Tuesday, June 8, 2010

MTV Movie Awards... or just The Twilight Awards

Remember how last post I was all jazzed about being able to know what was going on at the movie awards at 3pm Hawaii time? Like I was ahead of the learning curve or something? That turned out to be my worst nightmare, like an Inferno ring of hell, worse than being frozen from my head down and my eyelashes being frozen open.

On Sunday I finagled my way into having E leave the beach around 2 so we could hit the shops and be done around 3:30. I figured that gave me plenty of time before anything important happened. Um, WRONG. Kristen goes and wins right away, and then everyone is tweeting about cuteness and I'm fucking sprinting down the beach to partake in this.

When I got back to my hotel room, I latched onto my laptop and scrambled for a live feed. Enter the suckiest internet that has ever existed on the face of the earth. True story: last Tuesday E and I were on a plane during Glee. On Wednesday I downloaded the episode to my iTunes. It took EIGHT hours. Did you read that? EIGHT. What internet is that glacial these days, I mean honestly.

I serio left this... to go watch MTV. ISSUES? Yes. I have issues.

So I'm struggling to get this freaking feed up and then I see everyone tweet: BEST KISS IN FIVE MINUTES. It was crunch time, I now had five minutes to get myself together or I was going to fling my body off of my balcony… and it was a long journey down.

My feed goes up just in time to see Kristen trip, I get pixilated snippets here and there, and then it goes black. 

I was literally screaming, "NO, NO! NO! NO! NO!" and E came running in as I'm having a hissy fit. She's like, "holy shit are you okay?" I'm like, "WE'RE PAYING OUT THE ASS FOR THE FOUR SEASONS AND THEIR FUCKING INTERNET CAN'T WORK!?" I had a god damn meltdown. This is what fucking Twilight/Kristen/Rob does to me. Ridiculous. I'm ridiculous. Luckily a good buddy taped it on her iPhone and sent it to my email. Let me tell you this, her commentary alone was worth the wait. Hilarious.

I am DYING to know what you guys were shouting as shit went down. DYING. 

Anyhow, I got on a plane at 11:20pm Hawaii time, landed at 8:00am yesterday SoCal time and then I went to sleep. Forever. When I woke up, I saturated myself in the MTVMAs, and I'm in love.

Let's start from the top.


Kristen looked unbelievable.

Hot.Strappy.Shoes. Not exactly sparkling, but because of fanfic, I picture all heels up in the air. Those would look nice, no?
I freaking adored her outfit for one reason: the gold with her eyes was out of this fucking world.

She never smiles. Ever.

That's not even fair. Her eyes are not even fair. Fuck Twilight for making her wear contacts because holy shit that girl has absolutely beautiful eyes.

A lot of people hate the hair. Is it a weave? A hairpiece? A chia pet?

"You talk shit on this hair... I'll whip you in the fuckin' face with it."

Who cares? It's not permanent, so those that don't like it don't have to worry their pretty little heads because it can be gone in a flash. I personally like that it's something new. I love the length of her natural hair right now, but I like the idea of the long hair. Everyone wanted something new, and then she did it and it was too much. Well, beggars can't be choosers. I think the long hair made this look infinitely hotter and infinitely more dominatrix-y (yes, that's a word as well). 

Kristen looked stunning, plain and simple. This girl has been batting a thousand lately. It's why I often times refer to her as Her Holy Hotness. It's so true.

Now for the awards. As I said, I was dillydallying when Kristen won the first award, but when I finally saw it I could NOT stop staring. Fuck Robert Pattinson for looking at her like that because I am now so unbelievably insecure about the inadequacies and shortcomings of my OWN personal relationship. As my non-psycho killer bloggie bff, @TheUrbanWhisk, put it:


The speech was so cute. I thought it was so freaking adorable that she thanked Chris. Come on. She could've thanked anyone on the face of the earth, and instead she took that opportunity to tell her old friend that she really missed him. It made me miss Chris and those fucking pants.

remember when K wore his pants?

NOT! I loathe those pants, but I really do miss Chris. Congrats to Kristen for winning that award because she really freaking deserved it.

Moving on. The next part was The Kiss. I'm pretty sure it's a proper noun now, right? Because people stop breathing, twitter crashes, and the world stops spinning when two of the hottest people ever created MAY possibly fornicate (if you're EXTRA LUCKY) on stage in front of millions of people.

Don't stare too long. Something bad happens, I'm sure of it.

Even better than the kiss was when Kristen had a little trippy-poo walking up there, turns around, and grabs onto Rob's chest. Ummmm yeahhhh, where do I sign up for that?

K: I'm gonna slap you in the face.
R: hahahah! Ok.

Woah there, let's keep this PG.

We've all seen the kiss.

I had a pixilated version. I saw them pretending to not know how to kiss, then it was a weird thing of Rob hovering and then an internet fail fade to black. Hey Twilight? THAT'S HOW YOU FADE TO BLACK! Holy shit I went bananas. So I went on twitter and everyone was abuzz and I heard they didn't do anything. I was like THE FUCK!? Then I got the video in e-mail and totally retracted my statement.

I think it was cheesy
K: You kinda smell funny...

R: I'm very sleepy, so ima rest my head right *places head on hand* here.

and adorable.

...and HOT.

And if they think for ONE second that any person on the face of this earth thinks that it's hard to make them look hot while kissing, well then they are delusional. Please. PLEASE. Sometimes the looks exchanged between the two are enough to make you quiver, so a kiss? Uh yeah.

It had a lot of try in it this year and that annoyed some of you. It didn't annoy me at all. Last year was like… ugh… that was so fucking epic. SO.FUCKING.EPIC. So when I saw them stumbling I was like laughing and cringing all at once because awkward things (even if planned as this) make me feel awkward. Anyhow, I got over it. Why? Because that boy fuckin grabbed that girl and just BAM.
once again, it's like staring at the sun...

That is every fanfic you've ever read in your whole life. Don't even try to tell me it's not. Like, come on. It also made me think of She's the Man. Those of you that have been with me from the beginning know I reference the 'big dumping' to She's the Man in my second post. Well, I will call upon that 'great movie' again!

In the movie, Amanda is talking to the yummy Channing Tatum (while pretending to be a boy) and says, "No man... if you wanna kiss her... You go right ahead and you kiss her! I mean, knock yourself out! You just take her... then kiss her. Then kiss the crap out of her!"


TomStu sat Rob down right before the MTVMAs and told him that exact piece of advice. 

That shit was hot. I don't care if people are pissed that they couldn't see if they actually kissed. WHO CARES. Use your imagination, you do for everything else!! He attacked her ass. Finally. GET IT! She's hot. 

That's why she needed to have long hair, don't you get it? That wouldn't have been as hot unless you pictured him pinning her against a wall after. 

Now for the battle of this year-vs-last. There is a chance that I liked last years just a little more, and don't go crazy on me for saying this because it's simply my opinion… one you can obvs respectfully disagree with! I love heartfail. I like to not get what I want and hurt over it. So when Kristen and Rob DIDN'T kiss last year (and gave me blueballs) I was like damn that was fucking awesome. 

"We won! We really won!"
"They like us! They really like us!"

That being said, I have watched this clip over and over and I laugh and smile the entire time. They were everything you would've expected them to be, and if you really thought that they were going to have a make out sesh… well then you haven't been paying attention to ANYTHING since 2007.  WELL PLAYED ROB AND KRISTEN. If it wasn't what you wanted, well guess what? Chances are they are going to win next year as well, so you can start praying to your Robsten gods tonight.

Afterwards, Rob said that he thought he had the best idea ever for their best kiss skit, but he was shot down by anyone he presented the idea to. I cannot even imagine what his idea was, but I've said it before: the world isn't ready for their sex tape so that had to be put on the back burner. And besides, they are the faces of a chastity belt franchise that preaches to abstain, so no, Rob, that wouldn't have worked... this time.

Also, this is one of my favorite pictures of the night…

But doesn't it remind you of this?

What IS it with Rob and Disney movies? 

After this kiss shenanigan, Rob won Global Superstar and Best Male Performance… and then he thanked Kristen.

(CC translation to YIKES!)

If you tell me that he 'had' to thank Kristen (as per Summit), then I'll tell you that you have to get your IQ tested... or just go back through your local school system. I didn't see that one coming because sometimes handlers seem like raging biznatches. Oh, that reminds me, HOW ADORABLE ARE KSTEW AND RUTH!?!? Get out of town! I love them so much. Team Ruth.

You cannot look at this and not smile. Legit.

Anyhow, Fingers' exact words were, "and Kristen because without her, you know, she's the lynchpin of the whole series…"

FINALLY SOMEONE IS THINKING CLEARLY!! How long have we been saying this kids? Forever and then some. Robert Pattinson just got infinitely more classy in my eyes, and it wasn't even possible because I flove him so much already!

It was upon reading some things that I realized that not many people have any fucking idea what a lynchpin is. That shocked the hell out of me, but it shouldn't because not many people read nowadays. A lynchpin is an anchor or backbone. In Rob's eyes, Kristen is the backbone/anchor of the saga… oh and in all of our eyes as well.

Bravo to Robert Pattinson for saying something so genuinely nice about a girl who is constantly shit on by the public, and sometimes her own fair-weather fans (shame on you). 

Then a new Eclipse scene was shown. Let's watch it together, okay?

...Jacob who?

I'm not sure why people even bother getting upset anymore because the clip wasn't anything shocking. Obviously I wasn't the biggest fan of this clip, for no other reason then I CAN'T STAND JACOB BLACK. Uh duh, we all know that. Stupid ass Bella walking away from Edward to get on the back of that idiot's bike makes me wanna shake her to death. But guess what? Girlfriend never had the best judgement anyway considering she is dating a gosh darn vampire. Sure it didn't happen in the book like that, but for dramatic purposes (and LIES purposes ONLY) it now happens in the movie like that. Well Edward, that's what you get for lying. Next time, grab her by the neck and kiss her. Perhaps that will stop her dead in her tracks. o_O

Perhaps the biggest win of the night was PFach. I didn't get to watch this until the next day, but I was rolling on the floor fucking dying.  Sure he said the word fuck a million times and it made me laugh, but the piece de resistance was his quote to Stephanie Meyer. 

"Stephanie Meyer, without you this world would not be. We wouldn't even be here. I'm not going to curse with you 'cause you're mormon."

I have a very fucked sense of humor so that had me absolutely DYING. And after Peter was done with his epic 'fuck' speech, he went over and gave our girl a nice hug and kiss. 

"Thank you so much for saying fuck all those times."

Had Kristen stood up there and said fuck 12308 times she would've been reamed in the ass again by every publication in the world, but because Peter did it, it was hilarious. And it was hilarious. And Kristen thought it was hilarious. And so in the end they hugged it out.

Pete Wentz tweeted:

Well now I couldn't agree more. Wouldn't it be better if they had a specific Twilight awards and then we could pit them all against one another? It would be far more competitive, and this so-called 'family' that they are always claiming to have would quickly crumble. I'm an asshole so I would laugh. But seriously, these kids are on fire and it isn't stopping anytime soon.

Congrats to Kristen, Rob and Anna for all of their wins… and to Twilight because you take all of the money out of my wallet and I cannot wait until June 30 to continue this tradition.

I think Kristen looked absolutely stunning that night. Her spirits were high. She smiled a lot, and truthfully she looked happy to be there. 

"I dropped the popcorn, and this time it landed face up!"

Did you watch the awards? Please, KStew is better than you.

[A/N: WELL… WHAT DID YOU THINK!? I know I said we'd talk about this Monday, but it just wasn't in the cards. Sleep was. I'm back in SoCal, and tomorrow evening I'll be meeting up with some of Cali's KSIBTU readers. You guys know I'm terrified of people, so I'll be letting you know all of their twitter names... incase I turn up dead. Also, KSIBTU will have a really cool (and brief) announcement on Thursday so be sure to stop by!! I love ya more than the SoCal sunshine!]


  1. Great post! I couldn't agree more. I thought Kristen was gorg... She and Rob were adorable... and they made me all happy and giddy and smiley. :-)

    What more could a girl want?

  2. Your post is pure win. Kristen is just gorgeous & you are right about her eyes. Stunning. Her speech was so her & the best kiss speech was pure perfection. Two peas in an adorkable awkward pod. It was so them. If I hear one more bitch talking about PR PR PR, or she seems miserable, I'm gonna go all Jason Voorhees up in twitterverse. You can not fake that content, smitten, & all out adorable look on his face when she won. They are so giddy & in love. Kristen Stewart you fierce bitch you. ♥

  3. CC! Look what some crazy person sent me for my birthday: http://twitpic.com/1ux7kv! She sent me LIES!!!!


  4. You also forgot to mention how in Rob's speech he thanked Catherine Hardwicke for "everything" I imagine that he was thinking about Kristen when he said that.

  5. Great Great Great!!!! You said a wonderful mouthful, Rob has more class then anyone gives him for, and for Kristen she's adorable a true stand up girl and more should be like her, curse words and all, SHE'S NORMAL!! everyday folk and that's a refreshing thought! Love them and it was thier own way of coming out yet once again, without saying a word!!!!!!!!!

  6. *sigh* I am still dying from the epicness that was Sunday night. Like I will be in the middle of washing the dishes and suddenly remember PFach thanking fucking Justin Bieber and I start dying of laughter again.

    I only use the word 'epic' when I really mean it and in relation to this years MTV Movie Awards, well, it was EPIC and I realy fucking mean it. I also have to thank this years award show for giving me new ideas on how to express myself using the word fuck. Truly.

    And yes - I loved the kiss. It was everything I could have wanted and then some. And its true. There are potentially THREE more movies left which they will totally win Best Kiss for again and again. They have to leave some stuff to the imagination. And you are right. That kiss was every fanfic RIGHT THERE *flails*

    Lastly, yes. Kstewsrelationshipisbetterthanurs is so disgustingly true. I'm not going to lie. the reasons behind me ending my last relationship had a shit-ton to do with the fact that a) he was not Rob b)he actually thought he was better looking than Rob (stupid idiot) c) he cut his hair all of off and his hair was the one thing that DID resemble rob and d) he did not treat me like I should be treated. which is nothing shy of how rob treats kstew. e) he hated kstew. HATED. That was totally the deal breaker. End of story.

  7. First of all, the Lion King picture? WIN. It DOES reminded me of that. Thank you for pointing it out.

    Second of all: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes, to everything you said.

    Especially what you said about the look on Rob's face when Kristen won... I died. I died and considered crying, because I don't think I will ever have a boyfriend who would look at me like that (also, I will never have a boyfriend who looks like Rob either, which is just... well, it's sad).

    And when Rob grabbed her and planted one right on her pretty little mouth - I'm not ashamed to say that I squealed just a tad. I can't completely decide if I think that kiss was planned or not. I'm leaning towards not, just based on Rob's expression right before he did it (Kinda like "Should I? I want to... Yeah, I'm going for it") and then both of their reactions afterwards. Kristen's like "Oh my god, I can't believe you did that!" and Rob's like "Mwhahahaha! Yeah, I did it. What you gunna do 'bout it, huh? Mwhahaha!"

    Or maybe I'm just over-analysing it, because I WANT Rob to have taken her by surprise. I want him to have just gone "Oh, fuck it," and grabbed her. I think those "suggestions" he had all involved some heavy making out, and the version we got was most likely more Kristen's idea than Rob's. I want to think he rebelled a little. Kinda hot, don't you think?

    Also, she didn't exactly look upset about it. I like to think that she was struggling to hide a smug, satisfied grin. I mean, Rob kissed her. We ALL wanted to be her in that moment.

    One thing that annoys me a little is people's comments about "the face" Kristen did when Rob thanked her. Everyone acts like she looks irritated by it - I just thought she looked surprised, disbelieving, a little embarrassed but definitely pleased. I would have made the same face. I thought it was completely adorable.

    Also, Pfach... WIIIIIN. That is all.

    Awesome post, as always. I greatly enjoyed reading it.

  8. love it cc..mtv was awesome i was a little bit disappointed cuz i was expecting a kiss but i knew it wasnt going to happened so im okay with that..kstew looked amazing why wouldnt she cmmon she is her holy hotness..cant wait for thursday announcement..:)

  9. This cracked me up because your internet fail is exactly how I would have reacted and my husband would have been like "what the heck is wrong with you?" Haha!

    I am still smiling from Sunday.

    And I agree with the above, Kristen reacted to Rob's thanks a lot like my husband would. He does not take compliments well. I think the fact that Kristen is so real is what makes me adore her more.

  10. Great post as always. Look at you being all brave & meeting more people! Just remember I was your first haha

    I don't think I had ever watched the awards show before. Of course I enjoyed since it was the "Twilight Show " and K was looking awesome. Seemed like K & R were in their own bubble, relaxing and having fun. Whatever they are to each other, I like to see them happy, so I was happy. To anyone concerned that they'd be apart while he films WFE & she does promotion for Eclipse, absence clearly make the heart grow founder - in all the right ways!


  11. Oh great post..agree 100%! And Vicanic, i agree whith you about the comments - the face, looks, when Rob thanked her...well is think she was caught of guard,was a surprise, and than she just react like this...rolling her eyes.
    She is so real and sweet..sometimes i whish she just relax a little bit...

  12. I'm not that eloquent with words so I'm just going to say that I love your blog and I think you are amazing. I agree with everything you wrote and yes, staring at Rob and Kristen in their bubble is like staring at the sun.

  13. More Kristen fans need to be like you!

  14. Coming out of Lurkville to say that....GIRLFRIEND, YOU SHUT IT DOWN! I f'love your blog. It's my religion. You're so spot on with everything and, for that reason...I have to say that "CC is Better Than You." True story.

  15. Did Kristen really roll her eyes when Rob thanked her? Because when I watched it, that's not what I saw, yet it seems everyone is bagging on her for supposedly doing it. I saw her look surprised in a good way, until she saw the camera was on her, and then she sort of grimaced a bit, like she was embarrassed. I HATE that people are looking for yet another reason to put her down, when they're clearly misinterpreting her actions (yet again)...at least, that's the way I see it.

    LOVED how Rob looked at her when she won, with such love and pride. It's the way he looked at her when she was talking on Oprah, AND the way he looked at her way back in November of 2008, when they were both on the Today Show and she was explaining why it had to be Rob playing Edward. I just love that he finally got what he wanted, especially since I'm convinced that it was what she wanted too.

    Love your blog, BTW. KStew for sure is btrthanme!

  16. Sunday night, my beloved St. Louis Cardinals were playing one of very few televised games here in the ass crack of central Georgia [thank you USAF] and at 2100 hours I changed the channel to MTV and my husband nearly had a coronary. He asked, 'What the hell are you doing? I thought you were freaking out because the Cards were on?' I said, 'You obviously do not know what tonight is.'
    Tell me Belle, what is tonight?
    Tonight is Twilight Takeover. And when I saw how gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, captivating, pretty, lovely, etc. that Kristen was, I nearly died. D&G was a perfect choice. Her acceptance speech, awesome. BEST KISS. Holy hell. Rob WANTED that shit so bad that he just went for it. GO ROB! Peter Facinelli is my hero, too. When his fuck rant went off, my husband said, 'Can he say that?' Umm, Doctor Cullen can say whatever the fuck he wants. Haven't you read EP?
    I hope you had a great time in Hawaii...I really enjoyed all of your TwitPics. I even showed my husband one and said, 'Take me there.' He said, 'How are we going to get there; swim?' [Note: he doesn't fly in airplanes, and he is in the damn AIR FORCE.]
    Anywho, I'm rambling. Excellent post. I always love your made up real words, your sense of humor, and your lovely photos with captions underneath.

  17. I wish all Kristen fans are like you. Yes, Kristen was so gorgeous and happy in the awards show. I love that RK sat beside each other unlike last year's.
    As usual, I love your post!

  18. I just fucking love your fucking fabulous post, you just said everything I'd fucking like to say and some more!

  19. Another great crack me up!
    I loved the show, and I love the support K is getting from her twi family (Pfach’s hug, Anna’s kiss, and of course everything her sweetie did) and all the fans that voted for her (She won over Sandy!).
    After watching their barely there kiss, I saw a picture of a celebrity kissing her hubbie, I thought it looked so fake. Reality shows have ruin a lot of the mystery in relationships, but K and her sweetie have me mesmerized, since they don’t reveal too much. I’m loving it!

  20. You rock CC.

    The next best thing to seeing Kstew is reading about you gushing about Kstew. Love it!! I wish I had your way with words but I don't so I just stare her Holy Hotness and wish I didn't live freaking 15 time zones away. Sigh.

    But come 24 June, Eclipse red carpet, here I come :)

  21. Her Holy Hotness looks soo hot that night*sigh* *insert Rob's dreamy face looking at Her Holyness during her Best Female award here*


  23. Oh my God, HILARIOUS! That Simba comparison had me clutching my stomach.

    Amen to everything, sister friend!

  24. [In the movie, Amanda is talking to the yummy Channing Tatum (while pretending to be a boy) and says, "No man... if you wanna kiss her... You go right ahead and you kiss her! I mean, knock yourself out! You just take her... then kiss her. Then kiss the crap out of her!"]


    Rob and Kristen are the most adorkable and hottest couple on the planet. They own my heart!

  25. wah. wah. wah. I looooved the awards. it was pretty fun to stay awake to whole night (cause here in Germany I had to wait until 3am O_o eek). I was really pissed that couldn't see the pre-show here, so I checked gettyimages.com like every 30 sec to see her Flawlesness. I'd NEVER EVER thought she'd wear sth gold - never. (Yeah and silver/grey) But it looked stunning and I was happy to see her with long hair (but shorter than in Seoul, right?) again.
    I love it when she thumbs up - it's cute and reminds of myself cause I'm doing this like all the time. haha.
    BEST KISS? I'd loooooooove to know HIS idea .. the backstage interviews were so cute and funny. wondering if they haven't one with Kristen.
    Loved it when she rolled her eyes when Rob thanking her. PURE FUN.

    can't wait for next year. Maybe we'll see a real kiss in the 3 years after all parts of BD are released and it's all over. haha.


  26. just noticed what Kristen has the same hairdo as Xtina's dancers ^^

  27. once again, your post made me cry from laughing so hard. I was reading it for the first time on my laptop in the car on the way home from the beach. The bf was talking on the phone. I would giggle at random points in the post and he would turn and look at me like, "WTH???"

    Onto the awards part...KStew winning first thing was awesome! The way she touched his stomach as she walked by on her way to the stage...died a little inside. When Best Kiss was getting ready to come up, my bf had been walking around the room and he stopped RIGHT IN FRONT of the tv. I screamed, "MOVE!!!!!" yeah, he didn't appreciate that too much. luckily he went to the pool, so I could indulge in my fangirl obsessiveness by myself. But when they won best kiss, I was literally jumping up and down on the hotel bed screaming! I was right with the audience when they were chanting, "DO IT!" Yeah, I was literally screaming that in my head.

    Yeah, it was a pretty epic night. The things we do for Rob/Kristen/Twilight are sometimes scary. Oh well! I don't lose sleep over it. ;-)

    Come visit my blog

  28. Hinklebelle, I completely agree with you. I was flipping channels like crazy, in a vain attempt, to watch them both. MTV won out... Never thought I'd say that.

  29. Amazing post! I remember reading your tweet saying you were on your own personal hell, and girl, I felt your pain. MTV didn't broadcast last year awards until a week later in my country and the live stream I attempted to watch kept dying. I thought I was going to suffer the same way I did last year (only worse because all the live streams were disabled five minutes before the show started) and I was raging and cursing at MTV, and then a friend tells me "I don't know what you're talking about, I've been watching the red carpet on my tv this whole time and the show has just started." I was like "WHAT?! WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?"
    Anyway, I turned on the tv just in time to see her Best Female Actress award acceptance speech.
    I was kinda surprised she kept the hair extensions. I loved her hair at the Korean fan event, she socked the hell out of me with the long locks. I love her natural hair length and I loved her New Moon hair but I'm not a fan of ponytails.
    Rob and Kristen's awkwardness, shyness, cuteness made me cringe and also giggle like a 12 year-old girl, that's exactly why I adore them completely. Plus, they're so hot together you just can't not imagine them having some wall banging after the show.

  30. I just want to say that your blog makes me laugh.out.loud. Seriously. I find myself bursting out laughing at the picture captions, random anecodotes, 'sprinting down the beach', you name it. So thank you for writing such a great blog. :) I appreciate it. ♥

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