letterman I actually considered jumping out of my window. Then i realized my window is only about 3 feet from the ground so that would just be pointless. It was so painful. SO.PAINFUL. Dave is a hard interview; you've got to be able to hang. 

YIPES that dress.

That being said, Kristen can hang. We've seen her demonstrate her maturity and acquaintance with this business as time has progressed. She's good at what she does. Dave didn't care. He sunk his teeth into her as he normally does, but this time it came of partially as bullying. That being said, she wasn't really taking it this time. She was the epitome of class in the face of a crotchety old man attempting to make her look foolish. Those that know Kristen know she was trying to avoid that situation entirely by saying 'what are you doing to me man!?'. No... really... what are you doing to her man?

In my opinion, The Late Show was given those pictures of her dogs to ease conversation and to have a basis for her to tell a story and engage in conversation. As opposed to simply asking Kristen about the wolf-dogs, he made it into a crazy political thing. Kristen decided to counter his bullshit and voice her opinion on SHOOTING WOLVES FROM A HELICOPTER (*cough Sarah Palin*) and Dave then said that the wolves were ruining the cattle industry. I suppose this concerns him because he has a mansion (don't you love how rich people call them "ranches") out West. They are on opposite ends of the spectrum. She likes wolves, and he likes to shoot them. But what's the big deal? She said they could live in her backyard for crying out loud!

Kristen praying to baby Jesus that Dave will STFU.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wolves and cattle coexisted before guns did…. right? I mean they managed before, right? So instead she kept saying "you're right, you're right, you're right," in attempts to… shut him up.

omg this is too fucking cute. I just wanna hug the wolf.

Kristen was trying and Dave was shutting her down at every chance he had. He was being a dick; plain and simple.The interview wasn't as bad as it was last year, so I suppose that's a step in the right direction. Kristen has gone through far worse, but shame on Dave for not being able to ATTEMPT to have a normal interview with her. He won't lose any money or sleep; he did his job. I suppose she won't lose sleep either because she's about to make BUCKETS AND BUCKETS OF MONEY this weekend and because she is better than him. 

Bottom line: THEY WILL NEVER BE BFF4EAEAEAE! But guess what? That just means there is room for us me! Silver lining.

And guess what? It doesn't really matter in retrospect because she has so many great things to look forward to… and she looks so fucking good.  Can we talk about that?

Kristen stepped out at Letterman with hair like this:


and a dress like this:


My eyes went like this:


I was contemplating this and came to the conclusion that for yesterday morning only she had to be virtually unrecognizable. That had to be nice for her.  She looks so beautiful it isn't even fair. The things that this hair color does for her piercing eyes should be illegal. [am I gushing too much? I can't help it.]

Then the screening in NY happened and she went like this:

Do you think it was hard to sit in this dress?

YIPES. I was tilting my computer screen forever trying to get a good angle on the dress/good lighting, but it's so freaking interesting! I love the fanning pieces. In the right light I bet it's enthralling, you know? She looked so good yesterday. A really good fashion day.

But the star?

one of my favorite pictures... ever.

THAT FREAKING BRAID! Get out! That was too fucking good. She looked unreal.

This morning she got up bright and early to attend The Today Show. It was a WHOLE two minutes long. Nothing earth shattering, nothing new, nothing really to contribute or bring to the table. That being said, she looked nice, no?

is she nekkid?

Her Regis & Kelly interview went wonderfully! I was dying over the fact that Regis kept saying "Pattinson and that other guy". Don't worry Regis, we feel the same way as well.

^^that other guy^^

Obviously I'm going to talk about her cat. That's one lucky pussy… *ahem*. As an animal lover, I can empathize. I want to take my dog everywhere I go. Well, I have four dogs, but I really only need one to survive. Do any of you feel that way with your pets? They are extensions of you.  If Kristen wants to take a train to Montreal so that her cat can come with her, I say do it girlfriend! If she wants to drive, I will totally keep her company. She also said that Max is aggressively passionate and fights his way into her bed. YIPES. He has to fight his way into her bed? …too easy...

Kristen is set to start her beatnik camp… next week? She seems pretty excited about this role and she should be. I know that I literally cannot wait for this. The hair brings me that much closer to Kerouac and I'm now ready to get that show on the road. (bahahah, terrible. corny. I know.)

All joking aside, there is something very specific I want to finish with. In her Letterman interview, Kristen commented that she was able to walk around Stockholm with a plastic viking hat on and posed with various statues in a total lame and touristy way. LOVES IT. Could you imagine?

No.. you can't?

WELL THANK BABY JESUS WE HAVE @Buff_82! We here at KSIBTU have exclusive pictures of Kristen's outing in Stockholm. Enjoy:


nice package, eh?


tee hee hee, he's on a horse!

Because she held her own on Letterman, got a hot ass make over, went on The Today Show and Regis and Kelly, all the while looking beautiful and classy, KStew is better than you

[A/N: Thank you so much Buff for making the best manips ever. TONIGHT. IS. THE. NIGHT.  I think what I'm going to do is post a little opening ended thing on like Friday for those who have seen the movie I will simply say TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK, and then those who haven't seen it just shouldn't read the comments. We will talk about EW for REAL on probs Friday, so just hold out a little longer. Those of you going tonight: ENJOY! I love ya like Bella loves Edward (but in BD because in Eclipse she whores it out to everyone)!] 


  1. Another brilliant post CC; you never fail to amaze and entertain me :-) I have 2 dogs and they go everywhere with us; we dont even go on normal vacations because we'd have to leave them...so we camp every summer; still a blast dont get me wrong. Enjoy Eclipse!!

  2. First time posting, been visiting your site for months, I just have to comment about the Dave Letterman show, what a dickhead. Proud of Kristen though, she got through it with class!
    Lol with the Sweden/tourist pics, looove it. I love your blog and love Kristen. So excited to see Eclipse tonight.Keep up the good work KSBTU, you rock girl!

  3. I was so happy you posted today. I am beaming at the seams with excitement for tonight & can barely keep myself composed through my work day.

    You make me smile from the inside out.

    Speaking of EW, I have been itching to get my hands on a copy but unfortunately it is not yet out here in my neck of the Canadian woods. :(

  4. hahaha great job @Buff_22!
    I LOVED IT CC!!! I can't come with anything else to add to this post that you haven't said already. I completely agree with everything you said.

    I'm so proud of Stew and how she handled herself with Letterman. She made me feel like a proud mama bear.
    And Oh.My.God the hair and the braid, and those green eyes that can take you to bed without leaving... the street?

    Yeah, there's no doubt KSIBTU and of course me.

  5. She looks perfect aren´t she?
    Love your posts, every single one
    of them.


  7. So glad we agree on the Letterman interview! Because I know you love him. I thought he was a complete asshole to Kristen the entire time, and she was trying so damn hard. I couldn't believe he wouldn't drop the wolf bit. Jesus! Such class, our Stew. She held her own and definitely showed him who the bigger, more mature person is. Letterman's downright mean demeanor shocked me.

    Oh, and I must say: I'm a huge Kristen fan, have been since Speak. I am not the biggest Twilight fan, but I support the films, to support Kristen. I don't hate them, they are just not my favorite. That being said, if I invite a guest to my talk show I will do my job by learning a bit (synopsis, anyone?) about the movie they are promoting. It doesn't fucking matter that I can care less for the movie, or think myself superior to it (cough -- David Letterman). It's your job to not deliberately and consistently insult the guest and to know something about what the fuck they are there promoting. This is simple common sense.

    Okay. I'm done.

  8. i think Dave is now balls-less, cuz Stew totally cut 'em out....lol! about the tourist pics i almost pee in my panties and i got a metal image of Fingers and Max aka Jella fighting over her bed.lololololol!!!!

  9. I finally just got to watch Letterman... oh boy. He was a royal pain in the ass is what he was, I am also a fan of his show but sheesh, he was nothing but a douche throughout that whole interview. He came across as a fool. done.

    On to bigger better things...
    Kristen looks SMOKING HOT! I am loving her new hair & her eyes just kill me. My god, woman!


  10. david, david, david

    You are given a gift: guest with pet wolves and PICTURES - and you harangue about poor cows! Dumb.

    Bring Conan back, in david's time slot. Kristen was great with Conan.

  11. I love reading these things. You're the best.
    I wasn't fortunate enough to go to Lopez Tonight to see Kristen, but I did see BooBoo Stewart and Charlie Bewley. You're probably wondering what that has to do with anything, but while I was there, Kristen's dad was as well. He was doing his job, and therefore kept standing directly in front of my friends and I. He was close enough to touch, and I just about died being so close to Kristen, even if it was just her father. He's really intimidating when you see him working, but when he speaks, he's like the nicest man ever. I just wanted to share with you how freaking close I got to her. :)
    Her hair looks effing amazing, her legs never end, Letterman can suck it, and Kristen is so amazing lately. I don't know how I'm gonna get my fix when the hype dies down.

  12. For commentary and entertainment, this is one of the most original and creative blogs I have come across. It makes me laugh out loud...something I rarely do. Keep it up and thanks!

  13. Kstew is better than us, and CC is better than me. You rock girl!

    Baci dall'Italia.

  14. I love the dedication that you still got this posted when you were in NYC and the shitshow had begun. Your dedication is unparalled!

    I haven't watched Letterman yet but when I do I'm sure I will be proud of KStew and wanting to hit Dave.

    I hear you about the pet thing. When I moved all the way to Vegas, for four months, I brought my cat on the plane with me and we lived in a sweet ass condo like we were on top of the world. Many thought I should leave her behind with my folks. After all, it was only for four months. SCREW THAT. Where I go, my cat goes. And yes, I made the flight attendant bring her some tuna on the flight :)

    LOVE the Viking pics btw!
